Monday, December 17, 2012

Questions for the Wednesday Hodgepodge-Volume 106

I'm posting this week's Hodgepodge Questions a little bit early as I intend to honor the blog day of silence on Tuesday.  You'll find details here if you'd like to participate.

I will have the Hodgepodge linky up as always on Wednesday (Dec 19) so hop back over here then to add your post.  This will be the last Hodgepodge in 2012 as I'm taking next week (Dec 26th) off to spend time with my family.  The Hodgepodge will be back on January 2, 2013 and I look forward to a brand new year of random fun.

Here are this week's questions-

1. How will you spend 'the night before Christmas'?

2.  What is one thing you are not?

3.  Fudge-are you a fan?  Your favorite flavor?

4. Did you attend any craft/vendor fairs in the month of December?  Do you prefer homemade goodies or the more professional stalls? Are you giving any homemade gifts this year?

5. What's your favorite type of holiday gathering?

6.  We're approaching a new year...what's going to be different in 2013?

7. Share a favorite scripture, quote, saying, or song lyric relating to peace.

8.  Insert your own random thought here.

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