Monday, June 22, 2020

The Sweetness of Summer

Hello Friends! And strangers stopping by too. It's Monday and it's officially summer and it's a beautiful day in the neighborhood. While the world feels more salty-less sweet these days, there is always sweetness to be found. Today I choose to see it. 

Sweetness is found in red ripe tomatoes on the vine-

In a friend saying come pick blueberries we've got a yard full and so you do-

It's Father's Day and you bake a blueberry pie because it's his favorite and because there is so much sweetness in a dad who loves his daughters well-

There is sweetness in an early morning kayak with a little brown dog in tow-

Always the first one ready to go-

But there's a whole lot of sweetness in the way he runs headlong into everything he does-

The boat captain is pretty sweet-

Except when he's salty. Ha! Hi hubs! Sunshine, a boat ride, and lunch in a cooler eaten side by each on a deserted island in the middle of the lake can be pretty sweet too.

And I think there's a special sort of sweetness to a soft summer rain-

Sweetness spills over in Facetime chats with daughters calling to say I love you Dad. In an almost three-year-old grandson grinning great big as he shouts 'Happy Favers Day!!' across the miles.

In the gift and beauty of each new day.

In choosing joy, not complaint. In choosing peace not rancor. In counting blessings not 'things I wanna be mad about'. In harsh words left unspoken and kind words spilled instead.

This weekend I was part of a virtual reunion via Zoom. Friends from long ago days spent as summer camp counselors on Maryland's Eastern shore. It was sweet. The then and the now. As I was writing this post the simple words to a grace we used to sing before meals kept rolling through my brain...

'For health and strength and daily bread we praise Thy name O Lord...'

Sweetness abounds and today I choose to see it. 


  1. Another great post Joyce. You are so good with your words and your photographs. Totally enjoyed this, plus it's a great reminder to choose joy. It really is a choice! Have a great day.

  2. Pure sweetness in this post! "To God be the glory..."

  3. Yes. Let's all choose to see the sweetness! I loved your post today! xo

  4. Wow, I'm impressed. Our tomatoes are not doing much of anything. We bought a blueberry plant but it's not doing well either. I ended up buying Mark a blueberry pie. I love your photos. Looks like summer!!!

  5. There is so much sweetness to be found! Glad I stumbled over to your space. Following along. Happy weekend!
