Saturday, December 22, 2012

Merry Christmas Cards

One of my favorite things this time of year is sending and receiving cards.  There are several Christmas card link-ups in the blogosphere so I thought I'd add mine today too. (Visit Kelly's Korner and Kimberly's Korner  to see more).

This year I'm displaying some of the photo cards we've received on my back staircase. These stairs come down into the hallway we enter from the garage so we pass it many times a day.  I'd seen the clothespin ribbon garland on Pinterest and gave it a try (click here for the link).  The poster on Pinterest hung the ribbon horizontally, but I found the large clothespins plus a card made the ribbon droop,  so I hung mine vertically. I have a card holder for the non-photo cards and any that didn't fit on my ribbon, but I love the way this looks.

Back to our card...

It's something of a challenge getting all four of us in the same place at the same time in the weeks leading up to Christmas. It means I really have to plan when it comes to our card. We were all together at Thanksgiving, but we've done the traditional Thanksgiving indoor shot before, and I really wanted an outdoor picture.

Which is why our photo this year is full of contradiction. We took the picture in August and it was a tad warm.  It was hubs idea to add the bows to our plant hanger and outdoor love seat, and my crafty Daughter1 made the cute Christmas bunting.

I like this picture.
Everyone looks happy.

Course if you received this card in real life you'd be able to read our names, but I don't use names on my blog, hence the squiggles.

If you're reading here, please know the wishes are sincere...may you experience real peace and joy this Christmas season and in the new year ahead.

"For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be on his shoulders, and he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace." 
Isaiah 9:6

"Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift!" 2 Corinthians 9:15

Merry Christmas!


  1. I love your card and felt warm and cozy when I got it. It was nice to get a glimpse into summer. I know you have to take pictures when all are present in the house! Happy Holidays and enjoy time with your girls.

  2. I love the way you displayed them. I love sending and receiving Christmas cards, seems so that most people don't do it anymore, I have seem my pile of them get smaller each year over the last few years, email is the way to go I guess. Not my preference so. I love the pictures of Christmas cards and the thought that people put behind the one they chose for you. :)

  3. I love your card! Super cute banner! I know the frustration of getting a picture all together, which is why our cards will be New Years cards instead. Enjoy your girls!

  4. great card. I love getting christmas cards

    Merry Christmas!

  5. love your card set up and your family card!

  6. Your cards always look so nice! I have a friend who sends out cards for Valentine's instead, but I think last year it was Easter. It's so hard getting everybody together!
    Merry Christmas!

  7. We have the same problem of getting a picture when all of us are together. Thankfully we were together last weekend (my Vegas trip - yea baby...) and got the picture taken then. I had my envelopes already addressed ready to go, so a quick trip to CVS and 70 copies are in the mail! I'll post it soon for my Facebook friends. MERRY CHRISTMAS!

  8. Love your photo! I know how are hard it can be to get a photo too, we used one from the wedding in September. I love sending and receiving cards also. Merry Christmas!

  9. Cute photo! Merry Christmas! Enjoy your time with your family!

  10. That Isaih 9:6 reminds me of Handel's oratory: The Messiah.

    Merry Christmas to you and your family.

  11. Your card is awesome! I love how you display yours's nice to see them instead of tucking them away in a basket! Have a wonderful weekend!

  12. Cute card and i love the clothespin thing?

  13. Lovely card! And I love your display. I tape mine to our mantle ... we don't get too many, so there's room for all of them.

  14. It's a beautiful card and a mastery of planning ahead. Love it.

  15. You have a beautiful family. I've seen the ribbon idea before and think it's great!!
    I admit I was not a good Christmas Card sender this year. I usually love that part of Christmas. Unfortunately I have been sick and didn't have a lot of energy to do much at all.
