Tuesday, September 22, 2009

I Get By With a Little Help From My Friends

I had lunch with my friend H today and her two sweet daughters. We had such a nice time chatting and catching up on our lives, our mutual friends and our love of all things English...the afternoon literally flew by.

H and I met in the UK where we spent every Monday morning of the past two years together in a women's Bible Study. She lived in Italy for a while too and if you read here I think you know how I feel about that! We also served together on the Young Life Parent Committee in our area. Oh, and girl scouts...we both were a part of our school's Overseas Committee. And the Women's Club...lots of fun there! Did I mention that my friend H lives in England?
Still? It makes my heart happy to see friends from across the pond when they trek to the states for home leaves, family gatherings, work commitments, or shopping. And yes, people do come to the US just to shop. To taste and feel and touch home. And thankfully, to see old friends.

Speaking of friends... Carol at Joy in the Journey is celebrating her one year blogging anniversary with a giveaway this week. If you've never been to Carol's blog then you need to go visit today. Carol and I 'met' thru blogging...we were both Americans living in the UK and although she was at one end of England and I was at the other we shared the common bond of ex pat life. When I moved back to the states I felt like I was leaving a good friend behind. Of course we all know in the blog world you never really leave friends behind. Her blog is lovely and so is she so hop over today and say Cheers!

"No distance of place or lapse of time can lessen the friendship of those who are thoroughly persuaded of each other's worth."
Robert Southey, English poet and writer


  1. Joyce,

    I have met Carol informally in the blog world and hope that at some point I can get over to the European coast soon to meet all of you wonderful ladies. Thank you for sharing the link to her giveaway and glad you had a wonderful day today with H and her two daughters.

    Love and Hugs ~ Kat

  2. That is so nice to be able to see an old friend and catch up. I like your outfit!

    I laughed when I saw the deer in the earlier post. That is a familiar scene to me. They sure are beautiful and fun to watch until they start eating all of the expensive landscaping!! I was driving up the driveway just yesterday and there was a deer standing in the middle of it munching on some acorns that had fallen. He refused to move and acted like I had some kind of nerve trying to nudge him out of the way. I finally got out of the car and walked over to it and held out my hand. He came close enough to where I could feel his breath on my hand. He wasn't too impressed with my Estee Lauder, he snorted and then took off.

    We spend a lot of money on deer deterrents, but now I am thinking that all we need to do is go to the dollar store and get some cheap perfume. We'll have the cheapest smelling house on the street!
