Friday, July 23, 2010

Write it down

I ordered a new date book recently and it arrived in the post yesterday. And I might still be living in the 1980's in some areas of my life because seriously, when was the last time you heard someone use the words 'date book'? I have tried to embrace technology in all its many forms but I have not let go of my week at a glance calendar obsession. My hubs tried to convert me to one of his old palm pilots years ago but it didn't take. I'm not even sure an IPhone would win me over...I still like a great pen and clean paper. And yes it is July and you may be thinking it's a strange time of year to be starting a new calendar but, I personally think calendars should begin in August like the school year.

I love a new calendar. No crossed out appointments that had to be re-scheduled. No new addresses written on top of old addresses. No notes scrawled on pages where they don't belong just because the calendar happened to be sitting beside the phone when I needed something to write on. No pen know where you grab all the pens in a drawer and scribble to find one that writes. That's not just me is it? Instead you have fresh clean unmarked paper in a super cute cover.

It's important my calendar fits certain criteria-
  • It must be spiral bound.
  • It must be in the week at a glance format.
  • It must have a few address pages tucked in there somewhere.
  • The cover must be super cute.

This one also has a few pockets and some lined pages for notes which earns it bonus points.

I love the way a new calendar makes me feel like I'm getting a fresh start. In reality we're given a fresh start every day but the blank pages yet to be filled remind me that a lot happens in a year. Sometimes its hard to part with the old book. I go thru it to copy addresses and any important dates and phone numbers I may have written there and as I do I feel grateful for my everyday life. For people and places and moments.

And I'm pretty sure syncing an electronic device via another electronic device does not have the same effect. Just sayin'


  1. We're both definitly on the same wave length today - thinking of paper products. Your Planner does certainly have a "very cool" cover. My dh orders a certain type of Planner ea year. It comes from England and has a leather cover. He calls it his "brains" cause he runs his life from within it's pages, but his is not nearly as "cool" as yours!

  2. I totally agree with you! I don't use a date book, but I have a family calender hanging on the kitchen wall and I will never replace it's handwritten, fully functional easiness!

  3. I'm with you! For me, I like a month-at-a-glance. I guess my life just isn't quite so busy. I've tried the electronic path, but just can't seem to make in click in my brain. Your planner is CUTE!

  4. You should start classes. Title it.

    Your Life in a Date Book 101

    I'd take it.

    I now know what a date book is.

  5. I completely agree with all of it! That planner is adorable. Where did you order it from?

    Joyce, I'm so sorry it didn't work out for us to meet. It's a whirlwind when we go home for a visit. I do hope it works out for us some time in the future. We are now home in Michigan as of last night. :-) Home sweet home!

  6. Totally get you! I still search and seek out just the perfect 'date book' (day-planner)even though I have an Iphone and an Ipad. Ugh. I must have the month at a glance and a mechanical pencil! And my Hubs gets so exasperated with me and just doesn't get why I insist on calendaring things twice and wasting time. Ha! All I've got is time! It's not like I bill my time and have to account for every quarter hour! He's given up. And still insists on sending me via emai,l events to calender electronically. I just accept and then 'write' them down in my planner also. :)

    Oh, and I thought 'date book' and reference to getting it in the 'post' was more of a living abroad thing than 80's thing. :)

    Just sayin'

  7. I really like the cover on your date book. Would you be willing to share where you purchased it? I too like pen and paper. I have to keep an electronic calendar at work (company policy) but am trying really hard to start the school year off on the right foot and keep a planner with me in my purse as well.

  8. Joyce, you will love this Lilly date book. I have the one for 2010 and I have loved it. Just looking at the beautiful cover makes me feel good. And when I get it out of my purse, people always comment on how cute it is. You will enjoy using it. I'm with you Joyce. I am a visual person and I want to see my calendar in front of me with the events marked down so I can look at them. I have always had a date book, ever since my early school years. My girls are the same way. We all love our Lilly calendars. The only thing we hate is that the old calendars run through December, so we will either have to use it and wait to use the new 2011 or use the 2011 date book and give up the 2010. Decisions, decisions!!! Have a wonderful weekend. Hope you can work on your tan. Love & blessings from NC!

  9. I do understand. I used a date book for years but now that I'm on the computer working all day long I do use Outlook for my date book.

    But I still keep a journal and love to find pretty notebooks for that. One of my blogging friends bought me a gift; a beautiful journal to write down all the Lord is teaching me through this season of life.


  10. Ok, Normally I'm with you. But not on this. Here's my question: What if you have something that repeats? Then you have to write it several times! I'm just sayin. HaHa! Try the iPhone I think you'll like it. You have a great weekend Friend!! PS ~ How's that sweet puppy of yours???

  11. I'm pretty paper based, but I don't carry one around with me. Our life is hung on the front of the refrigerator. If it's not on that calendar, it doesn't exist.

  12. That is really cute. I bought a new school calendar from WalMart that's super cute, but it's not spiral. I'm trying to put stuff on my phone, so we'll see if it'll work or not for me.

  13. I've tried the tech but don't like the fact that you have to select archive or erase. It doesn't make should delete itself unless it repeats (like birthdays). We're given a calendar at school so I use that one.

  14. Count me in too! I prefer my date book - week at a glance - to anything electronic. I keep an electronic one at work because my boss insists on it; however, I keep my own personal running calendar with me - on paper. I love the one that you have chosen.

    Enjoy your weekend,

  15. I use my calendar which is next to the phone in the kitchen! I write everything down there! AND even then I have to write myself a sticky note and stick it to the kitchen table! I'm just not into using techie stuff for things like that.
    Oh, but I have scheduled myself reminders on my phone when I've been out and about so I don't forget to do things before coming home.
    I looove your date book! :-)

  16. Good for you. I can't live without my Suzy's Zoo pocket calendar each year. I don't do well with planners or week at a glance. I love the one you bought, enjoy!

  17. I used to be right there with you--never had a Palm Pilot, never used the Outlook calendar on my computer, always used a "date book." That is until I got my iPhone.

    I'm away from my desk much of the day visiting job sites, etc. It is so easy to just enter a reminder on my iPhone calendar and then have it alert me 1 hour, 2 hours, 30 minutes, 5 minutes, whatever, before the event. I was always bad about writing something on my calendar and then not stopping to look at the calendar to see what was upcoming. Now I get an audible alert. I find that I'm much more organized.

  18. Like the date book idea. I actually carry one of those little 2 year calendars in my purse, to jot things on. It is on the small side, but my thinking is if the days are small then I can't squeeze to much into them. lolol. I write all my stuff down also, I am with you!
    until next time... nel
    PS I have been reading the posts I missed. Love the pictures of your family, your mom is precious! Good pic of you and the girls.

  19. I am such a paper calendar girl. I love technology, but I have to be able to write on a calendar, with a pen, not with my finger like on some of those fancy PDAs. Love a fresh one too... new beginnings, clean slate, crisp pages... Okay, I'm craving a new calendar now. Thanks!
