Sunday, March 14, 2021

About Last Week

Just doing my usual here aka playing catch up. We've actually had a few things on our calendar which feels strange and fun and not quite normal, but let's say almost normal. 

My mother-in-law celebrated a birthday last week and we were able to surprise her by showing up for lunch on the actual day. We drove over to Tennessee the night before and had a great time catching up in person with hubs brother and sister-in-law. They live on a lake and we like to compare notes and landscaping plans and projects amongst other things. 

There's a restaurant in their nearby town we've been wanting to try and we finally had a chance to do just that. The Walnut Kitchen was started by a chef who came from Blackberry Farm, and let me state for the record Blackberry Farm is high on my list of places to someday spend a night or two. Anyway the original owner of the Walnut Kitchen has I think moved on, but the restaurant has retained his vision. We had a wonderful meal and it felt so good to be dining out. 

My mother-in-law was not expecting to see any of her family on her actual birthday and we'd all made excuses as a cover story. Her best friends told her they wanted to take her to lunch and she was so surprised to walk back to the table and find her oldest and youngest sons there to greet her. 

We were missing two of the sibs, but since Covid continues to wreak havoc on people's ability to move about if they have kids in school or in-person jobs they weren't able to join us. 

Still a real day brightener to at least have half of her crew sitting beside her. After lunch we went back to my brother-in-laws lake house and my mother-in-law came too for an enjoyable and relaxing afternoon of porch sitting and face to face conversation. We headed home Friday morning because we had company of our own coming for dinner on Saturday evening. 

No pictures of the people but I did make a key lime pie for dessert and snapped a picture of that. I served the pie on these pretty plates, a recent addition to my dish collection courtesy of my grandmother via my mother. Question-can a person have too many pretty dishes? Asking for a friend who is hoping the answer is no. 

And now here we are rolling in to a brand new week. I see the dentist first thing in the morning which feels like a very Monday thing to do. Tell me what fun thing you have planned that can top that? 


  1. How wonderful to have a fun birthday party for your MIL!! That is was a surprise is just icing on the birthday cake!! Your pie looks delicious and that plate is gorgeous! Tell your friend there is no such thing as too many pretty dishes! xo

  2. What a wonderful birthday surprise!

  3. I know your mother-in-law was thrilled to see her "boys"!!

  4. What a lovely surprise for your MIL.

  5. I love the look on grandma's face in that picture! Also, that pie looks positively scrumptious!

  6. I'm sure she was glad to see her sons. We had a pediatric appointment this afternoon, a very Monday thing to do too.

  7. What a wonderful surprise for your mother-in-law! I think I can top that dentist visit...LOL!

  8. What a great surprise for your MIL! It is nice that now, with care, we can start to seek some sense of normal. I absolutely cannot top seeing the dentist on a Monday morning! Have a great week!

  9. I love the surprise!
    The pie looks delicious.

  10. What a wonderful surprise for your mother in law. I'm so glad you were able to do that. What a special day for her.
