Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Hodgepodge Carolina Style

Wow Wednesdays sure do roll around fast. The whole calendar is rolling around fast if you ask me! Wednesday means it's time for another edition of the Hodgepodge. If you've 'labored' over this week's questions add your link at the end of my post, then run say hi to your neighbor. Here we go-

1. Can you believe we're rolling in to the Labor Day weekend? What's a project you'll labor over this fall?

There are several things I need to tackle this fall but high on my list are getting our old VHS tapes transferred to DVD, finding a couch for my screened in porch, and coming up with a plan for my home office. Right now I have furniture in there from my previous house and it's not really working for me. I mean it works in that you can sit on it and there's a desk, etc but it's not the look I want for the room. 

2. Tell us about the best perks you ever had in a job?

This may sound funny to some of you, but I'm going to say it would be my job as a camp counselor while in college. The pay was next to nothing but the perks were second to none. I spent all day outdoors beside the Chesapeake, swimming, sailing, canoeing, etc. It was an opportunity to have a positive impact on the young teenagers in my care, I made lifelong friends, and I grew up a lot-not just emotionally, but spiritually as well. So much. The job was demanding in every sense of the word, the pay was lousy, and the perks? They were golden. 

3. August 31st is National South Carolina Day. Have you ever been to SC? Any desire to go? According to Southern Living, these are the top ten things to do in South Carolina...

Explore Charleston, bike, golf or relax on Hilton Head Island, see the beach and the boardwalk at Myrtle Beach, visit the state museum in the capital city Columbia, observe the wildlife and natural beauty of the Ace Basin, take a walk or hop on a trolley and check out Greenville's charming main street, visit Fort Sumter where the Civil War began, stroll through Pearl Fryar's Topiary Garden in Bishopville leaving time to check out The Button Museum, also in Bishopville, see Morgan Island (also known as Monkey Island)-home to nearly 4000 Rhesus monkeys. 

Which is most appealing to you today? If you're a SC native, resident, or frequent visitor what would you add to the list?

As it happens I live in the Palmetto State and I love it here. I've seen/done most of the 'top ten', but had to look up the Ace Basin as I wasn't sure of it's exact location. It's essentially between Beaufort and Charleston so I've been in the area, but haven't explored much in the way of wildlife there. I've never been to Morgan Island but I'm gonna go ahead and tell you now that monkeys en masse creep me out so I will likely give that one a miss. 

I think a trip to Bishopville might be in order as that's a new one for me. And as a resident of the state here's a tip-don't miss Greenville. She's an absolute gem! #yeahthatGreenville

4. Beef, pork, country-style, barbecued, baby back, spare or short...your favorite kind of rib? What's a dish you enjoy that really 'sticks to your ribs'?

Okay, so it's possible my ridiculous injury got me to thinking about how I could incorporate 'ribs' into a question this week, and while the question has nothing to do with the human skeleton it fits. Also, I can't imagine breaking ribs because my bruised ribs are miserable. 

Back to the edible kind-I like all of the above, but short ribs are my favorite. Something I enjoy that sticks to my ribs? Oatmeal with dried cherries and sliced bananas are a favorite breakfast here. 

5. What's one important skill you think every person should have? Why?

I think everyone needs basic social skills, should know how to budget their money and time, and have the ability to cook something. That's three things, but I couldn't narrow it down to just one. 

6.  Insert your own random thought here.

"For I am the Lord your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, do not fear: 
I will help you." Isaiah 41:13

Thinking of all those struggling, suffering, and also those serving the hurting in some way right now in Houston. So many amazing acts of kindness, courage, and generosity are on display and it warms the heart, doesn't it? 

There are many organizations with boots on the ground that need our financial support to help with what will be a massive long term recovery effort. Here's a link to the donation page of one I like, but there are many-Samaritan's Purse. SP receives very high marks from Charity Navigator in terms of finances, transparency, and accountability. 



  1. Thanks for the questions Joyce. Gets my old brain working.

  2. Thanks for another great Hodgepodge! I hope your ribs are feeling a bit better each day. I'm sure they're painful.
    Your three choices everyone should know how to do are good ones. I thought about saying cooking, too.
    Have a great day,
    Kathy (Reflections)

  3. Sorry to hear about your ribs, Joyce. I've twice 'popped the cartilage' on my ribs and it's painful for a very long time. Charity Navigator, as you mentioned, is the way to go to find out exactly where your money is going and to compare organizations. Samaritans Purse is the best, as far as I can tell. By the way, i was looking at 'next to nothing' and 'second to none' that you used. It struck me how similar their meanings should be and yet how different they are. What an interesting and tricky language we have!

  4. A necessary skill for everybody ... cooking ?? That's the last thing I would think of, lol ! You can always buy some food.

