Okay so maybe it's not Belgium but every Wednesday is the fun random dozen meme hosted by Linda at 2nd Cup of Coffee. We're into week ten so come play along and link your own post here.

1. It's early morning, about 2:00AM, and you're driving home. You come to a red light and sit there. There is no one in sight for miles around. Do you wait it out or run the light?
Of course I wait. I always follow the rules.
2. If you had the chance to re-do the last 24 hours, would you change anything?
I might think twice about sampling 3 desserts at the German luncheon I attended. I imagine I still would have sampled though...apple strudel, German chocolate cake, and cream puffs...how does a girl choose?
3. When you reply to someone's comment on your blog, do you reply in your comments or go to her blog and comment? (Or email her)
If I have their email address then I generally send an email (you noreply-comment@blogger people need to get with the program!) If I don’t have their email (hey noreply people-post an address already) then I will reply on their blog. Lots of times I comment on a blog but don’t go back to that post to look for a response which is why I tend not to respond in the comments section of my own blog.
4. Your favorite Disney movie is:
I’m pretty sure this is the hardest question of the week...if we are we talking cartoon then it's The Little Mermaid. If we’re talking regular film…The Parent Trap…love both the original and the remake.
5. Do you recycle?
Yes. It’s the law here. See question #1.
6. Games of strategy or games of chance?
Love them both. I pretty much love all games. And I always play by the rules. But of course you already knew that.
7. Do you have any recurring dreams?
No…I very rarely remember my dreams.
8. What did you learn from your first real job?
I had a regular babysitting job beginning at age 12, one sweet little girl who I cared for almost every day for two hours after school. I always knew I loved little children and I always wanted to be a mother and this job affirmed that. My first real paying job was as a counselor at a Christian camp called Sandy Cove. I always imagined I'd be assigned to the youngest group but lo and behold they put me with teenagers. And I loved that too. And I've worked and volunteered with groups of teens most of my adult life and I think maybe that summer job went a long way in teaching me how I want to relate to my own teens and those who have crossed my path thru the years. Actually I learned a whole lot of things in that summer camp job... so much about myself and about God and about getting along with people, about appreciating the beauty of creation, about living and working with people of all different backgrounds and beliefs, about strength and stepping out of my comfort zone...these are lessons that have stayed with me all my life.
9. Do you buy or borrow most books?
Depends where I’m living…I have a great library in my little town here but when I lived in the UK I ended up buying almost everything I wanted to read. Let’s just say if it was copyrighted post 1983 it wasn’t readily available in our little branch. And let's just say the ladies who worked there were not overly friendly or overly helpful which put me off making requests.
10. What fashion trend of the past did you say you'd never wear again but did?
I can’t think of one. Here’s my fashion motto so to speak… If a trend looked fabulous on me at age 19 or age 21 then it will now look fabulous on my daughters ages 19 and 21 and it will not look fabulous on me an-y-more.
11. When do you start Christmas shopping?
I pick up bits and pieces as I travel throughout the year but otherwise, dedicated shopping…not til December for the most part.
12. Have you ever been so happy that you literally jumped up and down for a few seconds? If so, what was the occasion?
Well, just a couple of weeks ago we worked out a way for my youngest daughter to come home for two days. I didn’t think it was going to happen and I did actually jump out of my chair when hubs said we had the points and could get the flight that way. Sometimes I just need to see my girls face to face. sigh.
I definitely think you made the right choice on #2. :)
ReplyDeleteBless your heart. I can't imagine being away from my girlies. The Little Mermaid... forgot that one. ;)
ReplyDeleteI'm a light runner.
ReplyDeleteSometimes even when it's not 2 in the morning.
Ditto on your number 3. Give me an address please and I will respond. I couldn't admit to liking that movie because I am a guy but I did like it. :)
ReplyDeleteI would have "sampled" all of the desserts too. Thanks for sharing. Blessings, SusanD
ReplyDeleteoh my! those desserts sound yummy! I think I would have sampled them a couple of times ;)
ReplyDeleteawwww i'm glad it worked out for your daughter to come home!
I always eat too much and then regret it later! Darn it all!
ReplyDeleteI can understand your need to sample all 3 desserts. I would never be able to walk away from them either ;-)
ReplyDeleteI was torn between Parent Trap & the Santa Clause movies for my Disney question.
How cool that your daughter is coming home for a few days. Enjoy!!
I'm a rule follower and major dessert sampler, too. I Christmas shop mostly from September onward. I like to order stuff online with free shipping. Works for me.
ReplyDeleteOh I am with you on #2. How on earth can one choose between those?
ReplyDeleteWho can pass up desserts :) I too am a rule follower...I just can't help it!
I totally agree with #3. It's not that hard to leave your email address when you leave a comment.
ReplyDelete#12 -- I'm thinking when mine goes away to school I'll be in the same boat. Right now as she stays up late to finish a project she knew about ages ago and gets defensive and grumpy, I think that day is only in my imagination!
ReplyDeleteI am totally with you on #3!!
ReplyDeleteGreat Random Dozen
I see that today you are thankful for the autumn colors. Yes, I feel the same way but up in my neck of the woods fall is short and winter is unrelenting so the fall color splash is even more precious when it arrives.
ReplyDeleteOh I forgot about The Parent Trap! I change my mind, I want to answer The Parent Trap instead of Mary Poppins. I totally loved that movie and when I was a kid I was always wondering if maybe I had a twin somewhere I didn't know about. Yes, I was a dorky kid.
ReplyDeleteI would have tried all three desserts on the buffet too!
So glad your daughter can come for a visit, and have fun with your college friends!