Friday, November 5, 2010


Thank Goodness its November. Except what happened to October? Do you know that saying, "The further I go, the behinder I get"...well that's kind of how I feel about the Giving Thanks Challenge hosted over at South Breeze Farm this year. The idea is to list one thing you are thankful for every day during the month of November. I participated last year and loved it. And it seems that every day this month I've told myself I'd catch up and post my list, but then I don't.

I'm determined to get this up before the weekend and I'm going to run it on the sidebar of my blog like I did last year. Everyone is welcome to participate...just click on the button below and it will take you to Leah's blog.

Today I'm thankful for weekends. My husband travels a lot so I enjoy having him home on the weekends. He occasionally has travel on the weekends but that's pretty rare. When he's in town we like to catch up, relax, watch football, sometimes cook together, and we also usually get out and hike or explore some new area around our town. The weekend pace is not the same as our weekday pace around here and I enjoy the change. And usually a nap on the couch. In fact, I think a nap on the couch may deserve its own day of thankfulness.


  1. Happy November! Enjoy your month of Thanksgiving and your challenge ;-)

  2. I love the weekends with my husband too. I work at night so it seems like we dont get to see each other as much during the week.

  3. I have looked forward to this weekend for the last three - It's the first one without anything on the calendar.

    Can we say Pajama Day?

  4. Ahhhh...nap on the couch. I have a couch??

    (And yes two months until Christmas does make me a little less stressed.)

  5. Yes, I do believe a nap on the couch deserves its own day of thankfulness! ;-)

    Glad you've got a weekend coming up ... enjoy it!

  6. That is a wonderful reason to be thankful.

  7. I didn't get started with the Giving Thanks; maybe next year! I can't believe it's already November! Where has this year gone?

  8. I love naps on the weekends! :)

  9. I rarely get a nap on the couch. LBeau usually has it occupied. I have to settle for naps in the chair. But that's okay. Happy November.

  10. You have a great list going on your sidebar. So glad you were able to take part in the challenge this month. I'm thankful for many of the same things as you. We are blessed!

    I just may be the only woman on earth who has never done a Beth Moore study. Which would you recommend for my very first self-study?

    Blessings to you,

    - Leah
