I'm rusty. I feel like we should catch up here, but what exactly have we been doing that you need catching up on? Not a whole lot.
Actually a whole lot, but nothing really blog worthy.
We had friends visit two weekends ago and that was a lot of fun. The weather was delightful so we took the boat out, showed them tiny town, hubs was helping with a car show in our neighborhood so we spent some time there, and we visited our local wine bar and the Italian restaurant in town.
Lots of talking and late nights.
And pollen. Can't forget the pollen. It won't let us forget.
We had our deck railings and all the pillars stained and hubs spent today getting all the cushions and plant pots back where they belong.
Mother's Day happened. No girls or grands in the house, and raise your hand if you thought my kids would live closer and be here for all the holidays and are actually here for none. Life y'all. One is eight months pregnant and one is just a little too far geographically to make two weekend treks in a row so we pick and choose.
My girls are thoughtful though, and they sent lovely gifts and special cards and hubs and I went to church then brunch after. Then a nap because Sunday naps are my jam.
Both girls will be in the house this coming weekend with the grandboys, and I cannot wait. We're having a shower for Daughter2 and are so excited to celebrate baby boy coming soon. Not before next Saturday though because we want to have this shower lol.
On Monday the mancub called us first thing in the morning and when we answered he said, 'I can't wait to see you soon.' Be still my heart. He is so like his momma when it comes to extended family.
My mom is coming to town for the shower and will stay for several weeks after. We have some fun things planned while she's here including a road trip to Tennessee so she can see where her grandgirls live. Knowing I'll see my girls and the cutest little men on the planet again next week will make saying goodbye to them on Sunday a little easier.
My older sister lives nearby so we'll share time with my mom which works out well, 'specially if baby boy decides to come early. If he's anything like his momma he'll hang out well past his due date.
Also, I hope he's exactly like his momma because she's the best.
And I guess you're all caught up now.
Mostly caught up.
There are always things I opt not to write about here in an effort to keep this space peaceful and upbeat. We live in a world where everyone feels the need to comment on every big and little thing, but more and more I am choosing to keep mum about the train that is today's culture flying off the track.
Which doesn't mean I don't have opinions. I just prefer sharing mine face to face, and will gladly discuss all manner of the world's ills over a cup of tea on my back porch.
Remember when social media felt a little bit like inviting people into your living room?
Now it's more like inviting them into the ring. Or maybe shoving them in?
No thanks.
The sky is a cloudless true blue today and the grass is finally green. Flowers are blooming and our bluebirds are nesting and when I step away from the noise of the Internet I remember the world is a beautiful place.
Happy Spring!
Lots coming up in your corner of the world for sure. I have not been with our daughter on Mother's Day since she married 19 years ago. Boo! Those miles prevent so many things when they are 8 1/2 hours away. Yuck! But, life goes on and we're thankful for each and every visit. Can't wait to hear about the shower and know it will be an ultra special occasion.
ReplyDeleteI hope your daughter has a LOVELY shower and that you have a wonderful extended visit with your mom.
ReplyDeleteYou have a whole bunch of love and fun coming up!! Makes my heart so happy for all of you! I am looking forward to photos of those youngins and their moms!! I agree with you about leaving the nasty news out of our blogs. Enough is enough! Love & hugs!!
ReplyDeleteThat sounds like a nice time with your friends. Oh my, I have never experienced pollen like that. I have seen photos. Yes, it is hard with our loved ones not leaving nearby. Glad the girls sent gifts and cards. Church, brunch and the nap sound like a nice day. How exciting this weekend will be!! It will also be nice having your mom visit for a few weeks and the road trip should be fun too. Thanks for catching us up.