1. Have you ever written a love letter? Have you written one recently? Had one written to you? Did you keep it?
It's no secret words are my love language. Words are powerful. They can encourage or tear down. Heal or wound. Destroy another's spirit or build it up. I love the verse in Matthew that says, '"For out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks."
The written word I especially love, so yes I've written some love letters. Received them too. Hubs doesn't love to write like I do, so I cherish any letters he's written.
2. What's a movie that ends in a way you especially love?
Quite a few came to mind, but I'm going with the one that inspired this question-Secretariat. I've seen it many times, and caught the last half again this past weekend. I absolutely love the ending, when that beautiful horse comes racing 'round the bend and O Happy Day plays her home. It's a fantastic story, and best of all, it's true. You couldn't make up a better ending if you tried.
3. Something that makes your heart sing? And for those of you who are parents, I mean something besides your children that makes your heart sing?
A crystal-clear, cloudless, blue sky day.
I'd love to experience one right about now.
4. What's the last event you had to attend, phone call you had to make, routine task you needed to complete, or meal you had to prepare, that you did do, but only half-heartedly?
I half-heartedly cleaned out the frig last week. I did get rid of all the various and sundry Tupperware containers lurking there, but my heart wasn't really in the job so I didn't pull out all the shelves or wash out all the drawers.
Tomorrow is another day.
My mantra when it comes to housework
5. Tuna fish salad-yay or blech? If you said yay, how do you like your tuna salad prepared? Hey, this is the Hodgepodge, right?
I love tuna salad, one of my favorite things to make for lunch. I like mine with a little bit of chopped sweet pickle, finely chopped celery, and a very little bit of mayo-not soggy. I like it on a bed of lettuce, or on toasted rye topped with lettuce and tomato.
6. What's something you 'know by heart'?
The books of the Bible in order, all 50 US state capitals, our bank account number, and every single word of Taylor Swift's song 'Love Story'.
7. In the spirit of Valentine's Day, what two or three word phrase would you write on a conversation heart for someone you love? That someone could be a spouse, child, parent, cousin, bestie...anyone at all whom you love.
Still the one.
8. Insert your own random thought here.
Our wedding photographer got the digital scans back from my daughter's wedding, and posted a sneak peek on his website Tuesday. So pretty! I can't wait to inundate my blog with more pictures-ha!
And because it's February...a love song-
Happy ♥ Day Everyone!
I love your cleaning mantra! I think I'll adopt that, at least today. Ohh, I'm craving tuna salad now, maybe for lunch. BTW, I'm so excited to be first on the link up list!!!
ReplyDeleteLoved the questions this week and I would love some tuna salad today for lunch now....but chicken salad is all I have...:-(
ReplyDeleteI forgot all about Secretariat. That was a fantastic movie.
ReplyDeleteSecretariat--that's one I'll have to watch again. Hard to beat a true story with a superb ending (especially, in my opinion, a horse story). "Still the one"--now you've got those lyrics stuck in my head all day. :) Can't wait to see the plethora of wedding pictures!
ReplyDeleteI didn't think about knowing songs by heart, good answer! I could add that too.
ReplyDeleteUgggh, lurking Tupperware, isn't that the truth!
Hear hear on the housework mantra! I can't believe I've never seen Secretariat ... I've added it to my "to watch" list. ;-)
ReplyDeleteAnother great week of questions, Joyce. I loved the movie Secretariat! I've seen it 3 times. Also appreciate your philosophy on housework! Have a wonderful rest of the week.
ReplyDeleteCleaning out the fridge is on my list of 'dreaded chores', too...
ReplyDeleteI love the movie 'Secretariat', as well!
Our Valentine phrase is the same! Great minds...
Looking forward to more wedding pics :)
I used to know all the 50 state capitals...not sure if I could still pull that off. If I could send you a blue sky, I would. We've been having plenty of them, lately, but I think that will be changing drastically tomorrow.
ReplyDeleteGood post. My daughers MIL is a friend of the owner of Secretariat and has a signed picture from her with the horse. I really enjoyed the movie as well.
ReplyDeleteWhen I was in second grade, the christian school I atended had us memorize, in the King James version, the Christmas story form Luke, I think. I can still recite most of it from memory, 30+ years later. The things the stick with you...
ReplyDeleteYour tuna salad sounds perfect! "Still The One" is awesome. I can't wait to see the photos and that is a beautiful song you posted. Have a wonderful day.
ReplyDeleteI've not seen Secretariat. I hate movies when animals get hurt or killed. I can see the slaughter of thousands of people (in a movie), but let one animal get caught in the crossfire and I'm done. I can't watch "Dances With Wolves" because they kill the wolf. I'm happy to hear the ending is a good one. May have to see it now....
ReplyDeleteAh yes, Secretariat does have a wonderful ending. Thanks for reminding me of that movie!
ReplyDeleteAnd "Still the One" is perfect for the heart candies -- wish I had thought of that!! Happy Valentine's Day!
I hate cleaning out the fridge but I did that a couple weeks ago. I did the toilets and that's the one I hate doing but it got done. Love the questions this week hope you have a happy Valentine's day.
ReplyDeleteYes, the Books of the Bible. Was there a child that grew up in a Southern Baptist Church years ago that didn't have Bible Drill or at least learned to recite the Books. What happened? Enjoyed listening to the song. Thanks.
ReplyDelete"Still the one!" I like it! I used to know the 50 state capitals. I suppose I should brush up on those facts once again.
ReplyDeleteI will look forward to the wedding pictures. I like how you've done so many posts about all the different aspects of the wedding, I've enjoyed reading!
ReplyDeleteI know the books of the Bible and 50 states as well. We learned the state song in 5th grade.
I actually have not seen Secretariat. Crazy, I know. I'll put it on my list to download and watch on a plane ride. I may or may not also know the credit card number by heart... ;)
ReplyDeleteLooking forward to wedding pics!
I didn't even think about account numbers but I am pretty good at numbers so I've memorized quite a few of those. I used to remember telephone numbers but since we don't actually use the number to call our family and friends anymore, mine is the only one I remember. I still know the number of the first phone we had when I was a child. Back when there was a real live person on the line when you picked up the phone.
ReplyDeleteMama Bear
I haven't seen Secretariat yet, but it's on my list. Your tuna on rye sounds so good. Now I see you've made most of us hungry.
ReplyDeleteToday post was a good one. Thank you.
I'm pounding some words into the fifth graders at school right now about cyberbullying and internet safety. We had issues last week. FIFTH graders. Cannot wait to see the pix!!!!!
ReplyDeleteGreat Valentine post, Joyce! I don't know why I've never watched Secretariat. I've meant to. Now I'll check out Netflix. Did you ever see the movie Pharlap? It was a very sad horse story that put me off horse stories for quite a while. But I did love Seabiscuit, so...
ReplyDeleteYour most recent wedding post was precious! I loved what you said about your husband thinking about that dance with his daughter when he first laid eyes on her at the hospital. :-))
I have the same mantra for housework. It will still be there tomorrow and even if I clean it today I will have to clean it tomorrow.
ReplyDeleteI posted late this week because I was thinking about a response to the last question. Housework for me is not done with much zest.
ReplyDeleteHuh. I didn't think many people liked relish in their tuna fish, but it seems like I'm the odd ball since I don't like it. LOL