Tuesday, November 22, 2011


If you're looking for the questions to this week's Wednesday Hodgepodge you'll find them here.

A couple of bloggers are hosting a pin.ter.vention today. The idea behind the party is to post some of the things you've seen on Pinterest that you've actually made.


Some folks on Pinterest are what you might call serial pinners. That is, they pin for the sake of pinning, pretty much eveything they see. And that's okay but my pinning philosophy is a little bit different. I use Pinterest as a bulletin board/file cabinet for things I definitely want to try or that provide inspiration. You can follow me there by clicking here.

I've actually made quite a few things courtesy of Pinterest. I'm adding photos here but you'll need to visit my Pinerest site to get the actual links. That's one of the things I love most about Pinterest. You add the photo and the original website link just magically appears...no more wracking my brain to remember where I'd seen a decorating idea or recipe. Here are a few of my favorites-

This adorable cake I made for Daughter2's 21st birthday in September...I wrote about it here.

Super cute shark cupcakes, also for Daughter2's birthday celebration since she is a bit of shark expert.

My birthday is just a week after hers and my Daughter1 very cleverly looked at my style board on Pinterest and bought me a sweater and scarf I'd pinned there. She even included the picture from my board so I'd know where she got the idea. It was at that moment I decided I needed to start pinning great purses and jewelry in case hubs needs shopping inspiration.

I have three food boards-one for appetizers (Let's Get This Party Started), one for mains and sides (Cook's Corner) and one for sweet treats (My Sweet Tooth). I won't post pictures of everything I've made but here's a sampling-

Oven baked ham and cheese sliders for a book club party-definitely a keeper!

Banana cupcakes with peanut butter icing and butterfinger sprinkles-yes please.

A wonderful autumn-y apple cake with apples we'd picked from a local orchard-

Two appetizers for two different tailgates-both were well received-

Pretty champagne cupcakes with champagne icing for a sorority reunion weekend...our colors just happen to be pink and white and these were so light and delicious

I've also made homemade granola, a honey mustard dip, a coconut chicken main with apricot sauce, fabulous buttercream icing, and the veggie pinwheels. All were recipes I'd make again.

I especially loved these apple tea lights I used as part of a fall gathering and I've tweaked some of the centerpieces and front porch decorating ideas I've seen to fit my home and style. All this to say I think Pinterest is one of the more useful things on the internet. I find inspiration and motivation to try new things in so many areas of my life plus a way to organize a lot of what just floats around inside my head.

If you're not there yet and need an invite please don't hesitate to email me. I'm happy to share the pinning love.


  1. I love to pin things that pique my interest. I too use it as a bulletin board. Have made a couple of recipes.

  2. I'm pinning away right now and hoping to have a couple of days to actually do some of my favorites over Christmas break!

  3. Wow you have made a lot of your pinned things. I just finished a craft I pinned and love that my family can check my boards for gift giving ideas!! Have a great day!

  4. WOW!! You're a pin-expert! :o)

    I think I've GOT to try those banana cupcakes for sure. :o)

  5. holy smokes. i have a few of these things pinned - wondering if they would actually be half as good as they look.

    yep. totally making those ham and cheese sandwiches.

    so glad you linked up!!!! come back :)

  6. Loved your Pinterest stuff; I joined Pinterest but have yet to get it figured out. Your post today inspired me!

    Thanks for comment on my blog; I'm so sorry to hear about your niece. My daughter also had a bone marrow transplant so if you need any moral support or have questions, holler!


  7. i'm guilty of pinning things i know i will never get to... but at least i know where to find the link now if i need it. right? ;) you've done a wonderful job, joyce! so many great ideas there! and it helps with insomnia, too. ;)

  8. Oh wow!! I was going to say I was blown away by your 21st cake...until I saw those apple candles. What a wonderful idea! That's something that I'll be doing VERY soon!

    I went onto the Pinterest site last week after I'd read something you'd written about it and I have requested an invitation but they haven't emailed me back yet, other than to say I will hear soon whether I've been invited or not. I don't know how it works though - should it be this long to wait for an invite? It looks such an inspirational site I can't wait to dive in!!

    Pam :)

  9. ohmyword those shark cupcakes are too cute!! and I love the pink & white ones too! what sorority were you in?

  10. You are very impressive with all those completed Pinterest projects. I just keep pinning ideas for daughter's upcoming wedding!
    Love the pink and white cupcakes... makes me wonder if we are sorority sisters?? Phi Mu by chance?

  11. I saw this and hope to join in next week. I am making some stuff tomorrow..

  12. Well, obviously I am not using Pinterest to it's fullest extent. I think I may need some assistance. :o) You definitely have me wanting to get it "going on." Off I go.......

  13. So many neat things! I haven't checked out Pinterest yet, perhaps I will soon! I may email you for an invite after Thanksgiving.

  14. You have done so many things. Glad you joined in. I saw those sliders, glad you liked them.
    I know I have pinned more then I will ever make but I do enjoy pinning. I think I will a few apples on my table Thursday!

  15. I'm impressed! I just started pinning and love that it's like a virtual file cabinet for awesome ideas. I also spend a little too much time pinning at the moment. Those apple tea light holders...too cute!

  16. Pinterest has become my virtual cookbook. I have made several things since I've started pinning. I haven't found anything so far that I haven't liked. I love the cake that you made for your daughter. I know she loved it! I haven't seen the apple candle holders on there. They are even cuter than the little pumpkin ones!

  17. Wow, you have really made a lot of your pinned foods. Good for you! I finally requested an invite a few minutes ago. I am afraid of the addiction, but I will try to discipline myself .