  5. All your fall labors are fun and will bring happiness!
    Agreed, monkeys en masse are SUPER creepy.
    You and your poor bruised ribs, hope you are on the mend!

  6. Great questions this week! Always enjoy reading what you come up with. Hope your ribs feel better soon.

  7. It's always good to know that the rules here on Hodgepodge can be bent because most of the time, I can never narrow things down to one. Your answer on number 5 is good and how different would it be for young people to get those down pat? I'm sorry to read that your ribs are injured. Very painful I know. My friend's daughter was in a car accident which crushed all her ribs on her left side and she has been sedated for the last three weeks to ease her pain. You have some nice projects lined up. I am holding on to our VHS player.
    I trust Samaritan's Purse, too and the Salvation Army.

  8. I couldn't believe it when I read about your tumble off the ladder! I know that must have been terrifying and I can't believe how you powered through having company. Goodness girl, you've made of some tough stuff. I agree with you about Greenville and the whole monkey thing. Nope. LOL The 3rd graders at our school take a trip to Columbia every year and the museum is one of their stops. My favorite is the planetarium. I could stay in there for days. I think you'll enjoy Bishopville. I did but it's been YEARS since I've been. I thought about doing a bit of traveling with Baby M while I have her for 9 days but with Mother here, that's out. How's that grandbaby doing? Take care of yourself and stay off the ladder!

  9. Oh, I do love my office (Diva Den) and I put so much thought into it and was more than pleased with the outcome. I'm quite sure you will get "the look" shortly and like me, will enjoy it immensely. It's good to be back with the HP this week. Quick healing of your ribs!

  10. Now how did I miss the story about the ribs. I will have to go back and look for that one. I do hope you have rapid healing. We have donated to the Texas Baptist Men's Relief Effort, but there are so many other groups who are doing great works there right now.

  11. Funny how we both chose a fruity oatmeal as our "stick to the ribs" food. Sure hope yours are feeling better or will be soon. It takes time, I know.

    Loved your random thought and your three skills. Great questions this week!

  12. I have a few VHS tapes that I need to transfer also. Furniture shopping should be fun. I considered saying oatmeal because it does stick to your ribs. So sorry you hurt your ribs. Hope you recover quickly.

  13. If I ever have the chance to return to South Carolina I will consult you for suggestions. Hope those ribs of yours are getting less painful every day. I agree wholeheartedly with your #5 and amen to your random. Thanks for the Hodgepodge Joyce!

  14. Your response to skills we should all have reminded me of back when I was a senior at USC in Columbia, South Carolina. The first of one semester, a freshman came by my room and asked, "How do you get food?" I gave him a campus map with the dining halls circled and then he said, "No, how do you get food in your dorm room? You and your roommate have food, when are they going to bring mine?" I took him to Food Lion and showed him how to shop.
    His mom was a lawyer and dad was a doctor, or the other way around. All his life he had servants. This was a skill I thought everyone had.

  15. It has been a long while but I was SO happy to see this link up is still going strong and was so excited to participate.:) I need to get all my old vhs tapes out and get them on DVD as well. Thank you for the reminder. Oh and I share your "monkeys creep me out" feelings.Glad to see I am not the only one.

  16. Good questions and it is nice to have to put the thinking cap on!
    So sorry to hear of your injury. I hope you are feeling wonderful soon again! Prayers going your way.

  17. Thanks, Joyce, for the concern for our area of Texas. We haven't left our house in a couple of days, so didn't realize it is was bad in our town as it is. I just posted a link to a video on both my blogs (PS Annie! and McClendon Villa at Wordpress) that our daughter found on Facebook. The post title is "In the Aftermath of Harvey". It shows just how very blessed our almost dry neighborhood is...downtown was pretty much a river or lake this morning.

    We have family in Bishopville. We found her through the Ancestry DNA match program. She is a grand-daughter to David's Great-grandpa McClendon. She and his dad were first cousins. We've never met her and I've never been to Bishopville. Let me know how it goes if you get to visit there.

    I don't think a group of monkeys would creep me out, but it is sad that they are used for research there.

    I hope that your ribs will feel better very soon. Have a blessed day. :)

  18. I am sorry to hear about your rib injury. It wouldn't be so painful if you didn't have to breathe. Damage to ribs or any load bearing joint, i.e. back, knees, hips, or ankles, are the worst. I hope and pray that you get well soon.
    I am with you on the monkee's thing. I won't be visiting that island either. I also agree with you on the skills question. My Mom and grandmother made sure my siblings and I knew how to cook, how to sew (Basic Stuff) and do laundary. SWMBO is so grateful that they taught me those things but more grateful that I learned them.
    Another disaster relief organization is the Whites Ferry Road church of Christ Disaster Ministry in West Monroe, LA. That is the church where the "Duck Dynasty" folks worship. I agree that it is going to be a long term recovery.
    Have a great Labor Day weekend.
