Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Ten-hut! It's The Hodgepodge!

Welcome to another week in the Wednesday Hodgepodge. If you've answered today's questions add your link at the end of my post, then go say hi to the blogger linking before you. Here we go-

From this Side of the Pond 

1. We're approaching Memorial Day Weekend in the US of A...will you mark this in some way? If so tell us how. According to a list found here some things you might do in honor of Memorial Day would be-shop in a Veteran owned business, learn to play a patriotic song, watch the Memorial Day concert, take a virtual tour of the White House, write a letter to a soldier or a soldier's family, fly a flag, attend a Memorial Day parade, donate flowers for a soldier's grave, put together a care package for a soldier, and take a moment of silence at 3 PM (the National Moment of Remembrance)....of the ideas mentioned are there any you will try? 

We definitely try to mark the day and will for sure be flying the flag.  I don't know of any local parades but we hope to attend a nearby Memorial Day service on Sunday afternoon. 

I've been on an in-person tour of the White House so won't be doing the virtual. I like the idea of the 3 PM moment of silence, and I don't think I knew that was a thing until recently. Now that I do I'm going to respect it. My dad is buried in Arlington National Cemetery and when we lived close by we used to like to visit sometime over the Memorial Day weekend. They do a wonderful job of honoring those who've served their country. 

2. What's something recently that made you 'come to attention'?

The price of gas.

3. In what area of your life do you need to 'soldier on'?

Cleaning out my desk and file cabinets. In terms of desk space I'm downsizing so I need to empty out this great big desk and decide what to keep, what to file in a separate file cabinet, and what absolutely must be within arms reach in the new desk space.  This big desk was overdue for a clean out anyway, but I'm easily distracted. 

4. As a long weekend approaches and summer draws near, what's a favorite food from your childhood you think about adding to the menu?

Home made ice cream. We don't have an ice cream freezer, but I'm going to get one before my grandsons visit so we can make ice cream with them.  

5. Your favorite patriotic movie? 

Apollo 13 and Saving Private Ryan would be my top two. 

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

"Those who have long enjoyed such privileges as we enjoy forget in time 
that men have died to win them." Franklin D. Roosevelt


  1. Great answers! As I was reading your answers, I remembered that the kids and I were on choir tour (youth choir at church - chaperone!) one year and we were in D.C. on Memorial Day. We watched the changing of the guards and the hanging of the wreath.

  2. I didn't even think about homemade ice cream!!! What memories!
    That quote from FDR is so true...I think more so today than when he said it.

  3. Gas prices and the lack of has sure got my attention. Making ice fun and making memories at the same time not to mention the great taste.

  4. It appears both of us have very fond memories of making ice cream on this holiday weekend. How dear it would be to pass that fun on to your grandboys. Your "want-to-do list" must be an on-going project. I know you and they can hardly wait. Enjoy your weekend.

  5. Joyce,

    Like you, I'm not sure I knew about saying prayers at a designated time in remembrance of our fallen but we pray for our troops daily. I do like the idea, though. Home-made ice cream wasn't apart of my childhood. I've always wanted to get an ice cream freezer but they take up so much room, don't make a lot, it's time consuming, and the expense. In recent years I began experimenting with no-churn ice cream recipes. The last recipe I used wasn't a 'no-churn' version. I mixed the ingredients per the recipe, but incorporated the steps the no-churn process of using an extremely cold stainless steel bowl to whip my heavy cream to soft peaks before adding everything else then I placed it in the freezer for an hour. While all of that At the beginning while I chilled my stainless steel mixing bowl, I also put a stainless steel loaf pan in the freezer that I eventually pour the softened ice cream content into for deep, hold freeze. The end product comes the closest to tasting like a good store-bought ice cream. I am going to make it again for this weekend except for some slight adjustments to see if it's an improvement. I hope to share my recipe version when I get this figured out. Thanks for sharing your responses and a special thanks for your dad's service to this country. I know you were proud of him. Have a good day and a wonderful holiday weekend!

  6. Amen to Pres. Roosevelt's quote. Amen! I haven't seen the Private Ryan movie in a long time. It is a good one. Homemade ice cream is the best - especially when you have to take a turn turning the crank. Mine is electric and somehow it just doesn't taste the same. I am so excited for you all to get those boys 'home' and back in your arms!! xo

  7. I like your answers. I need to clean a desk and a closet too. How could I forget about ice cream. Silly me. Lol. We love homemade ice cream. My ice cream maker died so I need to get a new one.

  8. I've visited Arlington Cemetery twice during the time my daughter lived in MD. My parents are buried in Willamette National Cemetery. Whenever I visit Portland, I will make the trip to see their graves.
    Have you watched Guns of Navarone? It's good, too.

  9. How wonderful that you have done a tour of the White House. The moment of silence does sounds perfect. Yes Arlington National Cemetery is a place I would like to visit someday. I'm not sure we have ever seen gas this high. California is generally a dollar more per gallon. Good luck with the desk. I've never had home made ice cream. Sounds awesome! Great movie choices. Have a wonderful weekend.

  10. These gas prices are nuts, right??

  11. Thank you for the quote Joyce. So true.

    I enjoy making homemade ice cream. I made basil ice cream last summer. I was not sure if I would like it, but I did. It was very refreshing.

  12. I love, love Arlington Nat'l Cemetery, just so beautiful. And, I use to sit on the top of the ice cream freezer while my Grandpa hand cranked the freezer. Such great memories! Have a great Memorial Day weekend!

  13. I enjoyed your answers.
    I also like Saving Private Ryan.
    Hope you and yours enjoy Memorial Day.
