Monday, December 31, 2012

Auld Lang Syne

Can a blogger let a year end without saying a word?  I don't think so.

It's the last day of 2012.  I know some bloggers are doing a little recap of their year in pictures, but I'm going to use just words today.

I'm glad to see this year end. When I think back over these last twelve months I have to dig deep for the happy pieces. Life is rarely an all or nothing proposition, so of course there have been hours and days and weeks filled with happy moments.  I think back and I remember...a big trip, a graduation, birthdays, reunions...memories made and cherished. These memories and moments bring a smile to my heart, but it's a smile that's not quite whole.  Everything in our world this year has been painted over with a watercolor sadness we could not escape. It's been a year filled with grieving, of knitting our family together when something precious is missing.

There is no way to go but through.

Around or over are always easier.  

I've learned a lot this year.

I've hurt a lot this year.

I've loved a lot this year.

God is so good.  How often do we toss that little phrase out there without really thinking about the height and depth and breadth of what it means?  In this year we're bidding adieu I've thought about it. So many of the verses I learned as a child were made real to me in 2012.

He is near to the broken hearted.  
He is our refuge and our strength, an ever present help in times of trouble.
His peace is not like the peace the world gives.
Nothing can separate us from His love.  

Daughter1 and I recently had a conversation about how it will feel when the calendar turns at the stroke of midnight. We know its not a magic cure-all for whatever hard things we faced the day before, but there is something about a new year that brings a renewed sense of hope to a weary heart.

Our hearts are weary.
But they are full of hope.

'Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for His compassions never fail.  They are new every morning.  Great is Your faithfulness.'  Lamentations 3:22-23


  1. 2012 has actually been a fairly good year for us. I do know what it feels like to have a year of loss and looking forward to throwing out that calender and starting a new one. I pray for a wonderful new year for you and your family.


  2. When you give sorrows over to God, it is a relief. You can "let go, let God"and know that God is always there. During good times and bad. Thanks be to God!

  3. 2011 was a hard year for me - losing my Mom. 2012 lost two good friends. Hoping no losses in this new year. I just ask for everyone to be healthy! I hope you and your family have a better year this coming 2013.

  4. Even the turning of the page is bittersweet. It will feel good to move forward from the pain, but hard to look at a year where a loved one . . . isn't.

    You're good at keeping private things private Joyce but hugs to you and yours tonight.

  5. Hoping that 2013 will be a time of healing, renewal and joy for you. I know it's been a hard year; thanks for sharing it with us - all the ups and downs.

    Happy New Year!

  6. I hope that your heart continues to heal in the new year. I think what you said about "going through" rather than over or around is very wise.

  7. I, too, am ready to say goodbye to 2012. I don't know what 2013 will bring for us, but there's always hope for our weary hearts. Wishing you and yours a Happy New Year!

  8. Beautifully said Joyce. Happy New Year!

  9. What a sweet entry! We've encountered some tough, tough stuff this past year that cannot be posted on my blog. Your words were such encouragement to me as we begin this new year and hopefully we'll see God do a mighty work in a loved one's life. So glad our paths crossed through our blogs almost 3 years ago. Blessings abundant!

  10. I know you have a beautiful angel looking over you it's been a tough year.....I'm looking forward to a new one. Hoping this year is full of joy and no sadness! Happy 2013!!

  11. I'm still working on my New Year/reflection post and I realized that, regardless of what happened- good and bad/happy and sad--I still have hope. I often wonder what people who claim not to have faith do in times of crisis, or extreme sadness. If I didn't have my faith to lean on, I'm not sure I'd make it through. Lovely post my friend. Happy 2013 to you, your hubby and your precious girls!

  12. Happy New Year Joyce. To you and your amazing family! I wish you a new year filled with happiness!

  13. Ephesians 3:20
    New International Version (NIV)

    "Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us,"

    Immeasurably more. I like that. Let's ask for THAT!
    Happy New Year Joyce.

  14. What an excellent reminder that even if life's journey is difficult, God will provide the strength we need to get through. Love the scripture you closed with.

  15. Wishing you a year filled with more joy - Joy in God and in His provision.

  16. You were in my thoughts and prayers this Christmas. I knew you and your family would be missing your precious niece. ((HUGS))

  17. Awww...I've often thought of your family and the heartbreak all of you endured this past year. When my dad passed away in 2001, I spent MANY months...nearly a year...grieving heavily for him. That first Christmas nearly did me in. How wonderful, though, that you are a family of faith that looks to the Lord for strength. Thanks for always being so honest when sharing your joys and sorrows. Hugs to all of you and prayers for a deep-seated joy to be infused back into your lives.

  18. I recapped in words too! I hope this year is better than the last.
