Wednesday, February 12, 2014

A Penny For Your Hodgepodge Thoughts

Welcome to this week's edition of the Wednesday Hodgepodge. Answer the questions on your own blog, then hop back over here to share the linky love. Tell the truth now, it's Honest Abe's birthday ya know!

Here we go-

1. What makes love last?

A sense of humor, a forgiving heart, making a concious effort to put the other person first, seeing the best in your mate as opposed to keeping a tally of all that annoys, not expecting perfection, extending compassion, knowing there will be days, and most especially never underestimating the power of the little things. Life is made up of a million little things, and over the course of ten or fifty years, those little things add up to an awful  lot. 

The Beatles made their U.S. debut fifty years ago this week. Are you a fan? If so, what's your favorite Beatles tune?

Yes I'm a fan, and hubs would say they're his all time favorite. He saw Ringo in an airport several years ago, and as he walked over to say hello,  a great big arm attached to a bodyguard reached out and said 'uh, sorry, no can do'.  We've seen Paul McCartney in concert three different times (and once in his pajamas having breakfast in a NYC diner) and he's great. 

Now to pick a favorite tune...hmmm....that's a tough one. Hubs used to sing Golden Slumbers to Daughter2 when she was a wide awake baby girl, and it would settle her right down. While I'm pretty partial to that one, The Long and Winding Road might be my most favorite.  

3. Valentine's Day-your thoughts? Do you celebrate in any way? Do anything special for the people you love? Expect anything special from the people who love you?

It's not that I'm anti-Valentine, but I don't set high expectations for the day either. Even though my girls are grown I still send them a carefully chosen card, and some sort of goodie via the US Mail.  Hubs and I have never done more than exchange cards, and sometimes not even that. We eat out often, but almost never on Valentine's Day. On that day we enjoy preparing a nice meal together in our own kitchen, maybe trying a new recipe, and always with a playlist of our favorite tunes in the background.  

4. Steak or have to choose. Now that that's settled, how do you like it?

Steak, medium rare please. 

5. The Hodgepodge lands on the birthdate (February 12th) of Abraham Lincoln, 16th President of the United States of America. Lincoln is quoted as saying, "Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test his character give him power."  Do you agree? Why or why not?

Agree. Power so often seems to change people, and generally not for the better. Look at the mess our government is in. I do believe many of those in office started off with the best of intentions, but power is intoxicating, and the need to hold onto it makes people compromise their beliefs and principles rather than risk losing it. 

I have enormous admiration and respect for people in positions of power who are able to act with integrity, and remain true to their beliefs. It's hard to think of an example in this day and age, but perhaps that's because those people uncorrupted by power are going about their work quietly, not seeking fame and adulation?   

Billy Graham is someone who comes to mind. He's had the time, attention, and ear, of presidents and kings, yet he remains humble. He carries on about the business of pointing people to the cross. All people, not  just the ones he agrees with, or who share his particular spiritual and political views. 

6. Honest Abe's picture is on the US penny (1 cent coin) so I'm wondering...what do you do with your pennies (or your country's equivalent)? It's been suggested the US stop making the penny, and two bills have been proposed suggesting just that, but neither were approved.  What say you?

What do I do with my pennies?  I make my hubs crazy by insisting I've got that three cents needed to cover a $20.03 tab, and then I dig through my purse to prove it.  I love exact change-ha! I have a bowl in my bedroom where I sometimes throw pennies. Haven't thought too much about abolishing the penny, but if we do I guess that means no more $2.99 pricing on stuff? We'll live in a world of round numbers. 

7. Do you think pop culture deserves serious study?

Not now. Maybe someday way way way down the road we'll want to look at today's pop culture and see how it impacted a generation, but I can't see that it deserves serious study today.  I'm also not one of those parents willing to fork over tuition dollars for a college student to take a class called 'American Soap Operas' or 'Exploring Buffy the Vampire Slayer' or especially, 'How to Watch Television'.  In my opinion that's a waste of a parent's hard earned pennies!

8.  Insert your own random thought here-

Ski jumpers are a little bit crazy.


  1. Altho I'm not a Beatles Fan, I must admit, seeing him in the airport would have been thrilling. [except for the bodyguard part! lol] #8 made me giggle.

  2. Look at me all at the top of the Hodgepodge list this week! LOL I'm glad school is out today- I needed to stay up last night to mull over a couple of my answers today. This thought provoking questions are...thought provoking. :) I have a couple of friends from my college days who used to have big, long discussions on some Beatles tunes and their affect on the culture at the time. I think they were supposed to be in class at the time. Ha! Have a great day!

