Saturday, June 1, 2019

Taking Note of Tiny Delights

It might take me more than eight days to blog these last eight letters, but when you're already more than a month behind what's a few more days?

It's Saturday and what I was doing on Saturdays (because I really don't blog on Saturdays ) was making a list of things that delight centered around the day's letter. That's where I'm going today-

T is for Tiny Things That Delight

a cup of tea
a beautifully set table
a tender apology
the Eiffel Tower
flirty texts from the hubs
Thai green curry
watching the tide ebb and flow
twinkle lights
coming home to a tidy house
a handwritten thank you note
a Tennessee Volunteer win
a red ripe tomato right off the vine
heart to heart talks with my girls
time to write
curling up under a soft, snuggly throw 
London taxis
tensions eased
standing beneath a Redwood tree


  1. A tiny delightful list, indeed! I'm with you on that ripe tomato!!

  2. What a fun list!

    DB McNicol
    author, traveler, shutterbug
    Author Blog
    Personal Blog

  3. This is a beautiful list. Although we've been living so much closer to the coast for nearly two years now, I continue to thrill over "watching the tide ebb and flow."
