Monday, November 2, 2009

Count Your Blesings Name them One by One

Do you know that old hymn? It's one of my favorites and it certainly fits with the holiday that comes along later this month. I love autumn and I especially love Thanksgiving day. I'm hosting the dinner at my house this daughters will be home from university, my inlaws are coming from Tennessee and we'll also have my husband's sister and brother in law with their two little boys so it'll be a full house. Can't wait!

Leah over at South Breeze Farm is hosting a month long Thanksgiving celebration and I'm going to participate. All you do is make note each day of one thing you are thankful for that day. It doesn't need to be a blog post although you are welcome to do that too...I'm just keeping a running list on my sidebar so when my blog opens up I can see it and smile. Visit Leah's blog if you'd like to grab the button and join the fun.


  1. What a great idea! It's so important to count our blessings, isn't it?!

    Sounds like you are going to have a wonderful Thanksgiving celebration this year!

  2. I love this idea...I just may have to join you and list my blessings daily as well. We ALL have so much to be thankful for don't we!?!

  3. I too love this idea of keeping it on the side bar. I just have to remember to change it daily!

    Hmm, today I am thankful for a hubby who can take a day off to help me when I am not feeling too well!

    Love and Hugs ~ Kat

  4. I'm glad you're joining in on the Giving Thanks challenge! I hope it's a great month for you, reflecting on all your blessings!

    I loved your recent post, too, where you scold (very nicely, I might add!) those no-reply-comment bloggers! I wrote a whole post on that a long time ago, and have a link to it in my sidebar. I DO wish they'd get with the program! =)

    Have a great month!

    ~ Leah
