Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Hodgepodge Leftovers

Hello Hodgepodgers and welcome to another edition of your weekly random. If you've answered today's questions add your link at the end of my post. Be sure to leave a comment for the blogger before you because everyone appreciates kindness.  

Please note- I'm taking a Thanksgiving week break next Wednesday so no Hodgepodge on November 24th. We'll be back in action the following week, December 1st. 

And we're off-

From this Side of the Pond

1. It's often said we should be grateful for small blessings. What is one small blessing you are feeling especially grateful for today?

This front yard tree-

She's a stunner. 

2. How do you feel about leftovers, not just on Thanksgiving but after any meal? Favorite thing to make/eat using your Thanksgiving leftovers? 

I'm good with Thanksgiving leftovers although my one 'quirk' is I am generally not a fan of meat re-heated. I will pour warm gravy over turkey right out of the frig, but I don't like to reheat turkey. Or chicken or fish. Roast beef is usually okay reheated. 

Give me my leftovers in the form of a turkey sandwich please, with lots of mayo and pepper. And I'll have a left over side of all the left over sides. I'm not cooking this year so leftovers won't be an issue. 

3. Sherwin Williams unveiled it's 2022 Color of the Year-Evergreen Fog. Are you a fan? Would I find this mid-tone gray green shade anywhere in your house? Does your house need painting? Inside or out? What one space is most in need of a paint job? Are you a do-it-yourselfer or do you hire a professional? 

I love the color but don't have that particular shade in my home. My house needs some interior re-painting, nothing urgent, but it's been five years so probably time. Most in need would be the bathrooms and we hire out. 

4. What is one aspect of the way you were parented that you are grateful for today? 

I always felt safe and loved. 

5. Write an acrostic for the word-thankful

T-thankful for 


a-America the beautiful

n-eNchanting little boys who call me Nana

k-for Kids who grow into remarkable women

f-family and friends scattered far and wide

u-for undeserved grace and 

l-love from above. 

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

Who here is cooking dinner on the big day and who's shopping the day after? Is Black Friday still a thing? I feel like the Black Friday sales are already happening, which is probably a good thing. 

'Thanksgiving is the enemy of discontent and dissatisfaction.' H. A. Ironside

Wishing you all a wonderful Thanksgiving day xo

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  1. Happy Thanksgiving. I, too, will eat turkey sandwiches for leftovers. Painting, my bathrooms also. Your tree is beautiful.

  2. Happy Thanksgiving and thank you for the questions. I misread one . . .and changed the answer and then when I read your answers, I realized I misread another one. Instead of a "thankful" acrostic . . .you get the full on "thanksgiving" from me! hahaha!

  3. No black Friday shopping for me... ever. Shopping is not my thing (except on Amazon). Thanksgiving dinner is my favorite meal to prepare but I am not cooking (other than a side to contribute) so leftovers won't be a thing for me this year either (I may get a turkey breast to cook anyway!). Thanks for another fun Hodgepodge! Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!! xo

  4. Joyce,

    Yike, the web ate my comment. Sometimes Google is wonky like that. I'm doing my best to get away from using my gmail account. Have you considered giving your readers the option to use their name/url to leave a comment? Some Blogger sites allow the alternate sign-in.

    I enjoyed reading your answers this morning. Incidentally, I borrowed last week's set of hodgepodge question for today because I knew I'd forget to swing by to grab today's. The tree in your yard is simply beautiful. We saw some nice colors in the mountains but mostly past their prime. That didn't bother us, though. It's still very pretty. I don't mind reheating turkey if I can keep it moist by either pouring gravy over it or adding water to the covered dish The gravy is the best option in my opinion. I loved your acrostic for thankful lovely sentiments of your gratitude indeed and many if not all I am thankful for as well.

    Have a blessed and joyful Thanksgiving holiday. I'll see you in December, my dear!

  5. That is a beautiful tree! My daughter is cooking this year so I'm heading up to spend the holiday with her and we'll go out on Friday. Not for a traditional 5am Black Friday, those days do seem to be over, but we'll browse around a couple of our favorite stores to check out the decorations. Happy Thanksgiving!

  6. Happy Thanksgiving to you. I'm with you on reheated meat. I like your acrostic. Your tree is a stunner for sure. No black Friday shopping for me but we will shop small local businesses on the Saturday after Thanksgiving.

  7. I like to shop the Black Friday sales online. I always find good deals at Kohls.

    The acrostic was a fun little challenge.

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  8. I enjoy leftovers all the time; I'm fine with most any food re-heated but it must be hot and not just lukewarm. I have a Sheppard's type pie I make up with all our thanksgiving day leftovers; my husband and I prefer it to the actual turkey dinner on thanksgiving!

  9. The tree is so beautiful. That's interesting about not liking reheated meat. Yes a turkey sandwich with mayo is the best. I love cold roast beef. Safe and loved sounds perfect. Now that was a good way to do the acrostic. You should have filled in the first one. Then I would have found it so much easier. I sometimes do black Friday online. Actually I know have a lot of Christmas shopping down. If only I had the strength to decorate the house. Currently have a lung infection that started on Saturday :( I will be bringing Sweet Potato Balls and Green Bean Casserole to Adam and Gabby's.

  10. I've never shopped on Black Friday. I'm just not a fan of crowds, especially crazy ones! :) Oooh, turkey sandwiches are the best leftovers!!
