Friday, May 20, 2011

Kiss the Cook

Last night daughter2 made dinner. Raise your hand if you love having your college kids home? Daughter2 loves to cook plus did I mention it has been raining hard here for six days straight and it's been dark and gloomy so hunkering down at home just feels right?

Here is the finished product-

Chicken piccata, honey balsamic green beans and garlic roasted potatoes. Oh my word-so delicious!

She used Giada De Laurentis's recipe for the chicken which you'll find here. A real treat and not just because I didn't have to cook it myself. The honey balsamic green bean recipe is courtesy of Paula Deen. Go here for the recipe because it's definitely a keeper. The garlic roasted potato recipe ala Nigella Lawson can be found here.

Who thinks my daughter loves The Food Network?

She might have also baked lemon cupcakes with a lemon cream cheese frosting for dessert. I did not eat a cupcake (yet!...a finger in the batter doesn't count, does it?) but hubs said they were fab.

Fyi-he did not use the word fab but that's what he meant.
Hubs does not say fab.

Who's happy they taught their daughter to cook starting way back when she was just a cute little munchkin?

Who thinks she is still a cute little munchkin?

linking with Kelly's Korner today-show us your life/main dish recipes


  1. oh my goodness. this is too sweet. i should get back to those cooking lessons with my girlies! {great job, daughter2} ;)

  2. Okay, you've convince me. I need to teach my kids to cook. It frustrates me no end to have them in the kitchen but just look at the pay off! Yum!

  3. This post made me laugh several times!! :-) 'Hubs does not say fab' was the best. LOL And yes, your daughter is a darling little munchkin! (and even cuter because she made you that amazing meal! I've got to try those recipes. How far away do you live? ;-)

  4. She is still a cute little munchkin! Ashley made dinner last Sunday night! :))

  5. Lucky you! I also love the Cooking Channel. I get so many ideas there. However, there should also be a channel devoted to food channel recovery! lol!

  6. We have had rain for 6 days in a row as well and I so know what you mean about a good home cooked meal. I can't wait till I can get my pj's on and curl up to a good movie and a hot meal. Your little cook is beautiful. Well done mamma, well done!

  7. That looks so yummy! How sweet is she?!

    Still chuckling at...'Hub's does not say fab.'


  8. How wonderful daughter 2 enjoys cooking. My daughter 1 will make the odd thing but is a fussy eater so her repertoire is not extensive. However, I never complain when she offers to cook :) Have a great weekend - I hope it stops raining! We've been having some wonderful weather here in SE England :) x

  9. Great recipes I saved to my file! I would have had a cupcake or two! My daughter loves to cooking thats another story! Have a great weekend!

  10. Looks like great food--even fab you might say!

  11. YUM! I wish I had been there to enjoy sister's meal!!

  12. I have a good recipe for chicken piccata (also from the Food Network), but Daughter#2's recipe sure sounds like a tasty one ... I'm definitely going to have to give it a try, along with the green beans (DH's favorite veggie) and the potatoes (yummy!!).

    Having daughters home from college is a GOOD thing ... made even better when they cook for you! ;-)

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  13. Looks delicious. And it's always better when someone else is doing the cooking.

  14. I am definitely raising my hand and shouting YAHOO that my daughter is home from college! We've been having so much fun! You are one lucky mama to have a daughter who can cook...looks DE-LISH! Brittany does well to boil water without burning it! ;)

  15. Yum! My youngest loves to cook! Cleaning? Not so much! But he's still a cute munchkin too!

  16. She IS cute. Can I borrow her? How did I get 5 kids, no cooks? Maybe because I'm not one myself?? :) So glad you are enjoying your time together.

  17. This post made me laugh, and I SO identify on so many levels.
    1. "Hubs not say fab" but that's what he meant.
    2. Love to have someone else cook
    3. Glad I taught my kids to cook
    4. Having college kids home
    5. Love Food Network

    I shall go link up w/ Kelly's Korner per your suggestion because I posted a family fave today.

  18. My! She did good! I'm definitely going to copy off those recipes and give them to YS! :)

  19. Yay for having college daughters home! Double yay when they cook for their families! Mine immediately got in the kitchen when she got home too!! At least we know their husbands won't starve after they get married! Job well done, Mom!

  20. It looks yummy!!!
    We have one who cooks, one who takes us out and one who only eats mass quantities!!!

  21. daughter didn't come home from college cooking! I must have a talk with her. haha

  22. Oh, yes, I love when my daughter comes to visit. She's a much better cook than I am--and she enjoys it way more, too!

  23. Yummmmmm!
    Does she want to come and be my live in helper? ;)

  24. Wow, that looks delicious! Yum -- now I'm starving! :)

  25. Dinner looks great and yes she is still a cute munchkin!

  26. Tasty looking! Lucky you!
    I have a son who cooks when he's home, and yes, I love it too!

    Do you think the great state of NJ is ready to float away?
