Thursday, November 19, 2009

A Pre-Thanksgiving Post

My husband has been in Taipei on business all week and I haven't. I'm not bitter though. I confess that I did have to pull out the ole map to see just exactly where Taipei is located (allow me to save you a trip to's in Taiwan, off the coast of mainland China. You're welcome). Gracious, what did we do before Wikipedia existed??? Well my house we had two entire shelves of bookcases that held something called The Encyclopedia. And I have older siblings so basically the set we owned was out of date before I ever needed to access them. And you bought them from a salesman who walked from house to house or rather 'door to door' with his suitcase of encyclopedias. Then the world went a little mad and we stopped answering our doors and stopped being at home and Al Gore grew up and poof along came the internet and remind me again how in the world I ended up on this topic? I betcha even Wikipedia can't answer that.

As I was saying...hubs phoned this morning to tell me he was getting ready to go to bed on the floor. His hotel room sounds interesting. He says it is beautiful and his room is two stories high yet he is sleeping on the floor. He has had some new foods too...I don't think I'll elaborate but let's just say it's a good thing he is an adventurous eater.

Anyway, don't feel too sorry for me because I made a little trip of my own this South Jersey. It's sorta like Taipei I think except my mom lives there. One of the nicest bits about being back in the states is that I am close enough to pop in for a couple of days. My pup loves it too...she's all about a new place to explore plus my mother just might have a soft spot in her heart for my crazy dog which basically means my pup ends up eating roast beef at pretty much every meal we have there.

My mom and I had a nice visit...we did a little shopping, played some Rummikub, and talked a-lot. My sister and her little boy and my brother and sister in law all came over for dinner on Wednesday night. My nephew is three and adorable. And busy. Very very busy. And he likes chocolate. Props to you moms of toddlers...if you are in the midst of those days they are exhausting. But rest assured the exhaustion fades and what you remember down the road is all the sweetness.

My life is beginning to feel like my life once again. I like to be a little bit busy. I like to have a few things on my calendar. I like to see and do and go and meet and learn. My in-laws arrive tomorrow, my daughters on Tuesday, and my sister in law and her family on Wednesday. It will be a full house here next week and I am looking forward to so much. What you ask? Well...

taking my in-laws into NYC, a show on Broadway, hugs and kisses from my daughters, complaining about how much they sleep when they are home, watching them sleep, talking, more talking, lots and lots and lots of talking, seeing their toothbrushes, hairbrushes, straighteners, shoes, pjs, jackets, and you get the idea, in the bathroom and bedroom and wherever they land, sharing the cooking traditions that go along with the Thanksgiving meal, baking pies, eating pies, wearing my Harrods apron, corn pudding, playing pool, nephews visiting, hubs having some r and r, a beautiful table, cornbread stuffing, watching old family movies, taking pictures, blogging, football, sharing, praying, laughing, and feeling grateful

just to name a few.


  1. How fun. You have a wonderfully full and blessed life. ;) Cute post.

  2. Sounds like a great time. Enjoy every second of it!

  3. Can I come?!! This year we're spending with my husband's side and it might be really really messy this year. Emotionally and mentally messy. Usually it's just LOTS and LOTS of good ol' Southern cookin' and laughs but this year.... this year...pray for us, please. Then I'm coming to NJ to hang out with you and your girlies.

  4. I love visiting home without my husband. That sounds awful, but I enjoy simply being "daughter" while I'm there.

    Enjoy your upcoming busy week.

  5. Have a great Thnksgiving holiday! God bless you and your family.

  6. Joyce,

    What a great post! Thanksgiving to me reminds me of a giant homecoming where once more family is brought together to celebrate the love that is common for us all. Love everything about this post and hope you hubby takes lots of pictures.

    Love and Hugs ~ Kat

  7. I was wondering where Taipei was....of course I hadn't taken time yet to look it up, but I was wondering. I imagine it was a very interesting experience.
    Sounds like you had a very nice time with your mom and other family members.
    Enjoy all the family who will be coming in. How neat that you live so close to NYC & can take your guests there. That sounds like lots of fun. Which show will you see?
    I'm glad your girls will be home too! Fun, fun times. (not to mention all the delicious food Thanksgiving brings!)

  8. This is my first time visiting your blog -- came by from Carpool Queen. Love it! And your trip to the NY Library -- boy, I am jealous. We have great libraries here in California, but I can only imagine the treasures in that one. It's good to meet you :)

  9. Sounds like fun to me!

    Our whole family plays/loves Rummikub. #3 is the most competitive, even though she is the youngest. She really manipulates and moves the tiles around so fast, we can hardly keep up with what she is doing. I hope to play some while the girls are home. We also play Phase 10, which is a card game. Have you played that before? We can stay up half the night playing that game!

  10. Sounds like you are going to have a wonderful Thanksgiving with family!! What fun! You certainly have so much to be thankful for. Glad you had a great visit with your Mother. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!! Love & blessings from NC!

  11. Encyclopedias, ah, I remember them. My set was from 1960. Great when you are doing a term paper in 1973. Have a great Thanksgiving.

  12. I'm enjoying Thanksgiving too. Thank you for sharing this post.

  13. I have two toddlers . . . I am in a constant state of exhaustion . . .

  14. I am looking forward to sharing the holiday with you! See you Wednesday!

  15. Your plans for the holiday sounds perfect. Take lots of pictures and ENJOY!

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  16. Friends, family, events to look forward to during the week - all of life's little blessings that enhance our days and weeks so much.

  17. It sounds like taking a couple of days to be with your mom while hubs is away is a perfect plan. And she cooks for you, too!

    Have a wonderfully blessed Thanksgiving with all of your loved ones. It just isn't the same here in England, is it? What did you do during Thanksgiving while living here? I imagine that, at times, you might have traveled to be back home, but probably not every year. We'll be having our Thanksgiving on Sunday after church. I'm looking forward to that.

