Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Hope And The Hodgepodge

Welcome to this week's edition of the Wednesday Hodgepodge. If you've answered today's questions add your link at the end of my post then leave a comment for the blogger before you. Here we go- 

From this Side of the Pond
1.What would you say is the most difficult task when it comes to spring cleaning? Have you completed that task this year? Any plans to get it done?

Windows for sure. Some years we hire out, but hubs and I have decided to tackle it ourselves this year. We haven't gotten to it yet because there's still a lot of pollen out there, but soon.  

I am currently working on cleaning out my closet and drawers which is another dreaded seasonal task. 

2. Your favorite pastel color? Favorite thing you own in a pastel shade? 

I like all the pastels but tend to wear more jewel tones. As far as a favorite I guess it depends on what we're talking about. A soft peachy pink is high on my list, and while I don't own this per se...

It's definitely a favorite. 

3. Do you like ham? Do you fix ham year round or is it mostly just a 'holiday food'? Baked ham-ham and eggs-ham and cheese sandwich-scalloped potatoes and ham-Hawaiian pizza....what's your pleasure? 

I do like ham, but pretty much only have it as a main dish at Christmas and Easter. Every now and then I'll bake a ham for another sort of get together, but not often. Of the foods mentioned I'll say ham and eggs, preferably in the form of an omelette. 

4. Do you celebrate Easter? What did Easter look like when you were a kid? What are your plans for Easter this year? 

We do celebrate Easter. I've written a couple of posts about the Easters of yesteryear (my own) which you can read here-(Fashioneaster), and (my girls ) which you can read here (Golden Oldies ). 

This year we'll go to church, and then we're having lunch at a neighbors house with four other couples who all go to our church. We all have grown kids who live away, and we all had Easter lunch together last year. It was so nice we're repeating it, so maybe an annual thing? 

5. Something that makes you feel hopeful amidst all the chaos and confusion this world brings? 

My faith in God who always keeps His promises. Who does what He has said He will do. Who has the whole world in His hands. Who is never caught sleeping, off duty, unprepared, or by surprise. Who is never doing nothing about the ills of this world and is the ultimate judge and  final arbiter of justice. 

I like this quote by G.K. Chesterton- 

"Hope means hoping when things are hopeless, or it is no virtue at all...As long as matters are really hopeful, hope is mere flattery or platitude; it is only when everything is hopeless that hope begins to be a strength." 

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

I have many many thoughts about many many things and lots to blog, but that won't happen until I can carve out some breathing space in my calendar. Today is not that day. This week is not that week, and next week may not be that week either, but one day soon I intend to blog more than just the Hodgepodge. No offense to the Hodgepodge of course, because it's been a blog lifesaver here lately. 

In the meantime, happy Easter to you all!

"I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. 
But take heart; I have overcome the world." John 16:33

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  1. I like that Chesterton quote. Thanks for sharing!! I didn't think to write this as my answer, but one thing that gives me hope is the fact that Jesus always wins - the light always wins over the darkness.

  2. Indeed, I love this blog hop; it keeps me going midweek. And yes, I love a pastel in a sunrise or sunset!

  3. That eternal hope is such a life/peace giving hope. How nice to have those couples to get together with this year. I always enjoy a quote from Chesterton. Hats off to the two of you for taking on the windows this year! Hope you get that breathing space soon. I love Easter...happy Easter to you!

  4. Loved your thoughts about God -- He truly is our hope in the chaos and confusion all around us. I agree with all you wrote in this answer. So good.

    Your Easter lunch plans sound fun!

  5. I agree, windows are the worst. I'll eat ham but it is not a favorite of mine. Enjoy your Easter with the couples from church. Amen to #5 and Happy Easter to you too!

  6. I always look forward to reading your Hodgepodge questions on Tuesday! Omelets are some of my favorite meals. As matter of fact, I may wander to the kitchen and make me one with green chile and sausage. Happy Easter!

  7. Oh that PINK sunrise and sunset. Yes!!!
    Thank you for #5... I needed that today.
    Election results in my state of Wisconsin have thrown me off base this morning. Thank you for the Chesterton quote my dear friend.
    Love, Carla

  8. Sunrise colors are probably my pastel favorites, though I don't own them. Love the Easter tradition you're starting of getting together with others that are sort of in the same stage of family life. I'm so glad my adult children are coming to visit this year so our first Easter here isn't spent "alone".

  9. Hi, have I been here before? I think so but not sure, well I am here now and will be back as I bookmarked the site.

    I am too damn lazy to spring clean also I shake so much I drop stuff

    Love ham eat it when I have it

    Easter is not such a big deal anymore, use to be when I had young children around

  10. "My hope is found in nothing less than Jesus' blood and righteousness. I dare not trust the sweetest frame but wholly lean on Jesus' name." So glad I learned these wonderful old hymns before we stopped singing them. I am in complete agreement with your sentiments about blogging right now. I have a draft that I've been working on for several weeks. Maybe one day. Happy Easter to you and your family.

  11. Thank you for this Hodgepodge. It brought back memories that make me so happy. It's all about love. Faith, family, friends. Have a blessed Easter!! I know you will enjoy your friends! xo

  12. I do find I have more pastels in my closet this time of year and lean towards pale blues and greens with a bit of pink thrown in. We only cook ham a couple times a year but I do love to use the leftovers in my eggs or to make a really delicious ham and cauliflower lasagna that is also easy to throw together.

  13. I enjoyed your answers this past week. Thank you for always hosting and finding great quesitons.

  14. I take heart in the verse you shared at the end of this post, that Jesus has overcome the world. Have a blessed Easter and thank you for sharing your well-phrased thoughts with us.
