Friday, June 16, 2023

Rockabye Sweet Baby J

I like to write letters to my grandchildren when their birthdays roll around, and today is one of those days. 

Dear Sweet Baby J-

Today we celebrate you, which is the easiest thing in the world to do. 

You're the sunniest little boy I know and you brighten not only your parents and grandparent's lives, but also those of your entire extended family, friends, neighbors, strangers, co-workers, random waiters, grocery baggers, sales clerks, the people standing in line behind you, any and all who encounter you as they go about their day. 

You light up the world little man and we are all here for it. 

These days you wave bye bye, shake your head no, and are taking your first steps. You give high fives, clap, and laugh from your belly which is everyone's favorite thing. 

You love dogs and people and the wind in your face. You love books and breakfast and momma's lap. You love the vacuum, watching Daddy mow,  and water water everywhere- in the tub, the ocean, the play table and soon the lake. 

You have wonderful parents sweet baby J. They adore you and want what's best for you always. Nana prays for you every day and I pray for them too. For wisdom and humor and the courage to swim upstream when swimming upstream is required. 

It's easy to sometimes feel discouraged by all that's wrong in the world in 2023, but one look at you and I'm reminded of all that is right. I'm reminded that God's ways are higher and better than anything we can dream up on our own. That He has placed you in this time and this place, in this family, not by accident, but on purpose and by design. 

Keep spreading your sunshine sweet boy. The world needs more you. You're so precious and Nana loves you deep and wide. 

"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with your wherever you go." Joshua 1:9 


  1. Happy Birthday to your grandson, Joyce!

  2. He is just adorable and one day this letter will be such a treasure to him. As usual, beautifully written.

  3. What a nice looking boy, hope he had a good birthday and I like what you wrote

  4. Your birthday letters are always precious and I know the recipients cherish them, always. He is adorable! Happy birthday, sweet baby J!!

  5. Oh, he has the sweetest bright face! Wonderful photos!! Happy Birthday!

  6. You have written such sweet and beautiful words about your grandson! He is adorable!

  7. Happy Birthday to this sweet little boy! Beautiful post. He will love reading this one day.

  8. Happy Birthday Sweet Baby J!!! And Joyce, thank you for sharing your letter with us. Your hope in the future and keeping our eyes on God.... that is what I am trying to do as well during this strange time in our land.
    Love, Carla

  9. What a precious post and an adorable baby boy.

  10. Your letters will be such treasures for the little ones when they are older.
