We've had about 30 inches of snow fall in the past ten days, it's currently 13 degrees, and 'breezy'. I have to get out in it today, but first-the Hodgepodge. If you've played along this week, add your link at the end of my post, then go leave a comment for the blogger who linked before you. Here we go-

1. Do you wear your heart on your sleeve, or keep your emotions tucked in tight?
I don't keep them tucked in tight, but I don't let them fly at the drop of a hat either. I blush and cry easily, so in some situations they're probably more on my sleeve than I would like.
2. How did you meet your closest friend?
We were born into the same family. My sisters are my besties.
3. Pink lemonade, grilled salmon, cotton candy, pink grapefruit, a strawberry milkshake, or raspberry sorbet...of the pink foods listed, which one is your favorite? Least favorite? Which one have you most recently consumed?
I know I should say grilled salmon is my favorite, but if I'm being truthful it's probably cotton candy. No I'm not six. On the plus side, grilled salmon is the one I've most recently consumed, and it is a favorite. I haven't had cotton candy in a long, long time.
I don't dislike any on the list, but if we're ranking I guess raspberry sorbet is probably my least favorite.
4. When were you last 'tickled pink' over something? Explain.
I love hearing my Daughter2 talk about her school day. When I think about her ten year old self asking for an overhead projector for her birthday, the hours and hours she spent 'teaching school' in our basement, writing detailed lesson plans and pretend math tests, and then I see her now? In a real live honest to goodness classroom? Absolutely tickles me pink!
5. Are you a fan of television talk shows? Daytime, nighttime, or both? What's your favorite?
I don't watch any talk shows, daytime or nighttime. Every once in a great while I'll catch an episode of Ellen, but for the most part I don't have the TV on at all during the day, and I'm sound asleep before the nighttime shows air. Cue the mamaw voice here, but...when I was younger I watched a few talk shows. These days I find I don't have patience for that sort of programming.
6. When was the last time you wanted to ask a question, but felt too foolish to do so?
Last Friday. We spent hours with our financial planners, and there were several times I wanted to say, 'Wait, huh?'
Is huh? a question?
I don't know, but my head was spinning and that was the best I could do. Financial advisers love their acronyms, as in 'you want the ABC to balance out the XYZ', and my brain just doesn't work that way. Thankfully hubs gets it, and can explain it to me later.
7. My favorite ____________________right now is ____________________.
My favorite thing I shouldn't be eating right now is conversation hearts.
Keepin' it real folks.
8. Insert your own random thought here.
Conveniently the sunrise played along with the color theme I've got going on in the Hodgepodge today...
Hubs teases me over the number of pictures I take of the sunrise from our front porch, but come on!
How can I not?
First off, before I forget, your photos are amazing! I love the first one with the bright sky, if that were my view I'd be taking lots of photos too.
ReplyDeleteAlso your story about daughter2 was so sweet.
Oh.My. I could've/should've said the same thing for #7. And, the Sweetheart brand is the best! I bought some Bach, but they have a funny taste. (That isn't keeping me from eating them!)
ReplyDeleteThose sunrises are beautiful...keep 'em coming! (And send snow down here!)
My husband mocked my purchase of the Sweethearts, until I gave him one. Needless to say, 3 days later, our table centerpiece has been eaten to death. Told him that I'll just have to buy some more and spray them with Windex :)
DeleteYou can never take too many sunrise/sunset pictures. And no two are ever alike!
ReplyDeleteThirty inches of snow, oh my!
ReplyDeleteIt sounds like daughter2 was definitely born to be a teacher.
Your sunrise pictures are gorgeous. They look like post cards :)
Very purty pictures!
ReplyDeleteI want a sister!!!!
Financial planning makes me huh? too.
Hope you get a break from snow for a while!
If I had a view like you do, I'd be taking pictures most every morning! There's something magical ... and beautiful ... about the sun rising.
ReplyDeleteYour pics are great! Even tho I have been blogging for over 2 years, I have never done a link up. This is my first one because I didn't think I could figure out how to do it. But it worked! I will definitely be back. Great questions, btw. Enjoy your Wednesday!
ReplyDeleteI love morning sunrise photos too - but prefer to take them over the ocean as I stand on the beach here. (Sorry - just had to rub it in!)
ReplyDeleteI love beach sunrises too, but there is something ethereal about a winter sunrise sky. My favorite thing about winter, and there's got to be something to love this time of year : )
DeleteMy first inclination was to answer Cotton Candy as well, but I know it's not good for you and that dissuades me most of the time. Glad to know that someone else out there loves cotton candy, but decided to say salmon instead :)
ReplyDeleteYour view is, indeed, beyond beautiful. You must!!
