Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Breaking Down The Hodgepodge

Welcome to another edition of The Wednesday Hodgepodge. If you've answered today's questions add your link at the end of my post, then leave a comment for the blogger before you. Here we go-

From this Side of the Pond
1. We're in to a season students call 'spring break'. Did you/your family travel over spring breaks when you were growing up?  Tell us something about a 'spring break' you remember (from childhood or adulthood, either one). 

I don't recall my family ever traveling over spring break. When I was a kid families didn't travel the way people do now. Most of my college breaks meant a trip home since I went to school several hundred miles away from my family. I liked going home and didn't feel like I was missing out on anything. 

My senior year in college I went to Florida with friends. There were five of us in one hotel room with two beds so we each took a turn sleeping on the floor. Shudder! It was NOT the Ritz. We didn't have a lot of cash to spend and went to a lot of happy hours because back in the early 80's most places with a happy hour gave you free snacks. 

My favorite spring break memories are probably the ones we spent in Europe when my girls were in high school. We took a trip to Normandy over spring break one year and it was unforgettable. 

2. Last thing you broke? Was it a big deal? 

My elbow this past September. I guess you could say it was a big deal. I was on vacation and waited three days to see the doctor. I recovered without incident AND without surgery so in that sense not a big deal. 

3. March 7th is National Cereal Day...are you a fan? What's your favorite? If not cereal what's your favorite breakfast? Your typical breakfast? 

I like cereal okay. If I'm eating cereal it's usually Special K with Red Berries because it's a good low calorie-low sugar option, but it's not necessarily my favorite. My favorite breakfast is probably a ham and cheese omelet. My typical breakfast is Greek yogurt with berries and a sprinkling of granola. 

4. Break ground, break of dawn, break down, break the bank, break one's stride, break the ice, break a law, break a habit, break bread...choose one of the idioms listed and tell us how it applies to your life currently. 

Break of dawn of course. 

The sunrise is a small obsession of mine. 

5. Where do you go to connect with friends and family? What do you like to do most when you're home alone? 

Where do I go to connect? Quite often it's my own back deck, the dock, or out on the screened porch. Great conversations happen there. 

I'm not home alone very often so when a solo day appears on the calendar I have all kinds of good intentions to accomplish a long list of to-dos. Usually though I end up doing what I love instead-writing, reading, catching up on HGTV.

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

Speaking of spring break...I'm going to declare next week our spring break here, so no Hodgepodge on March 15. The Hodgepodge will return the following week, March 22nd. My grandchildren are all here this week and I'm busy blowing bubbles, snuggling babies, making pancakes, reading books, and lovin' life. 

Happy Wednesday everyone! 

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  1. Enjoy every minute with your family!! As always, you came up with great questions this week!!

  2. Enjoy every single minute with your girls and those adorable grands. There is nothing more special than that.

  3. Good for you - enjoy that Spring Break!!!!
    OHHH - a broken elbow.. that sounds MISERABLE! I'm sure that's one body part you really dont realize how involved it is in EVERYTHING you do!

  4. Hooray for bubbles and your girls and grands visiting. I have got to stop writing novels for Wednesday Hodgepodge. Oye. And...somehow I missed question 2. Don't know how that happened. Our family never took Spring breaks growing up at all, either. You have a wonderful gathering place at your own home that many will have great memories of. Enjoy your time with your kiddos. Cheers!

  5. Have a great time with your grandkids!

  6. What a happy photo! Bubbles are a favorite here too... even with the older grands. Enjoy your week "off' and the visit with your people.

  7. I should have said outside. LOL. We often sit around our fire pit with friends and neighbors.

  8. Have a great time with the grandkids and yes you'll need that break next week lol.

  9. Blowing bubbles with grands is so fun...I got to do it with my grandson the last time he was here. Sunrise is so awesome most anywhere, but that picture is absolutely gorgeous! Thanks for another week of questions and enjoy your grandkids during the break. See you in a couple of weeks.

  10. Hi Joyce,
    First I have to say High Fives to your daughters T-shirt. ;-) BRCC, we are fans of at this house as well. I enjoy a dark roast and enjoy many of their dark roast recipes. I also love what they stand for. :-) America's Coffee indeed!

    I enjoyed your story about your trip to Florida... sleeping on the floor.

    Enjoy your family time... the best time.
    xx oo Carla

  11. Exactly, spring breaks just were not a thing back them. I love your memories of Europe and spring break. That's right, you did break your elbow. How is is doing? Mark's mother's brother's wife broke hers. She is very old and they could not repair it at all. It was shattered and all they can do is therapy. Your breakfasts sound good. Break of dawn is a great choice. Enjoy your time with your family. Bubbles are so much fun!

  12. I don't know if I am doing this right but this is my first attempt at one of your Hodgepodges.

    BTW, nice to meet you.

  13. None of my kids get a spring break so we never plan anything for this time of year... I can't remember the last time I ate cereal! I tend to eat fruit/yogurt/granola too or else some sort of egg dish (an omelet, a slice of crustless quiche, etc.). Enjoy your spring break! :)

  14. A broken elbow sounds so painful! Great questions this week. Hope you enjoy every moment of spring break with your family!

  15. Thanks for another fun Hodgepodge, Joyce! I loved reading your answers and especially love that last picture of you and your girls. Nice to see Shannon and Maggie with their mom!! xo
