Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Snips and Snails and Nana Tales

Meet the little boy who has stolen my heart.

He made his way into the world last Thursday, a few days early but since he weighed in at 8 lbs, 1 oz hooray for early! Also Nana was getting anxious. And I'm just gonna go ahead and say now this living 3000 miles away is for the birds!!! Pretty sure I'll have more to say about that in a later post. ahem. 

Today I'm completely overwhelmed by all my thoughts (aka the words in my head) and a heart full to overflowing so let's just meet and greet for now, k? 

We are completely smitten. 

Did I need to tell you that?

After a long day of travel hubs and I finally met our grandson in person yesterday and fair warning, I
intend to overload photos here for ever and ever amen awhile. Sorry, but it cannot be helped. 

Also, not sorry because I'm his Nana and he is the most perfectly precious little boy in the whole wide world. 

He has the most gorgeous full head of dark hair you've ever seen and he looks you right in the eye when he's not eating or sleeping.

Which is often, but still...he's got his mama's spectacular blue eyed baby stare and his Daddy's long fingers, and I'm sure his brains too because I can already tell he's brilliant. Ha! 

He might be only six days new, but Nanas know these things.

My daughter and son-in-law both have such sweet dispositions, so obviously he will too because that's how it works, right?

Baby boy already has his aunt wrapped around his little finger as all good nephews should. Shout out to this girl who has been an absolute rock star in the sister department this past month.

Daughter2 has been in the Evergreen State since early July and what a special time these girls have had together waiting on baby boy to join the party.

This guy is not enjoying grandparenthood at all.

Their pup is a little confused as to why he's not the number one man in the house these days, but he's taking it in stride (mostly) and I know they'll be best buds one day very soon. 

I have so much more to say and share, but words keep and babies don't so for today this will have to do. If you need me I'll be right here...

Is there anything more enchanting than watching a newborn baby discover the world and all the people who love him best? 


  1. BIG congratulations! He is truly blessed and adorable!

  2. Oh, so enjoyed this post! And yes, 500 miles stinks and 3000 is insane!!! I hate that for y'all. But, enjoy this time of bonding, and we'll look forward to more pics!

  3. He is gorgeous and you just post as many photos as you want!! Congratulations to all and he will soon know what a lucky boy he is to have been born into this family!

  4. Congrats! He is beautiful! Show as many pictures as you want. I for one, love seeing them. I know I don't plan to quit showing my grandson anytime soon. I told you it was wonderful being a grandparent. :)

  5. So happy for you all. He's just soo precious! So many wonderful things lie ahead for you as grandparents. Enjoy every little moment!

  6. Congratulations Nana, he is precious!!
    I can't get over that head of hair!! Enjoy your visit ❤️

  7. Oh. My. Word! What a gorgeous little guy....and that hair! Believe me, I understand all those feelings you are having and one just doesn't understand unless they have been there! Congratulations to all of you on this precious new member of the family! Hugs!

  8. Awwwww! So happy for all of you! He is gorgeous! What a lucky baby to have you all for his family. Blessings for everyone! I love all the pictures, keep them coming! Happy, happy faces!

  9. He is so cute and precious. I am thrilled for you, for all of you! Thanks for sharing all the pictures!

  10. I got trary reading this! So happy for all of you!

  11. Oh he is gorgeous! Isn't it "GRAND"? I have thought so often that I never knew being an Oma could be so wonderful! I wish you and "Hubs" (Papa or Grandpa?) the best and happiest of times, and a big congratulations to your daughter and her husband!

  12. I'm so happy for you! Love that head of hair!!!

  13. I was right, wasn't I? Being a grandparent takes love to a whole new level. Being the word person you are I'm sure you can express it so much better than I, but I think its because you are now loving another through your love for your child. Let's just call it "Double Love!" How's that. Yes, he is the most beautiful, most brilliant and loved baby boy ever and that's exactly the way its supposed to be.

  14. So exciting and so glad you are there to kiss that sweet head!

  15. Congratulations! He is gorgeous and what a head of hair! You can post as many pics as you like, he'll never get boring. Enjoy this special time x

  16. Warm congratulations to all! He certainly is a beautiful little boy.

  17. These pictures just made my heart happy! Congratulations on the new addition and soak up every minute of baby snuggles!!

  18. Nothing more enchanting in the whole wide world!! I say this as I watch my 2 yr old granddaughter sleep in my lap...telling me as she drifted off, "you're my YaYa"! And my heart melted!
    No way to explain being a grandparent but LOVE!

  19. I am so happy that your whole family could be together during the first few days! I know that was a very special time. He is so darn cute and alert! I have to agree with you, he looks pretty brilliant!

  20. Oh boy oh boy, how wonderful this is. I understand how smitten you are. Look at the great head of hair. What a great birth weight, too. So glad you are finally here for cuddles and all those sweet infant sounds they make while they sleep. Enjoy and congratulations to all of you.

  21. Congratulations!!! I am so excited for all of you. Looking forward to many, many more posts.
    Love, Carla

  22. Congratulations! Your words glow with the joy of your family's happiness at the arrival of your baby grandson! Thanks for sharing the stories and the lovely photos!

  23. What a beautiful baby boy! Love the photos. Enjoy soaking up Nanahood. There's nothing else quite like it!

  24. Congratulations. The first grandchild is the best!!

  25. Sweet photos! We need to compare Nana/Grammy notes.

  26. Congratulations! He is so precious and I am so happy for all of you.
    "Cleaning and scrubbing can wait 'til tomorrow
    For babies grow up we've learned to our sorrow,
    So quiet down cobwebs and dust go to sleep
    I'm rocking my baby, and babies don't keep."

  27. My heart is bursting for you all! A grand gift from God, so precious.

  28. precious, congratulations, I am so happy for all of you. smiles.

  29. Congratulations! He is absolutely adorable, and I can see why you're smitten.

  30. I just had to come over from Carla's blog to say ...

    Such a wonderful collection of photographs.
    Such a wonderfully happy time.

    My good wishes

    All the best Jan
