Friday, May 13, 2016

Mum's The Word

So remember Mother's Day? I had a good one. A great one in fact beginning Mother's Day Eve (yes that is so such a thing) when hubs and I made a trek out to the lake lot to check on the house progress. 

Much of what was done last week involves wires and such, but the siding makes me very happy. The color is called Timber but I call it brown-gray-green since it can look any of those shades depending on the light.  

It was a gorgeous day and I made my first foray into the lake. Not all the way in, although had I been wearing a swimsuit I might have. The water was cool, but the air was warm so I tested our swim stairs and climbed in up to my knees. 

Have you ever seen cleaner, clearer lake water? 
Me neither. 

Friends who live on the lake came over by boat and toured the 'house', then we all loaded back up on their boat for a pre-Mother's Day cruise. 

Few people can work a holiday like I can work a holiday.

Sunday morning (the actual holiday in case you've lost track) Daughter2 turned up at our front door with an armful of hydrangeas and tulips she'd arranged herself along with all the ingredients for a delicious brunch. She'd baked a crumb cake the day before but whipped up a wonderful western omelette bake and fruit salad in my tiny kitchen. So yummy! Breakfast is my favorite.

There were presents from both my girls including one gift wrapped in a glitter bag. Glitter ranks right up there on hubs list of least favorite things-ha! He is not a fan of glitter debris, but I do love me some glitter especially when it's in the shape of a heart. 

Later in the day we took a walk around the lake at our nearby university, and sadly this picture is the only one I took with my girl all day. We both look a little hot and windblown, except she also manages to look cute while I just look hot and windblown

The magnificent rose garden on campus was showing off for all the moms who happened by.

We had an early supper at Tupelo Honey then hung out in our pjs the rest of the evening. Daughter2 spent the night even though she only lives about 100 yards up the hill, and that was the proverbial cherry on top of my week long Mother's Day extravaganza.


  1. You must be so happy to see the way the house is progressing now. And of course to see your girls :)

  2. It's really beginning to look like a house, isn't it? Any clue as to when you should be able to move in?

    Sounds like a wonderful Mother's Day to me.

  3. Oh, the house is just gorgeous! I see many, many happy years here. So glad you had at least one daughter with you for Mom's Day. Happy weekend!

  4. how blessed you are as a mom!
    Your home is looking AMAZINGGGGG - I love that color siding.

  5. For some reason the picture of the house won't show up on my computer. I am so disappointed and frustrated that it happens so frequently. But, your day sounds great and nothing beats Mother's Day with your children.

  6. What a nice day. Love the pictures.

  7. The house is starting to look like someone's home! That lake water is beautiful! I grew up on Buckeye Lake, in central Ohio and love lake life...but here in Florida, there is too much bacteria, snakes and alligators in all of the lakes. I refuse to even wade in one. Yuck. Glad you had suck a lovely Mother's Day and there is definitely something to be said for glitter!

  8. You do know how to work a holiday!!
    Your house is looking great!
    Glad you has such a sweet Mothers Day!

  9. Love the color too! How nice that your friends stopped over with their boat. Your brunch was a nice surprise! Lovely rose garden. Sounds like a perfect day.....

  10. What a very happy post. Love the siding and the rose garden.

  11. It looks like you had a splendid Mother's Day. Thanks for sharing your lovely photos.
    @RhondaGilmour from
    Late Blooming Rose
