Thursday, May 12, 2016

Live the Dare

I'm going to try to wrap up Washington in this post, then move on to Mother's Day weekend tomorrow, a mere 5 days late. How 'bout we call it Mother's Day Week and then we're good?

After a couple of days spent driving out to nearby cities we chose to spend the next two closer to home. For one thing Daughter1 had to work a few hours both days, so I went to the office with her and read my book and maybe vacuumed their office floors and cleaned their office kitchen. It needed doing and I was happy to oblige.

We did a little shopping on Wednesday then squeezed in a side by side mani/pedi and later collected her hubs for a fabulous dinner at their favorite eatery in Tacoma. It's called Stanley and Seaforts and you have a fantastic view of the water from almost every table. Everything was delicious and it was such an enjoyable evening.

We took a picture so his mama could see he's looking happy, healthy, and awake-ha! So interesting to see from this side of the fence the training a surgical resident endures and somehow even manages to enjoy. Not every minute of course, but a lot of what they experience in the hospital energizes and excites them. Doctoring is not for sissies. If I had his schedule I'd be the prickliest crankiest girl you'd ever want to know. My son-in-law is relaxed, upbeat, and cheerful. Also smart! He is everything you'd want in a surgeon. 

On Thursday Daughter1 and I spent a few hours in her office and then spent the afternoon on a glorious walk from her house to the Puget Sound. It's a couple of miles there and a couple of miles back and we talked the whole way. Her pup knows when a walk will end at the water so he kept us moving at a good pace. 

The woods are primeval here. The trees y'all. You just cannot get a picture that adequately captures the soaring height, but they tower. 

Even the anthills are ridiculous. Have you ever in your life seen an anthill the size of this one??? It looks like dirt but when you get up close you discover it's moving. The entire thing is one ginormous hill made of ants. Shudder. 

Once we got closer to the water we let the pup off the lead and he ran straight into the icy cold water of the Sound. It was nearly high tide so he didn't have far to go, and he was so happy! He loves to retrieve a stick and is an excellent swimmer.

Someone doesn't want me to leave. Boo.

Washington State is a part of the country I never imagined knowing, and while the distance is so hard I'm grateful for the chance to see another part of beautiful planet Earth.

When you live far from 'home' you have a choice. Count the minutes until you're back or cherish the minutes that are yours to spend in this new and unfamiliar territory. I'm thankful beyond words to see my daughter and son-in-law not just mark time until the next thing, but to embrace this season they are in and the beauty that is right outside their front door.

To appreciate where they are now and know God uses one season to prepare us for the next. In the words of Helen Keller...'Life is a daring adventure or nothing at all.'

So much fun watching my children live theirs.


  1. You and your daughter are spitting images of each other, very Beautiful ladies indeed. What a wonderful time and looks like the weather cooperated for your visit. I'm from the Western side Washington but moved across the mountains where we are now living on the Eastern side. My parents and brothers still reside on that side of the state. You can't beat a beautiful sunny day on the Puget Sound!
    Glad you had a Happy Mother's Day !

  2. I'm so glad y'all had such a great visit. The descriptions in your blog and in Shannon's make me want to head out there for a look-see. I've only been west of the Mississippi as far as New Orleans. It does look amazing!

  3. Sure sounds like you had yourself one amazing time with your girl and son-in-law! So happy for you...I know your heart is full, once again!

  4. Such lovely pictures. It looks like you had a lovely time!

  5. Such wisdom in your last couple of paragraphs. We all need to "live in the moment" instead of pining away for other things. And yes, each season prepares us for the next.

    Great blog post!

  6. OH there's a Mother's Day eve all right, lol, and a Mother's Day week-end for sure. Sounds like you had a wonderful day. What you said right here "When you live far from 'home' you have a choice. Count the minutes until you're back or cherish the minutes that are yours to spend in this new and unfamiliar territory. I'm thankful beyond words to see my daughter and son-in-law not just mark time until the next thing, but to embrace this season they are in and the beauty that is right outside their front door" is soo wise. Couldn't agree more. Have a good week-end!

  7. Thank you Joyce for sharing this amazing trip and visit with your beautiful Daughter1. I have so enjoyed seeing that part of the country and delighting with you that you got to share it with your girl.

  8. I'm so happy you got to spend those wonderful days with your daughter. I found that when Adam had moved away the times we spent together were so much more meaningful then when we would be able to see each other more often. It was a whole new experience in the depths of love.
