Thursday, March 15, 2018

It Was Grand

Always hard to write about our trips to the PNW. Breathtaking scenery and time with family. The end.

Well not really because it's me, but in a nutshell...she laughed she cried she booked another trip. And because I'm always a glass half full kind of girl I will say that while living thousands of miles apart is a never ending tug on the heartstrings I'm so proud and grateful for the way my daughter and son-in-law are managing life with the cutest baby boy in the world. They're the sweetest little family and I love watching them grow.

Normally when we travel west my daughter waits in the cell phone lot at the airport, then pulls up to the curb to collect us. But this time we stepped off the escalator into baggage claim and were greeted in person by our little mancub's smiling face.

He smiles y'all. He is just a happy happy boy and even as I type this I feel a smile spreading across my own face all these days later. Joy is contagious.

It poured rain the first day of our visit, but the rest of our days in the PNW were filled with glorious weather. Cool but sunny, and in the great state of Washington sunny skies are everything. I honestly can't get over the beauty of this place and we enjoyed walks around the neighborhood which, when the sun shines, offer stellar views of my favorite mountain.

May I just say strollers have come a long way since my own raising-baby days. Also car seats, sleepwear, jumping apparatus, and baby food packaging. This baby boy loves his chow.

Hubs is the man of a million funny faces, sound effects, and general hijinks and has always been something of a baby whisperer. His little grandson is completely smitten.

The feeling is mutual. FYI my son-in-law had a birthday at the beginning of the month and the balloons were too entertaining to part with just yet.

Friday night hubs and I manned the fort while the 'newlyweds' had a rare date night. What a treat! For everyone! Secretly we hoped baby boy would wake up so we could snuggle him, but wouldn't you know he slept like a champion.

You might need to strap in while I explain this next picture. I live in SC and my friend L lives in Texas. We met almost fifteen years ago when we were both living in England and have remained good friends ever since. Her son who is currently living in Oregon went to high school with my daughter who is currently living in Washington, about two hours from one another. In a happy coincidence L and her hubs were visiting their son the very same week we were visiting our daughter so of course we had to make an in-person meet up happen.

There were not a lot of dining options along this section of I-5, but we found a place online and decided to chance it. Parkers Restaurant and Brewery is located just a few miles from the Mt. St. Helen's Visitors Center in Castle Rock WA and what a great find! I want to give them a shoutout because the menu was large, the food delicious, the service fantastic, and everyone we dealt with was so so very nice. We all shared desserts and the raspberry cheesecake was one of the best I've ever eaten. I hopped over to their website and apparently it's made by Tony and it's famous so there ya go.

These two thoroughly enjoyed themselves and didn't make a mess at all-ha!

 Our babies have babies.

I can't quite get over it.

Sunday afternoon we all got out for some fresh air and Vitamin D and took the mancub to a nearby park.

Did you play in a park with a view like this when you were a kid???

Those are the Olympic Mountains in the background, absolutely stunning and impossible to capture with a phone camera. Impossible for me anyway. Another operator might do better.

Daughter1 made her famous shrimp and grits for dinner Sunday evening, a favorite of my hubs and her hubs both. We were leaving early Monday and I always have to fight the blues a little starting the day before departure. This little guy is a mover and a shaker and I've told my daughter she better strap on her track shoes once he's really on the go. If he's awake he's a-movin'.

She laughed, she cried, she booked another trip.
How could she not?


  1. I know that feeling of joy in visiting far away grandkids and the sadness of leaving. I usually fight a testy attitude the day before leaving also. AND my hubs is also a baby whisperer. All the grandkids love their Papa. Could it be because he always gives them candy? Lol

  2. Love this post! I get it... the joy of being a new grandparent, watching your daughter interact with her little one, feeling proud, and being all giddy about the new addition to the family! What a wonderful time in life! (Exhausting but wonderful.)

  3. So wonderful to have this time together. I'm glad the weather cooperated and you had days without rain. We are headed over the mountains again next week because our little grandgirlie is turning 1 already! Yikes.

  4. That was a sweet surprise at the airport! He is adorable. All the pictures are awesome and how nice that you got to meet up with your friends.

  5. Isn't being a Grammie, Nana, or Oma the absolute best? Seriously, I never imagined it could be this wonderful, or that I could love my grands the way I do. I just well up with joy when we are together or just thinking about them.
    Little Tommy is growing so fast and he is gorgeous!!!

  6. I smiled all the way through this fun post. That boy is SO adorable (but you already know that!). The PNW scenery is breathtaking.

  7. Oh, we always have our next visit planned before we leave too. It really makes leaving easier when you have that next visit to look forward to. How neat that you were able to connect with friends. Hubby's sister and her husband are moving next Sat. from Tacoma to Atlanta after living in the PNW for 7 years. It's a bittersweet move for them. Love the pics!

  8. Oh that little Tommy is just precious...and growing so fast! What a fun and blessed time for all...especially that added blessing of being able to spend some time with your friend and her family as well!

  9. What a wonderful trip. He is getting cuter every day!!!

  10. What Joy you are having. I'm soiled for you. Your grandson is just so adorable.

  11. You have an incredibly beautiful family. I'm so glad your visit was amazing. Thanks for sharing.
    Laughter and Consistency

  12. "Our babies have babies," isn't that an awesome statement?!!! I understand completely.

    Wonderful report on your visit. Everybody looks really good.

  13. Oh Joyce, it is always a blessing to read your family posts. Thank you for sharing!

  14. He is definitely adorable. Thank you for keeping us up to date with his progress and your visits.

  15. Beautiful recap! Hoping for a visit with our grand girl soon 💓
