Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Zee Hodgepodge

Welcome to this week's edition of the Wednesday Hodgepodge! If you're visiting from the A-Z Blog Challenge, you'll find my Z entry at the end of this post. Where Z belongs.

If you're playing along in the Hodgepodge today, add your link to the party and then go say hi to your neighbors.  Here are my answers-

1.  April showers bring May flowers or so the saying goes. Are you blooming where you're planted as we begin the month of May?

Literally? No. I've been in SC for a few days and it definitely feels like summer is ready to pop down here. Back home our trees are still bare. Spring is showing up here and there in the Garden State, but we sit up high so we're still wearing coats and have the heat running at night.

If you mean figuratively, then yes. I've learned to always bloom where I'm planted.

2.  On a scale of 1-10, with 1 being no big deal, and 10 being full scale panic, rank your fear of spiders.

I'm going with a 6. Unless it's one of the ginormous crunchy kind, in which case I'm  a 10. My daughter2 (who ranks at least a 12) shared this with me the other night-

photo credit-

Pretty much sums up how she feels about spiders.

3. May is National Salad Month (who knew???)...besides lettuce, what are two must have ingredients in your favorite salad?

Cucumbers and black olives. 
It's not a salad without cucumbers.

4.  I mentioned on my  blog last week that my Daughter1 will be moving to Washington State after she is married. Of the following sites in the Northwest, which would you most like to see in person-Crater Lake (Oregon), Seattle (Washington), Vancouver (British Columbia), San Juan Islands (Washington),  Mt Rainier (Washington), Oregon Coast (Oregon), Mt St Helen's ((Washington), or Olympic National Park (Washington)?

Well I do believe I will get to see all of the above in the next five years, but if I can only pick one I'm going with  Mt Rainier. We love to hike and love the mountains so that's definitely on my list.

5.  This coming weekend marks the 140th running of the Kentucky Derby...when did you last race (literally or figuratively) to cross a finish line?

Yesterday. Reception venue booked. Now we just need to see if the groom can make the date. Ha! You think I'm kidding, but I'm not. Planning a wedding with the US Army means you have to kind of put the cart before the horse. Reception venue tentatively, sorta-kinda booked. Maybe.

6. What is something little you love?


7. Would you say you are more of a visual, auditory, or kinesthetic learner?

Definitely visual.  I need to see something to understand it. I think I used to be much more of an auditory learner, but the post-50 brain needs pictures to go with all the words. Sad, but true.

8.  Insert your own random thought here.

Using the random space again this week for my A-Z Challenge post, and since today is the last day of April its also the last day of the challenge. Whoohoo! I'll be the first to admit that this years challenge has been uh, challenging.

Z is for zonked.

I know I should wrap up this month's worth of marriage posts with something deep and profound, but I just can't do it today. I think I'll write a reflection at some point, but that point is not now. It has been a full month in every way, and I want a little time to let it all settle before I add any more words.  

Congrats to all you A-Z ers who made it all the way through the alphabet! Not as easy as it sounds! 


  1. I haven't heard the word 'zonked' in eons!! Well, you made it through the alphabet challenge, so you should be congratulating yourself also. As for weddings and any military...planning and's always "hopeful' date 'cause you never know.

  2. Glad the wedding planning is coming right along. Booking a venue for the reception is a big deal.I know it can be both exciting and exhausting. Mt. Rainier was my choice, too. Looks so breathtaking there! I was given my mom's pearls after she passed away. I have them in my jewelry box. I really should pull them out and wear them.

  3. AND he's a soldier??? I'm liking this guy even more! I know Daughter1 will be thrilled to know she has my blessing! (Ha, ha!!!)
    The picture isn't showing up...not sure if it's my laptop, so I'll try again when I get to school.

  4. Just to let you know, Joyce, my heart sank when I read that Shannon will be so far away. I know what it's like to have children live 20 hours by car, and your daughter will be just about as far away as one can get in this country. People in England should not complain when their children live at the other end of the country. They have no idea. Thank God for Skype and cell phones and texting! Blessings.

  5. I agree, every salad needs cucumbers!

    Congrats on making it through the A-Z Challenge! You did a great job, this year, and I enjoyed all of the posts. I think you should make them into a book.

