Friday, November 25, 2011


Thanksgiving might be my favorite day of the year. It definitely ranks right up there anyway. We had our usual feast with the addition of a wonderfully creamy and delicious mushroom soup the hubs added as a starter to this year's menu.

We woke up to beautiful sunny blue skies that stayed with us all day. Sunshine makes even the best days better.

So does pie. Daughter1 baked our traditional well-loved angel pie and Daughter2 made the pumpkin. She added a fancy crust this year.

Everyone hung out in the kitchen mixing and stirring and washing dishes...doesn't it seem like you wash the same mixing bowl ten times on Thanksgiving morn?

We watched bits and pieces of the parade and a lot of football. After dinner and dishes we dragged ourselves out to the firepit. Someone was in all their glory here...just sayin'.

When the fire burned down we moved from the outdoor couch to the one indoors for the traditional 'kick off to Christmas' showing of Home Alone. We've seen it at least 20 times but an iron in the forehead never gets old.

It was a day for full stomachs and full hearts. I hope yours was the same.


  1. Wonderful Thanksgiving memories! Family time is the best--and leftovers.

  2. Wonderful! It looks like such a happy day. Some years I find it hard because now my daughter goes to "his family" for Thanksgiving. And this year I won't see her on Christmas either. (sad) But, two days later I'll have them for the entire day! ;)

  3. Beautiful! You guys are so cute. :-) Sounds like a lovely day. Ours here in Texas (visiting our daughter and SIL) was wonderful too. Hopefully today, however, I'll cut back on the intake. I'll have to suggest 'Home Alone.'

  4. Looks like y'all had the perfect day!

  5. Thanks for sharing your holiday with us! It looks like a wonderful, relaxing day. I was so busy preparing, I forgot to get the camera out until the end of the evening! Regardless, our holiday was filled with happiness!

  6. Yay for Thanksgiving!! I'm glad you had a wonderful day. Ours was glorious. Happy sigh.

  7. The soup looks delicious. Sounds like a wonderful day. Yes I could not believe all the dishes I washed while I was baking on Wednesday and preparing our meal Thursday morning!

  8. Sounds like you all had a good time. Hope you are having a good Black Friday! lol

  9. I have to ask if your dishes are by Pomona? I have the Portmeiron pattern and the soup bowl in your picture looks like it might be the same. I love those dishes and have way more than I need of them, but they make such a beautiful table setting.

    Okay, now back to the subject at hand.........Love the fire pit picture. So cozy and looks like a fun time was had by all.


  10. Glad you guys had a great Thanksgiving.

  11. Lovely! Please post the soup recipe!!

  12. I love the braid on the pie! Looks like a great day :)

  13. I always look forward to coming here and reading all about your family gatherings! Our day was much like yours. And YES! I do think the same dish/pot/bowl/whatever gets washed at least 10 times! LOL

    The BF is a cutie! Your girls are gorgeous! You and the hubby look marvelous!

  14. Joyce I am laughing. Because we have the same Corningware pattern. In fact - the estate sale I just got the hutch and bookshelf at? I picked up yet another piece of it - one size I did not have which is smaller. I've had those dishes since I was 18!!! LOL.
    Looks like you had a wonderful day.
    I love beginning with soup. Making everyone slow down and take their time and just relax after all the hubbub of getting to that point. I make the family's traditional chicken soup at Christmas. How I inherited that job I don't know, but I think Mark's Grammie would be proud.
    :) Have a great weekend!

  15. I know you all had a good time. Those three girls in the last photo sure are beautiful. You and your spouse can be very proud.

  16. What a wonderful day indeed! (And oh my, I am so in awe of that beautiful braid on the pie crust! I"m sad to say I have never had much success in my attempts to create such pie crust beauty - so kudos to her! So glad you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  17. Sounds like a wonderful long weekend. I, too, have that orange Corningware bowl (a wedding present as a set. You too?) You look great in that last picture.

  18. That sounds idyllic! Lovely photos, lovely day. Love the thought of a fire pit.

  19. The soup looks lovely!!

    And I am totally with you with the iron in the forhead...that and the icy steps NEVER grow old for me. I love that film too!

    Glad to see you had a great Thanksgiving :)

  20. I enjoyed your pictures! And, glad to hear northern NJ had a beautiful, and sunny Thanksgiving.

  21. Looks like a wonderful Thanksgiving! I have to second washing the mixing bowl a dozen times during the day...but it's so worth it. :) Happy belated Thanksgiving, Joyce!
