Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Ho-Ho-Ho-dgepodge Questions Vol 104

Tuesday's here again. The weeks are funny like that. I know some of you are thinking you're too busy for fun and games in December, but I disagree. I think everyone needs a break from their wrapping and their buying and their baking and their fretting this time of year. Grab a cuppa or some eggnog and enjoy this week's questions.  Don't be so quick to get back to your to-dos that you forget to add your link here tomorrow!

One more thing... if you're interested in participating in The Twelve Days of Christmas Kindness happening here this month you'll find details in this post. Be sure to grab the super cute button from my sidebar Daughter1 made just for us. She's nice like that.

Okay-here ya go...

1.  Share your traditions surrounding the Christmas stocking.

2.  How many hours of sleep do you average at night?  Is it enough?

3.  If you had to give up one thing for the remainder of this year what would it be?

4.  The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge (or Wills and Kate as I like to call them) have announced they're expecting a baby. Do you follow news of the Royals?

5.  For me,  the sound of childhood is__________________.

6.  Fruit cake-yay or boo? What's your favorite dessert made with fruit?

7. What is one thing you want to accomplish before 2012 comes to an end?

8.  Insert your own random thought here.


  1. You mean some people are buying and wrapping and *gulp* baking already??? I'm feeling a bit pressured! :)

  2. I enjoy so much escaping into Hodgepodge. The hubby watches tv or sleeps and I blog. It is our Tuesday night routine!
    Thanks again for hosting this meme, you do such a great job.
