Monday, October 12, 2009

I love New York

Sunday afternoon we decided to drive into the city and by the city I mean The in New York City. We live about 45 minutes from the George Washington Bridge (on a Sunday afternoon when there isn't any work traffic, accidents, road construction, snow, ice, blah blah blah). It was a gorgeous fall day, far too nice to be indoors napping on the couch watching football and reading the paper although we did do some of that later in the day.

This was our first trek into NYC since we moved back and may I just say I LOVE NY. I especially love it on a beautiful fall day, so much so that I didn't even mind paying $43 to park for 4 hours. Course the pup came along too...once she heard the word 'park' we couldn't leave her behind. Our plan was to hang out in Central Park all afternoon...

watch the boaters in The Boat Basin...

admire the art...

the green space...

maybe stalk a few squirrels

...but the city itself calls to you and pulls you in and you end up on 5th Avenue looking in the shop windows and thinking maybe you really should get a job so you can shop in this wander past The Plaza taking note of the limousines parked hope to see someone famous but you don't, not today anyway.

You find yourself gazing up at St. Patrick's Cathedral...

watching skaters at Rockefeller Center...

who knew they did this in October?

You take a picture of Christies Auction House because they are flying a British flag and that makes you an aside here, did you know the Astors home in Newport Rhode Island is listed with Christies and for a mere $12,900,000 it can be yours?

You admire the rooftop gardens... love the hustle and bustle and people...

but in the end you go back to the park...because someone needs to catch herself a squirrel...or a bird...

or somethin'.

Before heading home you walk by Strawberry Fields and take a picture of the John Lennon memorial...Imagine.

You mozy past the zoo wall and take a peek at the goats and yes indeed I did just use the words mozy and NYC in the same post.

You watch the horse drawn carriages go by.

You think, Gosh this place is pretty.

I think I'll blog about it and put 19 pictures in a single post.

And I do.


  1. Loved the photographs -- thanks for the virtual tour! It's been ages since I've been in NYC.

  2. I absolutely loved it! Thanks for helping us see NYC.

  3. *sigh* I'm so envious. I love NYC. I've been there three times and still long to go back. *sigh* Of course, I'm always so glad to back home to the quiet of country life, but for a few days, I do love the hub-bub of NYC.
    The last time we went to NYC, we spent Sunday in Central Park and it is a wonderful family memory that our son still often talks about.
    So glad to see that you had such a beautiful day, Joyce, with your husband and pup!

  4. I loved this post! So many familiar places captured in these pictures. Like from It Could Happen to You when they both stayed at the Plaza hotel or even Home Alone Lost in New York, so many famous locations as well as The Wedding Planner with Jennifer Lopez and the fountain at the end.

    Thank you, thank you for sharing these with me as I have never been but always wanted to see this in the fall. Now I think it's time for You've Got Mail and watch Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan fall in love in the city!

    Love and Hugs ~ Kat

  5. You can bring your doggie to my yard any time you'd like to stalk squirrels. We're trying to trap those suckers as we speak. So far all we've gotten is one toe. I thought about blogging about it, but some readers might be too squeamish.

  6. How neat that you live so close to NYC.
    Seeing the pictures brought back memories of when we visited in March of '08.
    Thanks for sharing! Glad you had such a nice Sunday afternoon.
    Also, I'm feeling much better. Thanks for the sweet comment.

  7. I loved your pictures of NYC!! It makes me want to come up so bad. Wait until you get to go for the holidays. The city at Christmas is so magical! You all will enjoy being that close to NYC and getting to go in for plays, dinner, shopping, etc. What fun!!!!! Glad you had a wonderful day. I still love your dog. She is so beautiful. Love & blessings from NC!

  8. I've never been to New York, and I really, really want to go now. That looks like a fantastic time!

  9. I've never been to NYC, except as a high school senior on my senior trip, and I don't remember seeing any of those things. Thanks for the great tour--I'd love to go sometime!

  10. This post sure hit at the wrong time. I love New York, lived there three years (about two blocks from the Park!) and have been really missing it lately.

    Nice job of describing a Saturday in the City.

  11. What a fun time and lovely pics! Glad that you enjoyed a busy city in leisurely way. Blessings.

  12. Lovely post and pics, as usual! Now I'm really looking forward to next month, when we get to go to NYC! I guess the leaves will be gone by then, but I'm gonna push for a Central Park visit.

  13. hi there, i stumbled upon your NYC post. i visited this year in May and OMG! i love that place! i cannot wait until i go back. anytime someone does a NY post, i can't get enough of looking at it. i agree with you completely, there is so much there to enjoy, it just pulls you in.

  14. Thank you for my visit with you to NY city. A place I have and will travel to. It indeed is beautiful and peaceful looking ,at least the places you went.
    thank you.

  15. What a great post! Only been to NYC once but cannot wait to get back again some day. Thanks for poppin' over to read my Random Dozen today. I'm just browsing about with my cuppa tea meeting you & reading about your world! :-D

  16. Loved reading/and the amazing pictures of your last two posts! Someday this Kentucky girl may have to travel North to Pennsylvania and NYC! Looks like a great time:) Fall is my favorite time of year and your pictures are great, also like the pup--what kind is it? We have a golden retriever that is full of energy!

  17. I love New York too! Loved seeing your trip!

