Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Think Fast! It's The Hodgepodge

Welcome to this week's edition of The Wednesday Hodgepodge. If you've answered today's questions add your link at the end at the end of my post, then leave a comment for the blogger before you. Here we go-

From this Side of the Pond
1. When did you most recently need to 'think fast'? Elaborate.

Probably when we discovered our water heater recirculation pump had sprung a leak. Hubs is actually the one who had to 'think fast' but I did race for the towels so that's something. 

2. The Hodgepodge lands on National Fast Food Day. What was the last fast food you ate? What's your favorite fast food? How often do you grab fast food? 

I'm not a big fan of fast food and we have it very very seldom. The only real fast food we eat would be Chick-fil-a, and we typically only grab that when we're on the road. I do love it though! 

3. Life in the fast lane, get nowhere fast, on the fast track, not so fast...pick one and tell us how it applies to your life in recent days. 

We're all on the fast track now, aren't we? 39 days til Christmas. 

4. Are you a fast walker? fast talker? fast worker? fall asleep fast? stay fast asleep without too much trouble? 

I used to be a fast walker but I'm in less of a hurry these days lol. In terms of 'fast talker' if you mean the actual speed with which I speak, then yes definitely. If you mean 'fast talker' in the derogatory sense then no. 

I can fall asleep fast, hubs would say faster than anyone he's ever known and his goal in our married life is to just one night fall asleep before me. Staying asleep is sometimes more troublesome, but I wouldn't describe it as an actual problem. 

5. What is one 'hard and fast rule' in your house? 

Be respectful of others. 

6. Insert your own random thought here.  

Love this one-

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  1. I couldn't "think fast" enough to think of a time recently when I had to think fast. As I read your post, I remembered something. One week, I flushed the apartment toilet in the main bathroom and all of a sudden, I heard water and looked in there and there was water coming out of the tank! I QUICKLY thought and walked (do I get two points for using those in a sentence??) toward Mark who had to fix it. There was water coming from around the flusher handle. The person who had installed it had not installed the inner parts correctly. Luckily, Mark is a fast thinker who solved the problem quickly.

  2. That song is beautiful. I've never heard it before. Thank you for sharing it. When we first married and I was on a rotating shift, it always took me forever to go to sleep. But when I changed to permanent day shifts and then ever since, I almost always fall asleep very quickly. Poor hubby doesn't have a chance to go to sleep before me any more. lol Thanks Joyce, for continuing with the Hodgepodge.

  3. Good morning. Oye, a leaky water heater really needs fast thinking. Glad it was caught. I really enjoyed that Thanksgiving song and it brought tears to my eyes this year in particular. Hope your week is going well.

  4. We had a water heater do that to us once and yeah, you'd better get on it or else! Thanks, as always, for posting the questions.

  5. That makes me realize that when our filter on the frig leaked I had to act fast to get the towels. True, we mainly get fast food when we are traveling. True about the fast track but I haven't stepped on it yet! I like your house rule. Love the song. Going to go over and save it on YouTube. Have a great day.

  6. Happy Thanksgiving Joyce! Your fast thinking made me remember when our bathroom sink sprung a leak. ;-)

  7. We had a leaky water pump a couple weeks ago. Spewed water all over the cellar including on firewood stacked there. Thankfully my hubby caught the problem before it flooded everything. We were without water for about a day. Thankfully he's handy and was able to get a pump from Tractor Supply and fix the problem himself.

    Loved that song! Thanks for sharing it. That's some creativity right there.

  8. I am reading through and catching up after being away for a couple of days. Thanks for another fun and interesting Hodgepodge, Joyce! xo

  9. I'm going to get back to the HP, I promise. I've become such a slacker blogger. Shame on me! Wishing you and yours a wonderful Thanksgiving!
