Sunday, March 28, 2010

How many electricians does it take to hang a tapestry?

Okay, first let me just get this out of the way...the VOLS! Heartbreaking! What a game that was....I had to leave the room during the last two minutes because I got so nervous I couldn't sit still. I wonder if its more painful to lose by one point and know it was within your reach or to lose like Kentucky and be able to say the other team played better? Either way, it was an exciting weekend of college basketball in case you don't know what I'm talking about.

Next thing I need to say is this...I knew March was a big tease. We got up early on Saturday because we needed to drop the MG off somewhere for her Spring tuneup. (yes, she is a she) Hubs wanted to know the temperature before we headed out because I guess he was hoping he might be able to put the top down. 26 degrees. Uh, no. Not happening. That would be top up weather. And scarf, gloves and winter coat weather. Sigh. On the bright side there was no snow.

After we dropped off the car we went out to breakfast. Have I told you how much I love to go out to breakfast? We have a couple of really good little breakfast spots in our town so its becoming a regular part of our weekends. You can put this one in the pro column for empty nesting. And fyi, not seeing your children since the Christmas break would be on the con side of that same list. But- (insert happy dance) I will see them tomorrow.

Tomorrow tomorrow, I love ya're only a day (and a plane ride) away.

Back to Saturday...after breakfast we headed to Loews because Saturday was the day we planned to hang our tapestry. In case you don't read here regularly my hubs bought a beautiful tapestry in Belgium a few weeks ago but we needed some additional bits before we could actually put it up on the wall. And I guess when we talked about all of this I wasn't really thinking about what the actual hanging of said tapestry would involve. I for sure was not thinking we'd need an electrician. And normally you don't but we managed to create some special circumstances.

We planned to hang the tapestry in our foyer and because I have a large chandelier there already I wanted the tapestry rod to coordinate so we had to order one. Plus the tapestry is quite heavy so you want to have a proper rod to hold the weight. We also ordered tassels to drape on the ends of the rod so we had to wait for these items to arrive. I debated mucho over the color of the tassels but ended up going with the gold and am happy because its perfect.

The plan was always to hang the tapestry on the stairwell which is high. Very high. I don't have a brain for this type of thing but from the very beginning hubs said hanging it was going to be a problem...that he didn't have the right kind of ladder to perch precariously on the steps and maybe I should just pay a handyman to hang the tapestry and do a couple of other small projects that also require funky ladders.

In the end we went to Loews and bought a special ladder. Even the saleslady was shocked at the price. She looked at it twice and then at us and said, "Really? For a ladder?" My thoughts exactly.

So we get the ladder set up and hubs puts some boards across the top to stand on and I'd love to show you a picture but I didn't take one. Somebody had to hold the ladder in place ya know! And sweat. And pray a lot. And agree with hubs every time he muttered the words I hope I don't fall. And I didn't take any pictures when he was finished because that's when we realized that for some strange reason the power was out in our master bath which is on the complete other end of the house and so we needed those few moments to panic and wonder why?

Hubs spent the next hour up in the attic checking all the wires and removing the switch plate from the bedroom behind the tapestry wall and in the end we called an electrician because I didn't want an electrical fire behind the wall. He comes this afternoon and even though everything looks fine, and the power came back on as soon as we flipped the fuse, and all lights and fans, etc have been working fine since Saturday morning, we're still going to have him take a look just to be on the safe side. And I'm really hoping there is no need to cut open the bedroom wall. Sigh. Oh, and the tapestry?

It looks beautiful!


  1. Love the colors! And I would have never thought to put tassels on the sides, but it's perfection.

    Remind me to call you next time I decorate:)

  2. It is really beautiful. And while I would have liked to see pictures of you all putting it up, I agree that someone needed to hold the ladder and pray!

  3. I love the fact that the checkout lady thought the ladder was overprices!

    Have fun with your girls!

  4. #1 - What is the MG's name?
    #2 - Can I borrow your fancy ladder?
    #3 - It's perfect there!
    #4 - Hope the electrician doesn't find anything wrong.

  5. Your tapestry looks amazing there! Have a safe trip to see your girls! We're going to SC this weekend to visit friends, so we'll probably pass y'all on the road!

  6. It looks perfect there! I have THE EXACT staircase/big emtpy wall that needs just that type of piece. My Hubs, however is not going to Belgium anytime soon. Bother.

    Oh and the ladder thing... My Hubs is saying "I won't fall" instead of "I hope I don't fall" I'm thinking the more cautious state of mind is better.

    Just sayin'

  7. I am so behind on my blog reading because of all of the drama we have had at our house (puppies and puppy with broken leg). I am the one who has had to change their schedule because of it all. I just read through and got caught up with you and I am glad I did.

    Your tapestry looks so rich, I love the colors. I think that is the perfect place for it. Isn't it funny how hanging something like that can turn into such a major project?

    I bet you are happy dancing yourself to death over seeing your girls. Can't wait to read the stories.

  8. I second that! It looks beautiful! Don't ya just love it when a plan comes together!

    Have fun with the girls this week!! I hope the weather heats up so you can do some outside activities. I'm sorry to tell you this but we were burning up yesterday! It was so hot but it'll cool down again of course. It's just a tease for now!

  9. Your tapestry is absolutely gorgeous!! It looks so beautiful hanging there, just in the right spot!! You've got a really wonderful hubby there I'd say!!


  10. First of all the tapestry is just beautiful and looks like it is in the perfect spot.

    There is a time to take pictures and a time to refrain from taking pictures. :) I know nobody believes I know the second part, but I do!

    And....breakfast is the very best meal to go out for. I also love it!

    I know you'll enjoy having the girls home.
    We'll look forward to hearing all about it.

    P.S. I've been like that watching a few of these basketball games. It's just too much when they're so close. My lady Sooners won last night.
    That made me happy.

    Talk to you soon!

  11. Who knew your beautiful gift would be such a pain in the rear? ;)

  12. Joyce, I love your tapestry. It is so beautiful and what a perfect spot for it. I hope there is no problems behind the wall where it was hung. I know you are thrilled to be going to meet the girls for spring vacation and also lots of Tim's family. Have a wonderful time. Our temps by the end of the week are supposed to be in the 80's. We're going from winter to summer in a matter of days, but I'm not complaining. I LOVE to eat breakfast out anytime. You are right, it is a great empty nesting ritual. We were involved in the basketball games too. Being from NC, we were pulling for Duke. They did make it to the Final 4. Have a restful and exciting week with the girls. I know there will be a lot of talking going on this week. Enjoy!!!! Love & blessings from NC!

  13. I love to go to breakfast too, and that tapestry is just beautiful!! wow. xoxo LA

  14. What a great place to hang that tapestry! Those projects always seem to take more work than you think, don't they? We are moving in a few months, so I think we have those types of projects ahead.

  15. First of all, those temps! Wowzers. The temp in my car read 82 today.

    Don't some of the smallest projects turn out to be more than you first realized? It looks great!