  3. I like your number 1 and 5!
    Politics and Billy Graham were perfect examples.

  4. As usual, we have some similar answers! I especially love your list of "to do's" for #1. And, tell your Hubs I love "Golden Slumber" too!

  5. It is just the small things that matter the most. Both daughters use to receive small packages on Valentine's Day, also. I need my pennies, too.

  6. Another great Hodgepodge!! We have very similar answers on a few and total opposite on others! Great questions, again!!

  7. So far, you and I are the only ones who know how to order a proper steak! ha!

  8. Let it be is my favorite Beatle song

  9. We're similar to you on the Valentine question. Very good answer on the power question. As I was reading your first paragraph to that question I started think Billy Graham and lo and behold that's who you mentioned as your example.

    Enjoy your day and thanks for the Hodgepodge.

  10. Enjoyed this as always....Billy Graham was the perfect answer. Did this last night right before bed and just couldn't think, haha. Enjoy your day! Oh, and agree on # 8! lol

  11. When I worked at Target, those ladies who dug into their change purse for those 2 cents used to drive me messes up the speed score! Something for you to think about! :D
    Hope you have a good day! Stay warm!!!

  12. I can't imagine flying through the air like those skiers & snow boarders do.. insane!

    I woulda took a picture with Ringo's body guard... 7 degrees of separation sorta thing :)

  13. Sorry for some of my soap boxing. I have cabin fever and am grumpy as a momma bear.

  14. Well, we had similar answers on 2-3 also. Interesting questions today. Always appreciate your conjuring up these questions week after week. Happy day!

  15. I think politicians are great on the local level and perhaps it's because they obtain power and can actually use it and see the results. Once the get to the national level they lose touch with the people they serve and serve the party who owns their soul and gives them the power that makes them drunk.

    I think we want to study current pop culture at least enough to understand how it's affecting society and to document that we don't necessarily approve for the future generations who study history. :)

  16. I really like how you thought of Billy Graham. I think we tend to focus on the negative, and he's a wonderful example of someone using his power for good in the world. Thanks for another fun set of questions!

  17. I don't like eating out on Valentine's Day either. There is usually a special menu (which has none of my favorites), the prices are jacked up and it is too crowded for me. I prefer to pick another night to go out and celebrate :)

  18. I have pennies too..I love change. Great questions & answers. Blessings

  19. I love what you and your hubby do to make celebrate Valentine's Day by cooking together. Going out on that day can be such a nightmare, anyway. I have never heard of "Golden Slumber". I'll have to take a listen today since we're all snowed and iced in.

  20. I love your answer for #1.......
    Love your choice of steak and medium rare. Billy Graham is definitely a great example. Yes those ski jumpers are crazy and I can't stop watching them!

  21. My husband proposed to me while Long and Winding Road was on. It was just a coincidence but I think it is appropriate for marriage.

  22. Oh, wow! Our answer to question one is nearly the same! Great minds must think alike. :)

  23. Hm. Maybe I misunderstood the question about studying pop culture....offering crazy lame fluff pop culture topics as college courses did not cross my mind... ;-) And I agree w/ does one work up the nerve to do that jump the very first time?

  24. Yes, I love The Long & Winding Road too! Happy Hodgepodge, Joyce!

  25. LOL at your random comment! I call that "insane skiing" I always cringe when they flip flop onto the snow. Big ouch! Although sometimes its hard not to laugh but then i remember the pain i went through breaking my wrist. O_o Anyway that's a funny story about Paul McCartney. I wish i am able to afford concert tickets! Plus the venues he plays at are far and hard to get to especially downtown San Francisco!

  26. Love all your answers today! Hope you bought your milk and bread and mother nature is kind to you all! stay warm!

  27. I agree about the ski jumpers. And the figure skater pairs are making me nervous as well with those throws and lifts! I still watch though. There's a boy from just down the road who will be competing in the ski jumping tomorrow. Cheer for Nick Goepper!

  28. Hi what an interesting post. I see you have signed up for the A to Z Challenge this year. I am Yvonne Lewis one of Arlee Bird's Ambassadors to help make the challenge run smoothly. I do hope you do take part and I look forward to visit during April to see how things are.
    Take care.

  29. I have to agree with the Ski Jumpers, just pray they all stay safe. Billy Graham is a legend in his own time!!! thankfully we are getting a warm spell for the next week temps in the upper 60s time to bring out the shorts!!! JK Happy Wed JOYCE
