Friday, May 7, 2010

Hello my name is Joyce and I blog

It's a sickness...I just can't stay away. In my defense though, I feel like if I don't write a little as I go then I won't ever be able to catch up.

The end of a school year is always bittersweet, particularly for the graduates, but also for daughter2. She is one year closer to stepping out into the real world too, and she's very close to many of the graduates so she also has friends scattering far and wide which is hard. My girls have some of the sweetest friends and even hubs and I feel a little sad to think about them moving on. We're happy for them of course, it is such an exiting time of life. And these 'kids' make you feel proud...they are smart and funny and caring. We seem to hear so much of the bad when the media talks about this generation but these kids make me feel hopeful. And we're going to miss them. On the bright's summertime and who doesn't love that?

We have lots of dinners and lunches and photo ops and moments to enjoy and we are...well, except for the moving bit. We could do with a little less of the moving bit. We've done a whole lotta moving in the past four years. And girls have so. much. stuff. Hubs always starts off full of energy and ready to go but sometime after he has carried bin #8,122 down the stairs and around the building and down the hill and then jammed it in the back of the car and then taken it a few miles down the road to the storage unit he starts muttering about how he is so over it. Did I mention its hot here?

Oh well, the moving bit is done at least until August when we'll come back and do it all again but we won't think about that right now. This morning the girls and I are going for mani-pedis...gotta have beach feet right? Hubs will run a few errands and this evening we're joining some of daughter1's friends and their families for a fun dinner downtown. My mom is here so last night we went out to my sister's to have bbq with family. We might have eaten bbq on Wednesday night too...hey, we're in the land of bbq and sweet tea and we take it when we can get it! My inlaws arrive today along with my brother and sister in law. Daughter1 will have a big cheering section. Hubs likes to tease her and tell her he brought an air horn. She laughs. Sort of.

Once the moving dust settled yesterday we went over to campus to see Daughter1's design project which is still on display. Actually there were lots of projects on display as they left the art show up for parents and visitors...lots of creativity in that room and it was fun to see a wide range of artwork. We also made a stop in the campus bookstore to pick up the official cap and gown. It wasn't crowded so I snapped a picture...hubs got a new hat too.

Look at that don't think she's happy to be DONE do you?


  1. Is it weird that my eyes teared up when I saw daughter1 in her cap next to your hubby? Maybe it's just that moms resonate well with one another during such bittersweet times. I can see daughter1 and clearly envision my own children in that same pose.

    It must be really emotional right now to say the least; mostly highs, but some lows. Enjoy your time at the beach, at your daughter's graduation, with family eating bbq & drinking sweet tea. This is the stuff of life and I know you are making more great memories.

    I'm looking forward to seeing more pictures and reading your posts in the coming days and weeks, Joyce. Thinking of you all lots.


  2. Fun times! We don't have anyone graduating this year but we do have a wedding in four weeks.

  3. joyce...congrats on the college graduation; we have high school grad'n coming up soon.
    great celebration times :)

  4. I feel the same way about blogging sometimes. There's so much going on, but I just have to share with my blogging friends. Thanks for the update and congratulations to Daughter #1!

  5. Sorry I've been away so long, Joyce, but it's good to see you continue to blog. :) Congratulations to your daughter on her graduation! Enjoy your time together, it sounds like the whirlwind is about to descend.

  6. We have an exciting weekend of carrying bins down many flights of stairs too. It is so hot and humid here, I am not looking forward to any of it. Once that is finished, we get to unload them at home. I am sure there are going to be piles of clothes and things on bedroom floors for the next few weeks and I know that it is going to drive me bananas.


  7. I have a similar picture with my dad on my graduation day, except I had to perch my cap on the back of my head to protect my early 90s bangs.

  8. Whoo Hoo! So exciting for all of you.
    Luckily I get out of the whole moving out of the dorm scene this year. Due to Mr. 18's graduation timing the older two have to do it on their own ~ which causes a whole other set of issues and worries. Ugh

  9. Wow, how fun, exciting, and emotional all at the same time. Enjoy these few days they are really what you will remember.

  10. Sounds like a rollercoaster of emotions going on for all of you. ((HUGS))
    Happy Mother's Day

  11. The blogging bug has bit me, too. Daughter1 looks ecstatic...hubs look like he's not too sure. What an exciting time for y'all!

  12. yay! Congrats to daughter1! very exciting! Glad you are still blogging through it so we can share it with you. ;)

  13. Congratulations on your daughter's graduation! Oh, and sweet tea is the cure for what ails you!

  14. congrats to all (this includes mom & dad) who are entering a new, exciting phase of life!!!

  15. Congrats to you and the Daughters! And welcome to my neck of the woods. The weather's supposed to turn gorgeous this weekend, so hopefully graduation will be beautiful. :)

  16. The ending of a chapter and the beginning of a new one. Congratulations to *all* of you! (Loved the picture...those kind are priceless!)

  17. Hey as long as you got Sweet Tea you will survive! Such a fun, busy, bittersweet time! I am glad you are getting to spend some quality time with your girls! They grow up to fast! Enjoy these moments!
    until next time... nel
