Monday, November 7, 2016

Move It

I’ve moved. Almost. We’re on our way…

Our furniture was supposed to be delivered last Wednesday, but due to blah blah blah delays it won’t be here until this Wednesday. As the scheduler said, ‘Just at the end of your given window.’ I did not remind her that date fell technically two days beyond our given window because what’s the point? When you’re moving you need to roll with things as best you can.

The good news is our new furniture was delivered, early in fact, so I guess it all balances out in the end. New furniture arriving early is pretty much unheard of, but we had a steady stream of people in and out of the house Thursday and Friday, and hubs and I woke up in our very own brand new bedroom for the first time Saturday morning.

And for the first time in 32 years we have a king sized bed. The room needed it and we splurged on the softest sheets ever produced (Boll and Branch) and beautiful new bedding and I love it so much I may just live in my bedroom. I’m not kidding.

We also have a new couch and two new chairs for the great room and it’s possible I took an accidental four-hour nap in the new chair Saturday night. Hubs says he tried to wake me up three different times but I was having none of it. He even made himself a sandwich and apparently offered to make me one too but I have absolutely no recollection of the conversation. I was beyond exhausted.

We have some pieces for the covered deck and a kitchen table and chairs, but no dishes yet. I scrounged up two mugs and the coffee pot so we’re basically golden. I’m anxious to cook again and hope I remember how. That’s a skill you lose if you don’t use it on a regular basis and I haven’t cooked since sometime mid-October.  I’m having company for Thanksgiving (I know!!) so diving back in to the deep end. All family though, so lots of helpers and forgivers if things aren’t perfect.

Things will not be perfect.

I have all kinds of thoughts about moving and the new house, but I’m on hubs computer in a local lunch spot while he makes a business call from the car. No Internet/TV is just one more thing you have to roll with and we’re doing our best. On the bright side we’re missing the 24/7 election coverage so winning! In fact moving during a volatile election season is a fabulous distraction from all things distressing.  

I sip my morning coffee as the sun rises over the water and I think to myself-

…what a wonderful world.


  1. Happy for you! So many stories for you to tell. Enjoy your new house!!

  2. I am beyond excited for you! Your bedroom sounds fabulous! Heck, it all sounds fabulous! My Hubs absolutely refuses a king bed. He claims we are too far apart in one. (which sometimes would not be a bad thing)
    {ahem} :)

  3. I'm joining you in the madness, but we're just getting started. We spent our last day in Florida at the builder's design center picking all kinds of things and being up charged accordingly! You have the right attitude - I hope to also :-)

  4. What a beautiful house! So glad you are moved in and look forward to seeing and hearing more about it :)

  5. Congratulations! Now the fun begins, unpacking and finding space for everything. looking forward to seeing photos of the interior once you are settled.
    Lori in Blue Ridge, GA

  6. So pretty! Cannot wait to see more pictures!

  7. Oh my, that view!!! I have a feeling the house will be a home by Thanksgiving and your cooking skills will have all come back to you by then. Glad you have a bed to sleep in! I remember sleeping on air mattresses (for the pool) until our furniture arrived. Always fun!!

  8. a view for your morning coffee...wonderful world indeed. How excited and happy you must be to set this BEAUTIFUL house up to be home, and begin making memories. I am hoping you will give us little tours as you pull things together. ENJOY!! AND CONGRATS!

  9. Yippee! So glad the day has finally come. A king sized bed is my requirement these days. Hope everything shows up soon. In the meantime congratulations!

  10. LOVELY! And, a king size bed, I'm betting you are going to wonder how you lived without it. What a beautiful view to wake up to each day. Blessings!

  11. I can tell you're a "seasoned mover" by the way you roll with the unexpected, still you must be so anxious to get settled. What a beautiful view you have. Enjoy it before the real work of moving in begins.

  12. So pretty! We drove over your lake yesterday and I wondered where your house might be. Have fun unpacking!

  13. Your house looks really beautiful and once everything is done, I am sure you will enjoy it ! We always had a Kingsize bed, We could never have being able to sleep in such a narrow bed ! I saw that for the first time in France ! In Germany there is one Kingsize bed frame but two matresses inside and bedlinnen for each person. The poor Germans when they travel ! In Belgium there are only Kingsize beds.

  14. It sounds wonderful already and only half done! Can't wait to see pictures when everything's arrived and you are (almost) straight! I'm sure your cooking will be wonderful.

  15. Your home is just lovely and I wish you all the best in your life there. I posted my Thanksgiving menu and already have a guest complaining about it. Tough. I am sure your day will be great!

  16. Beautiful. So happy for you! Hope things straighten out soon and you can relax!

  17. Congrats on finally being able to sleep in your new house! I'm SO happy for you. Enjoy your moving day distraction from Election Day :)

  18. I am so happy for you guys. It sounds just wonderful. I've heard of Boll and Branch sheets, but nice to get a personal testimony. Which room gets the morning light? Wish we could all descend upon you for a house warming!

  19. Oh happy days! This is all just wonderful! Your two snapshots are beautiful. I'm so glad you are finally to this stage of the moving process.

  20. Gorgeous house and I love your view! You are blessed to have such a peaceful oasis!

  21. So excited for you! All the hard work finally paying off & a lifetime of enjoying it lays ahead!

  22. Sorry about the delay. How wonderful that you have a new bed in your new house. Enjoy! Your home is gorgeous and I love the view.

  23. How exciting! Your house is beautiful! Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
