Saturday, June 15, 2019

Zilch, Zero, Nada

Z is for Zero

As in how many posts I wrote last week. And in keeping with my theme of things that delight it's also the number of alphabet letters remaining in the April A to Z Blog Challenge so whoohoo!

Let's catch up some, k? Daughter2 had a childhood friend visit the lake last weekend. It rained. And rained and rained and rained. They didn't care even a little bit. They planted themselves on the screened in porch and read through piles of books and talked and read more books and even managed one quick dip in the lake between cloudbursts.

Rainy days and childhood friends are good for the soul. Plus when the rain clears you get a sky that looks like this-

Daughter2's friend flew out Sunday then on Monday friends we made while living in England who now live in Texas but have a lake house in Kentucky came to visit. Did you get all that?

We had glorious weather and spent all day Tuesday on the boat. It's been a strange season so far in terms of boating because it really hasn't been all that hot. Not Carolina hot anyway which means we've been enjoying cool mornings on the porch and cool evenings out there too. I do love me some porch sitting.

Wednesday we played tourist and drove over to Asheville to spend the day with the Vanderbilts. They weren't home but we let ourselves in and toured their house and gardens anyway.

An absolutely gorgeous home in a gorgeous setting not to be missed if you're in the area.

They had a fun display in the conservatory, a model train with tracks running in and out of the plantings, along with miniature models of the estate too. Let me just say their gardener knows what he's doing.

Our friends got on the road early Thursday so we did ordinary life stuff like visit the dentist (me), get a haircut (also me) and take a guitar lesson (definitely the hubs!).

Friday night we went over to a little place we like to eat on the lake and then because the sky was so pretty we took our time cruising home right along with the sun. Pay no attention to my boat hair.

Also, why doesn't my daughter have boat hair? 

Meanwhile...on the west coast my daughter1 and son-in-law celebrated his graduation from a 5-year orthopedic surgical residency and are busy loading up suitcases to make the trek south for a few weeks prior to their move. We absolutely could not be more proud of his drive, his diligence, his patience, and the fortitude he has displayed in getting to this day.

Our girl will be here tomorrow with the mancub to celebrate Father's Day with her father in person, and we're all just a little bit excited about that. The Dr. Captain will follow a bit later and will bring the dog with him, so no pup in the house just yet.

Other than the one already here I mean.

And oh yeah, tomorrow hubs and I mark 35 years as husband and wife.

This most recent year feels a lot like this post.-so.much.stuff. But there is grace for the day and for the year and for all the years and for that we are so very grateful.

Happy Anniversary're still the one 💕


  1. Happy anniversary!! Enjoy that little one and D1 this weekend!! Happy Father's Day to your hubs! Congrats on reaching at "Z", Joyce!!

  2. You made it! Don't you find that life sometimes (often) gets in the way of blogging? Happy anniversary. We're 35 this month too. You must be very excited about tomorrow. Have fun!

  3. Yes, there is grace for the day. I have to remind myself of that rather often lately.

    Congratulations on your wedding anniversary. You two make a great couple.

  4. Oh, enjoy these days with little Man Cub and so good to see Maggie smiling. Bless her! Have a great week with your family.

  5. The rain was probably a nice blessing. Sounds like they had a great time. How fun going to the Vanderbilt's with your friends from England. So happy they are coming in for Father's Day. Happy Anniversary!

  6. Sounds like a great summer so far! The cutest little family! I'm wondering if she will give birth out of the country or come 'home' for that? Oh, and...same reason my daughter never has golf hair! LOL

  7. We have had our fair share of rain here...ugh!
    Happy Anniversary!

  8. It sounds like you are having a great Summer. Happy Anniversary!!
