Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Days Gone By

It was sixty degrees here yesterday so hubs and I (and the little brown dog of course) took advantage of the warm weather and hiked out to a nearby waterfall. We hadn't been on this particular path since Hurricane Helene hit, but she definitely left her mark. 

The rangers and crew have done a good job clearing the trail of most of the enormous fallen trees and they've made work arounds where needed.  

I do some of my best thinking while on a walk in the woods. I don't know if it's the quiet or the beauty or the freedom from distraction but I feel God especially near when I'm out in nature.  

As we walked yesterday I found myself thinking about this next new year getting ready to roll in...what I'm hoping for...what I need to do-untangle-notice-cherish. 

What will this new year bring? 

No clue, right? I mean we all hope for lots of goodness, but know most years are a mixture of both sorrow and joy. Every year is filled with the comfort of familiar, yet the unexpected will be woven in there too. 

There will likely be some muck along the way.

So much beauty too. 

There will be things to work out and things to enjoy. 

Time to play. 

And time to pray. 

A walk in the woods reminds me I don't have to think too deeply about the year I'm leaving behind. That it's okay to just let it quietly roll away and instead turn my gaze forward. 

To let my heart fill with gratitude for the way God goes before me into each new year. Each new day in fact. 

To rest in His unfailing love, knowing He'll show me the path I should walk. 

Creation reminds me to keep looking up. 

'The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and he helps me. My heart leaps for joy, and with my song I praise him." Psalm 28:7

In the words of my grandson, 'Happy new you!'


  1. I like that option, regarding the past year, to "just let it quietly roll away and instead turn my gaze forward.” That is a good way to phrase it, and this is a good intention.

    Your post intertwined with the photography on your hike is really well done. Blessed New Year to you!

  2. What lovely thoughts while walking in the woods! Happy New Year!

  3. I like your grandson's words! Happy new you!!

  4. That waterfall!! My goodness, how beautiful. Love your words and how they went along so well with the pictures. Beautiful scenery in the pictures and wise words to go along with them. Your contemplation, thoughtfulness, and praise to the Creator are also things of beauty in this sometimes dark and chaotic world. Happy New Year!

  5. Lovely words and beautiful pictures

  6. Happy New YOU is perfect!! I enjoyed your hike and your thoughts. All beautiful. Happy New Year, too!! xo

  7. What a beautiful walk! Walking on the beach makes me feel some of the same things. Thank you for sharing these thoughts! I would not want to start 2025 without Jesus leading the way!

  8. Beautiful post Joyce, keep looking UP!
    xx oo

  9. I love your buffalo plaid jacket. Would you mind sharing where you got it? Happy New Year!

    1. My mom gave it to me a couple of years ago and I love it still. It's a little longer than a normal fleece and has big pockets. She got it at Talbots but not sure if they still carry it.

  10. I love the wise words of your grandson! This walk looks so beautiful and one of my favorite things about a trail walk is seeing the markers on the trees. We see just the ones in front of us and it is so meaningful to see them.

  11. Lovely post. Beautiful words you shared. The waterfall is so amazing. God Bless You.

  12. Beautifully written in the midst of the photos. Love that...happy new you!

  13. I did check with Talbots and your jacket is sold out but I got a similar one so thanks for letting me know where to look! I have to ask, your blog comes to my email via something called follow it. Because of this, I can't access any of your links! Is there another way to subscribe without going through follow it? Thank-you!

    1. I'm glad you found one you like. You can follow me by email which should work in terms of the links. There is a box on my sidebar, near the top that says 'get new posts by email' click subscribe. It's above my family photo. Hope that helps! Thanks for following along...do you blog as well?

  14. Your words and photos fill me with hope... Happy New Year, Joyce!

  15. What a gorgeous post! Both words and photos
