Tuesday, December 2, 2014

The Bicentennial aka Volume 200

This week marks the 200th edition of the Wednesday Hodgepodge! In honor of that I'm going to host a fun little giveaway on 'this side of the pond', but you'll need to check back tomorrow for all the details. Today is Tuesday, and like the 199 Tuesdays prior to this one, it's just the questions today.

Here we go-

1. What is something in your life right now that feels a little 'hodgepodge'?

2. What does 'peace on earth, goodwill to men' mean to you?

3. Which edible treat you are most looking forward to sampling this December?

4. It's that most wonderful time of the year...do you agree, and if so why is it so wonderful?  If not, what would you say is the most wonderful time of the year?

5. What was the last word you looked up in a dictionary (actual or online) and why?

6. Besides a Christmas tree, what is your favorite thing to decorate this time of year?

7. Share one thing you've learned (about yourself, people, or anything at all) in the Wednesday Hodgepodge, or through blogging in general.

8.  Insert your own random thought here.


  1. Thank you, Joyce!! I haven't been here for all 200, but certainly look forward to this great meme every week. Thank you!

  2. Great questions, Joyce...see you tomorrow!

  3. great questions! It's hard to believe we're at volume 200! I remember i started with the hp about three years ago, thanks to my former neighbor, Sally!