ReplyDeleteThanks for another fun Hodgepodge, Joyce! I enjoyed reading your answers and enjoyed playing along on my blog! Be careful out there in those snow banks! Hopefully they have cleared the roads for you by now!
The road crews here are excellent. They treat the roads before it snows, they clear as it's falling, and keep coming back until you see pavement. Unless it's a long lasting blizzard, you can usually get out within the day. There are huge snowbanks in parking lots though, and that's where you have to be extra careful.
ReplyDeleteWhen I was young our family lived in a 2 story house.
The kids bedroom were upstairs. Dividing 2 bedrooms was a huge walk-in closet, with a window.
My sister and I would sit under the window as we played school.
At that time I dreamed of being a real-life teacher.
But, it never panned out for me. I did teach pre-school, but that's a different story.
Thanks for the great questions & for being our weekly host!
I cry easily too. My kids are often handing me tissues when we watch TV! That sunrise is so beautiful. After our blizzard last week we were out shoveling and the sunset was the same colors. It was gorgeous.
ReplyDeleteSisters are such special friends. I don't know why but I didn't think of that when I was answering.
Thanks for another great Hodgepodge.
Oh, what a beautiful sunrise and love your answer to #4, our daughter was the same way and has become one of the finest teachers around now. Guess all that "play liking" paid off. Have a great rest of the week!
ReplyDeleteI could have written your #5 about talk shows word for word! Keep taking those photos ... beautiful!!
ReplyDeleteI used to watch the morning shows, but have found I prefer the quiet more these days! I need to get out too, but the snow just keeps coming. I will brave it later, after the plows go through :-)
ReplyDeleteLove the sunrise pictures. Red sky in the morning, sailor take warning.
ReplyDeleteBeautiful pictures...what a view! Love, love, love your tickled pink answer!
ReplyDeleteWith views like that, I can't blame you one bit for snapping away! How pretty! The snow just adds to it. Funny, but our choices for #3 were exactly the same. Financial advisers make my head spin, too!
ReplyDeleteI love a colorful sunset - always takes my breath away.
ReplyDeleteI want sisters!!!! :(
I haven't had cotton candy in years but I'm always tempted when I see it. I don't have the patience for talk shows either. Beautiful photos of the sky.
ReplyDeleteDaughter 2 asked for an overhead projector for her 10th birthday?!! Thats amazing. I love it when those childhood dreams come true. This is a wonderful story! (and thanks for your comment about Training Union...we are showing our age!)
ReplyDeleteGorgeous sunrise!
ReplyDeleteI often feel the same way when we go get our taxes done. I'm just glad they know what they are doing.
I love your pictures. The colors are beautiful and your view is fantastic. If I had that, I'd be taking lots of photos too. So let your Hubs tease.... you know you're entertaining your followers.
ReplyDeleteI loved your tickle pink answer. :-)
Thank you for the beautiful sunrise photos.
Gorgeous sunrises! Don't pay any attention to your hubs on this one. Keep the pics coming! They are beautiful
ReplyDeleteWow that IS beautiful! I love your tickled pink answer! Reminds me of me when i was little!
ReplyDeleteI'm with you on #5. I don't turn the TV on at night either. I did watch a little of the half time show during the Super Bowl. Honey Bear had it on. And we watch college football all Fall which I love. I'm keeping up with Downton Abbey on PBS but I watch it on my computer after it airs on TV. Talk shows are to much like arguing to me and I wish they didn't air them at the nail salon.
ReplyDeleteI like conversation hearts, also. Haven't bought any so far but they're calling me.
Mama Bear
My girls feel that way about each other too. They are best friends and I love it! I don't care for talk shows either- I'm not interested in their topics and, there are many topics that I can't believe anyone would be interested in. As for the conversation hearts- yes, please! :)
ReplyDeleteoh my goodness - the pictures of sunrise against snow - sooo beautiful! In the deep south, we rarely have snow (we did have snowmageddon last year though!!).
ReplyDeleteSuch pretty sunrise pictures, looks like a puzzle!
ReplyDeleteFun questions again.
Love the photos. Sunrise and Snow are two great ingredients for an awesome shot.
ReplyDeleteLove the sunrise pictures with all the snow. I am taking a class to renew my teacher license and being so overwhelmed with this I did not have time to participate this week. However, I was able to catch a few minutes to read responses.
ReplyDeleteI'm always tickled pink to see adult kids doing what they played at when they were little. Even though my girl has given up teaching to preserve her health, she is in her element as a nanny. My hubs razzes me about taking sunset pictures in the car. He drives. I gawk. He teases. I keep shooting. I get ya!
ReplyDeleteHa! Ha! I was just thinking earlier that I needed some of those conversation hearts! Beautiful photos!