Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Opposite Sides Of The Hodgepodge Fence

Welcome to this week's edition of The Wednesday Hodgepodge. If you've answered today's questions add your link at the end of my post, then leave a comment for the blogger before you. Here we go- 

1. January 25th is National Opposites Day. 'They' say opposites you agree, and if so is that a good thing? Or do you subscribe more to a 'birds of a feather' philosophy? 

I think there are pros and cons to both sides of the coin here. Studies have shown we're more often attracted to someone similar, at least in attitudes, personality traits, outside interests and values. In life's most important matters I definitely think you need to be more birds of a feather.  Not carbon copies of one another, but complimentary for sure. 

In life's less important matters your opposite can stretch you, pull you out of your comfort zone so to speak, allowing (or forcing-ha!) you to experience things you might not experience otherwise. That's fine when it comes to trying new foods or a vacation activity etc, but it's less fine if we're talking how to raise children or spend money. 

2. Something you're glad to have behind you? Something you're glad is ahead of you? 

Behind me? Dating. Ahead of me? More grandchildren.

3. Your favorite hot food? Cold food? Are you a fan of breakfast for dinner? 

My favorite hot food? Hmmm....that's a toughie. Because of the season we're currently in I'm going to say a bowl of homemade soup. If it were the middle of summer I'd probably have a different answer. As far as cold foods go, give me a slice of red ripe watermelon any day of the year. 

I love breakfast for dinner. When we've been traveling or we've had a very busy few days hubs will make omelettes for dinner, and we both enjoy that meal. 

4. Are you someone who always arrives to appointments/events early or do you tend to run late? Last thing you were late for? 

I despise being late for anything and it rarely happens. I can't remember the last thing I was late for because I make it a point to be on time for whatever is happening. Thankfully hubs is also an 'on-time' guy so we're birds of a feather in that regard lol. 

5. "What good is the warmth of summer without the cold of winter to give it sweetness?" John Steinbeck....Your thoughts? 

I do think we can appreciate something without necessarily experiencing it's opposite, but I also think some things are enjoyed more when you've been without for a while. True of warm/cool weather, the changing seasons, missing the people we love and then celebrating their return, and more. 

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

Speaking of opposites...look who's sitting opposite me answering today's Hodgepodge questions on her own blog-

I've been enjoying the past few days with my girl in her lovely Tennessee home, and since we now know baby's gender we have had the most fun buying all the adorable things. I'll let her spill the beans when she's ready though. 

Also she and I are birds of a feather if ever there were birds of a feather. Just sayin'. 

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  1. I almost answered "dating" for what I'm glad is behind me. I hope we have another grandchild in the future, too. What fun you and your daughter have had!!

  2. Hold up - your daughters have a blog ?I see the links on your side bar - going over right now :)

  3. I so agree with your answers to #'s 1 & 2. Dating was even worse than 2020. We also agree on what we look forward to - you more grands and me, my first great-grands. What a fun year ahead.

  4. Congrats Joyce on the grandchild on the way. My guess it's a little girl. I'm usually right 50% of the time. Enjoy your time with your daughter. Thanks for taking the time to write such thought-provoking questions.

  5. These were good questions Joyce. Thanks for still running the Hodgepodge. I also enjoyed your answers. I'm so glad to see you're getting time with your daughter and that you are having fun buying grandchild gifts. They are the best. Hope you have a great day.

  6. I'll be back later to read and leave a proper comment.

  7. Ooooh, such exciting news. We've had grands when we knew the gender and when we did not. Knowing the gender is fun for pre-arrival shopping but not knowing is a wonderful surprise too! Glad you are getting to spend some time with your girl!

  8. So many of our answers are similar! We hate being late. We love breakfast for dinner. And so on. My hubby's "opposite" qualities have definitely stretched me!

  9. So nice to see the mama-to-be. Oh, grandmothering is the best. THE BEST!! Can't wait for the gender reveal to go public. We have always had grand-girls until this past December when Declan Ashraf made his debut. There are so many cute things for baby boys and girls now days. I am sure you had fun shopping.

    I agree about the opposite answer. Will get my answers together tonight. I think in our closest relationships we have to be similar spirits or the relationship just doesn't work. My daughters are nice balances of their father and me and each other. And we get along so well.

  10. Oh my!! Now I can't wait to find out if the coming baby is a boy or girl!! Joyce, I enjoyed your answers and had fun with the questions on my blog!! Thank you for the Wednesday Hodgepodge!! xo

  11. I like to be early for appointments and things too. We just had breakfast for dinner last night-- homemade waffles, fresh fruit, and turkey sausage.

  12. Yes, I was attracted to Mark for his humor and his looks. But we are so different in so many ways. Great answer on the watermelon. A few people who have commented on my post said that they are always early for appointments too. LOVE your random.

  13. Great questions again Joyce. How nice to have some time with your daughter.

  14. Woohoo on your random thought and where you are sitting! Sweet to know how to shop! Nodding my head as I read your answers. I had a hard time on the cold food answer and forgot about fruit. Blessings!!
