Friday, April 6, 2018

Here Comes The Bride

Y'all. So much has been happening here I haven't had a minute to sit down and tell you so much has been happening here.

So much has been happening here.

Is it okay to talk about Easter more than a week later? I'm going to say yes because Easter was a big day around here. For starters this happened-

If you've read here for any time at all you've likely seen pics of the boyfriend turned fiance on my blog. They've dated for 'a while', ahem, and on Easter Sunday he officially asked her to be his bride. We love them both so much and are so excited for this next new chapter in their lives.

Let's back up a bit because you know nothing is ever a straight line in our little corner of the world. Hubs drove over to Tennessee the Thursday before to collect his mama and bring her to the lake for Easter weekend. The boyfriend had spoken to hubs a couple weeks prior and mentioned it 'might' happen over the weekend but there was some sort of delay in the hardware department so it might not happen over the weekend.

I of course proceeded as if it were a done deal because how am I supposed to be an over the top excited mother of the bride if I live in a world of maybe? And I knew if it did happen I'd want to have a couple of fun little gifts for my daughter when they came back to the house. Personalized cookies wouldn't be too extravagant would they?

In my defense I told the baker it was all a maybe and she informed me I could freeze the cookies if need be.

Hubs texted the boyfriend Thursday afternoon and he said it was definitely not going to happen Easter weekend because he didn't have the ring back yet. I resisted interrogating him via hubs text messages and instead called Daughter1 and facetimed my grandson because he just makes every little thing in the world alright.

Here he is in the Evergreen State in all his Easter finery-

Have you ever seen a cuter baby boy?

Meanwhile in the Palmetto State...I had my sister and brother-in-law and my niece and her boyfriend, and my brother-in-law's brother and his girlfriend all coming for Easter dinner and I hadn't seen my sister since Christmas so I just made up my mind to celebrate this beautiful Easter day and know the engagement would happen someday sometime but not today.

Easter dawned bright and beautiful and church on Easter Sunday is always one of my favorite things so hubs, his mama, and I all had a nice morning. We came home and put lunch in the oven and then my sister and company arrived around 2 and we were all having a grand time.

Daughter2 had texted earlier saying they were hiking that afternoon but would be to our house sometime late afternoon. She texted again later saying they wouldn't be there now til closer to 5:30 because they were passing a pretty waterfall and decided to check it out.

A few minutes later she Facetimed me and with a great big smile on her face said, 'We're engaged!!' 

My first thought was to say, 'No you're not-the ring's not here', but I managed to catch myself. Pshew! Then I noticed she was wearing a ring, a very pretty ring that looked remarkably like an engagement ring.

Turns out her groom couldn't wait another day or week or minute so he asked and she said yes. We all find it hilarious that he managed to surprise his bride and both families because when two people date for a long time you feel like there's no way an engagement will be a surprise. Yet there we all were with our jaws dropped grinning from ear to ear at the loveliness of the surprise. He gave her a ring that belonged to his aunt and before that his great grandmother to wear as a placeholder until her ring arrives.

Sentimental stories are my favorite kind.

Daughter2 said they'd be to our house in a few minutes so I leapt from the table, ran to my closet to grab the goodies I'd purchased, and quickly set up an impromptu little celebration complete with an Erin Condren planner, bride bag, mug, and COOKIES!

Go big or go home, right?

Here's her grandmother and her aunt waiting not so patiently for the bride to arrive so they could give her a big hug.

I couldn't wait and had to give my hugs and kisses in the driveway.

Hubs popped the bubbly and made a wonderful champagne toast-

 ...and we all said Cheers to a lifetime of happiness for the most adorable couple we know.


  1. Love you momma! Not over the top at all, just right my if you ask me ��

  2. Oh I am so happy for Daughter #2! She will make a beautiful bride! I can't wait to go through the second wedding planning with you!

  3. Awe, I just love it and how prepared you were in spite of the surprise. Way to go!!!Fun times are ahead for this sweet couple and the wedding plans begin. Loved hearing all the details! Happy weekend!

  4. Love that he couldn't wait another minute to ask - that says something right there. We are in the thick of wedding planning and now that it's all about the details I am having so much fun!

  5. Soo excited for you all! And you get to plan another whole wedding, and this time you will be a seasoned pro. Soo fun. Can’t wait to watch it all unfold. Congratulations to them both! Such a cute couple!

  6. You are always on top of it! Congratulations to all. What a beautiful couple and will look forward to all the happenings as you plan the wedding. So exciting.

  7. Congratulations to you all! The fiance is a Red Sox fan so extra points for that!

  8. Wow! So happy for you all! I'm waiting for the same kind of of these days. I certainly hope it's not too late to post about Easter almost a week late as I just did the same. ;)

  9. So exciting! Congratulations to them!! Of course you were prepared! I was ready with a Erin Condren Planner too! haha of course.

  10. Ben knew better than to tell any female in this family what was going on because...well, you have to know how close we all are and how we are not good at keeping good news to ourselves and the story of Reni and Evan's engagement so it was a big surprise to all of us except Molly and I had just discussed how perfect Easter would be because it was Claudia's birthday and April Fools' day and...whew! That was a mouthful, wasn't it? Sorry. Anyway, about the cutest baby boy...I might have to disagree with you on that one but that's only because I have one, too. :) Congrats all around!

  11. I'm grinning ear-to-ear! Another wedding to plan!! I can't wait to read all about it!! Congratulations!

  12. Congratulations to your daughter and to you too, of course! What an exciting time and wonderful weekend!

  13. I love this story! Congratulations to all.

  14. What a special day that was for all of you. I can't wait to be part of all the wedding planning along with all your blog followers. So exciting and what a handsome couple. Speaking of handsome, that happy baby boy takes the prize.

  15. Congratulations!! Beautiful Easter memory! ❤️💕❤️

  16. SUCH A FUN POST! I love this! Congratulations to all!

  17. What a fabulous time you all had. Congratulations! I love the gifts that you had ready for them. Too cute! And yes your grandson is cute as can be. So much to look forward to.

  18. Aww...what a sweet story. Sometimes things just have their own way of coming together. Congratulations!

  19. This is just the best engagement story. I love how it was a surprise, but then you had all the sweet bride-to-be goodies waiting for her. Congratulations to your sweet family!

  20. Hi Joyce,
    Oh my, a sweet story.
    I am so excited for you and your family.
    Looking forward to more as you share with us.

    Sam asked to talk last Thursday. He said" Mom, I have something I want to share with you." He had been thinking of going into the National Guard. He had been praying about it. He also has a friend who joined last year.
    Sam is already enrolled and set to go to Chippewa Valley Tech College in August of 2018.
    We met with the recruiter on Monday. Sam wants to go into an IT program in the Guards. With that his AIT is longer than other Guard positions. He will deploy for Basic in August for 10 weeks. He will deploy for his AIT after Basic for 20 weeks. He will start college in Computer Programming August of 2019.

    I am very proud and excited for him. I was a little surprised, but he is a very patriotic young man, at the same time I was not surprised. ;-)

  21. What lovely news. Congratulations. Life is just going to get busier.

  22. Thanks for the feature! I hope she liked the bag! Congrats :)

    Do you mind if I share this story on my Insta? I love hearing about customers.

  23. Oh so fabulous! Congratulations to all. So much excitement for your family. Yes, that's the cutest little guy in his Easter finery for sure.

  24. Congrats to the couple! What a neat proposal story. Love the personalized cookies. The little one is adorable in his Easter outfit.