    I hope the US Army will go along with the wedding plans that have been established, so far. Best wishes with all of that. Sometimes it can be a bit over whelming :)

  6. The picture didn't come through at work, either. When I tried the url for the photo credit, nothing came up. Weird.

  7. So, you are in my great state of SC! Sounds like you are busy making the wedding plans! When is the date? Be careful with traveling - some wicked storms are coming this way.

  8. Congratulations on the A to Z Challenge!
    I've made it, too.

  9. Oh my - being a military spouse I understand far too well the frustrations of not being able to plan ahead. HOpefully his commander will step up to bat for him though! (And the spider picture didn't come up - and there were several "linky" lists at the bottom of your Hodgepodge - maybe Mr Linky is "zonked' too!)

  10. Pearls... oh yes... I've grown to love them the older I get. So beautiful & classic

  11. Good morning! Well congrats on finding and booking (kind of!) the venue. I remember well (and it's been 6 years!) what a big deal that was and how I felt like there was a little time to relax after that...ah yeah, never did happen, lol. It was an action packed, joy filled ride to the alter for our daughter, and her fiance was out of state and made things quite difficult. Not as bad as the service I am sure, but hard. I wouldn't trade a day of that year for anything. Such good, good, memories from it. I almost envy you getting to go through it right now. Soo fun. Enjoy and cherish every minute of it. Oh, and I agree, definitely not a salad without cucumbers, lol. Enjoy your day!

  12. I have my grandmother's pearls and I wear them at every major family function. They have been worn to every one of my children's weddings as well as the christenings. I really feel my grandmother is watching over us.

  13. Oh, the reception was the first thing we booked as well. Our daughter had a Dec. wedding and was engaged in June. So, we knew we had to grab the reception venue and the photographer and did both the day after her engagement. After that things were smooth sailing. I just know you are going to have such fun with this wedding planning. I can't wait to hear when it will all come off. Enjoy the rest of your time there.

  14. Good for you completing AtoZ challenge....I really enjoyed yours! Washington State and Oregon have so much to offer....the San Juan Island I can't say enough about. I'd live there someday if we had the $$.
    Is the wedding planned for this year? I was engaged for five months back in the day you could do that I imagine today more planning and time is needed. Good luck

  15. Congrats on finishing up the A-Z. I think zonked is a good way to celebrate your wild and wonderful month! Glad the planning has begun, and I hope the U.S. Army will cooperate. :) So exciting!!
    (The Linky showed up multiple times under your post…sometimes things just go wonky on us.)

  16. For the record we started and ended this A-Z series with the same post titles. Both times a total coincidence!

  17. Oh she'll love Washington state! :) We've been there multiple times over the years when i was growing up. I love Seattle, except for the part where they didn't let me use their bathrooms! Its a long story but finally after about 2 hours the nice lady at Macy's let me use theirs. Hope you have a great week! I don't like spiders either especially the ones that are the size of your hand. eek!

  18. There were endless choices for salad toppings! I agree with your selection of cucumbers. Yum!!!

  19. I like the word Zonked!! Maybe next year I'll give the A-Z a try. It is a big commitment and a real challenge. I enjoyed all of yours AND that you kept us entertained with the Hodgepodge (with one exception). Awesome!!

  20. Yay! you made it through the A-Z challenge. This was my first year taking part in it. I really enjoyed it!

    I like pearls, keeping my fingers crossed that someday I'll have some of my own. :)

  21. Congrats on completing the challenge! Good luck with the Army. It'll all come together. (Any way of deleting my link because it links to my wordpress dashboard. I can't relink the same post until that one is deleted I guess.) :-)

  22. Hope all the wedding planning goes smoothly and turns out just as the couple hopes it to be!

  23. Congratulations on making it to Z. I just posted Z is for Zidkenu, and I did a little happy dance!

  24. Wedding planning sounds like so much fun! I have three boys, so I do not know how involved I will be when their time comes. Right now, I'll live through you. =)

  25. Congratulations on finishing the a-z I posted z is for zamarra
    I got behind, discouraged but kept on trudging :) wedding planning is so fun, thanks for hosting this fun hop! we had the same answers of cucumbers for salad I also like black olives as well

  26. Congratulations on doing the A-Z! I wasn't able to read all of your posts, but I was very impressed with the pearls of wisdom you shared. Any of my future partners (should I have any) thank you. :)
