Monday, August 26, 2024

Monday Monday

Linking up today with Holly and Sarah for a Monday morning weekend recap so let's get to it. 

Thursday more rock was delivered. Yay I guess. I mean we need more rock, but what a mess we've got going here at the moment. And not just the backyard where the actual project is happening, but the front yard too. All that rock has to be dumped in the front, then brought around back one bucket load at a time. 

Serenity now. 

Trying not to think about the irrigation system and the driveway dings and the plant roots that are suffering in the meantime. Everything is fixable is my current mantra. 

I recommend a sunset boat ride when it's all a little too much. 

Thursday's was a beauty. 

Friday morning I drove into the nearby small big city for my facial. It is perhaps the most relaxing hour of the day-week-year and I love it. As I'm getting out of the car to go inside hubs calls. He's out for a walk but tells me a neighbor just phoned asking if our excavator was supposed to be doing what it was doing and he's headed back to the house to see. 

Serenity now. 

Last week one of our 'rocks' got away from the machine and rolled through the silt fence into the lake. These rocks are more like ROCKS!! so not small and also not inexpensive. We buy boulders. That's how this project happens. Anyhoo, where the rock went into the water wasn't too far from the shoreline so the excavator operator was pretty sure he could snag it, and he did. He also got himself stuck for a short time on the riprap that lines the shore and was this close to going into the lake, machine and all. 

Not the sort of thing you want to hear when you're heading in for an hour of relaxation. 

Thankfully the guys who operate equipment like this have skills, and we got our rock back. All's well that ends well, right? 

After my facial wrapped up I popped into Costco. Question-can you 'pop in' to Costco? Is that possible? Apparently so, because a quick $200 later I was back in the car heading for home. 

We had plans with friends for an early dinner at the local Cabana so we headed to their house around 4:30. We went to dinner by boat which is my favorite way to go to dinner and said cheers to the weekend with an orange crush. I've got my hat pulled as low as it will go because I suddenly remembered my facial. 

After dinner we motored back to their house and floated while the sun dropped into the water. 

Saturday morning there was a huge Trump boat parade on the lake. There are literally hundreds of boats that take part and it's a crazy kind of fun. Back in 2020 there was another huge boat parade and we participated briefly in that one before deciding the traffic was a little too crazy for us. So many boats which created a tremendous amount of wake and we ducked out of that one early.

This time around we got close enough to watch, but not close enough to have our boat swamped. It was fun! DT was on the boat beside us lol. 

Hubs and I got home and decided to go into town to see if we could get a repair piece we need for our pantry door and also to look at some outdoor furniture we're considering for the patio. Fun times. By the time we finished with our errands it was after 2 PM so we stopped for a late lunch/early dinner at a nearby Mexican restaurant, then spent the rest of the day on the back deck reading, listening to music, and playing a board game we like called Shut the Box

Did I mention my freezer? No. Well my ice maker quit working (again!!) and the part had to be ordered, except when the repairman came on Wednesday and got the whole thing out he discovered it was actually a different part, so now I'd need to empty the frig and turn that off too, until it could be fixed. Ugh. I'm so glad I have another frig and freezer downstairs, but all that up and down and back and forth doesn't inspire me to cook. Lunch/dinner out was a win. 

Our repairman Matt (he's been here enough times now we're on a first name basis) is supposed to be coming back Monday (or Tuesday, sigh) to make the repair. He's great and it's not his fault appliances that used to have six hoses now have something like 180.  I'm pretty sure my mom had the same frig/freezer my entire childhood, and well into my adult years too. 

We had a slow Sunday morning and ended up going for a hike to some nearby waterfalls. Outdoor worship is good for the soul. 

As we made our way down the gravel road into the parking area hubs spotted a snake in the road. If you want to spot wildlife in the wild he's your guy. 

It's a timber rattlesnake. Yikes. 

Naturally he had to get out of the car to see it up close and personal and let me just say the snake didn't like it much and he hissed and rattled and I yelled helpful things like "don't get too close!!" Hubs knows a lot about snakes and is interested in all kinds so this made his day. 

The little brown dog was with us too, and he could smell the water a mile away. He just wanted to get on with it. 

And if he could talk would tell you it was a pretty great weekend. 

What fun things have you been up to lately? 


  1. Except your "rock" adventure you really had a great weekend ! Your area looks beautiful !

  2. The boulder and the quipment almost going in the lake is a sight! I am glad he is okay, but thought for sure he would have gone in the lake. Glad you had some time for relaxation and those sunset skies are beautiful!

  3. What a fun, full weekend! The waterfalls are so pretty, yikes on the snake and bolder in the lake, and what a fun theme for a boat parade. Glad Don could join the party, lol.

  4. Looks like a lovely weekend, if even a bit stressful. I feel like that's the life I constantly live; lol. The place we went boating this weekend, you'll always spot a lot of Trump flags. I am pretty sure that there aren't a lot of folks on the other team out there on the water. Have a good week!

  5. Oh wow! The boulder story . . .I was hoping the guy didn't fall in!!

  6. Oh boy, that rolling boulder story! I'm glad the operator had the skills to retrieve and get his rig out of trouble, too. Taking a boat to a restaurant sounds like so much fun. Happy new week to you.

  7. Oh my, the boulder story is one that your grandkids are going to love hearing and seeing the photos of. :-)
    Snakes Alive!!! What a sight, another story for those grandkids. ;-)
    I love that #45 was able to join the boat parade. Fun, fun!!!
    The sunset is fantastic.

  8. Despite the bolder, looks like another amazing weekend on your beautiful lake!

  9. So many beautiful photos of the lake! What a great place you live! Minus that snake of course! lol Have a great day Joyce!

  10. That is one huge project you have going on. I could use a sunset boat ride every day! Looks perfect. That is something about that boulder and that he was able to get it. Sorry about the fence. How nice about the Trump boat parade. Loved that you two went out and accomplished some things along with eating out. Sorry about your refrigerator issue. The hike was great minu that snake!!!

  11. Aaaannnd that's why I can't watch my son when he's at work; those excavators rocking back and forth on their tracks make me so nervous and he's all shrugging shoulders saying "what? It's fine!" Glad you got your rock back though and no one was harmed during the recovery. That sunset on the lake looks amazing. Other than the snake that looks like an amazing hike.

  12. The boulder and the digger story had me on the edge of my seat. Other than that, this looks like the perfect retirement/lake weekend. Oh and the snake!

  13. I don't like snakes, don't even like looking at photos of them, it sounds like a good weekend

  14. Back in 2020, we were down in Punta Gorda having lunch with the grandkids and witnessed a Trump boat parade while we had lunch. We were giving thumbs up and taking pictures! Those boulders are HUGE and thank goodness they rescued the one that went in the water. That was a beautiful snake! There are occasional sightings of the same where I work. Big and powerful. We have more cotton mouths than rattlers, though. Facials are the best! I have always said a facial is more relaxing than a massage. I need to go shopping for a new refrigerator. Sigh. Love the waterfalls and Hunley was having a blast!! xo
