Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Hodgepdge Ala Mode

Welcome to this week's edition of The Wednesday Hodgepodge. If you've answered today's questions add your link at the end of my post, then leave a comment for the blogger before you. Here we go-

From this Side of the Pond

1. Do you have a word for the year (WOTY)? If so, and you'd like to share, please share. How do you decide on a word? If you don't have a word are you still on the hunt for one for 2024? 

I do not. Not yet anyway. I have a couple rolling around my brain and may land on one still. It's never too late. I prefer the word come to me as opposed to me choosing one at random. When I've had a WOTY that's how it was settled on. I don't put any pressure on myself to have a word, but when I do I enjoy the focus it gives me and especially the way I can look back at year's end and see all the ways the word was woven into my life. 

2. January 23rd is National Pie Day...will you celebrate? Do you like pie? What's your favorite? 

I love pie, but have no plans to eat a slice today. It's almost impossible to choose a favorite so how about (in no particular order) my top five-ish? -Angel pie (see the description in a post here), cherry pie, key lime, blueberry, and coconut cream. 

3. Tipping. What are your thoughts, expectations, as to who, when where? Do you appreciate a store/restaurant giving a 'suggested amount'? Have you ever left an extravagant tip? 

In terms of dining I always tip. I was in a deli recently and ordered one sandwich to go. When I paid I was offered the option to tip 25%-30%-35%. Really? Not sure how I feel about that. It seems this has become a thing though, with so many places you never used to tip now suggesting you should.

I rarely get coffee to go but if I do I'll leave something in the tip jar. We tip for bar beverages and I always give my hair stylist a very generous tip because she definitely earns it. If we have truly excellent service in a restaurant we will leave an over the top tip, but even with just so-so service we always tip at least the minimum. In the US in 2024 that's at least 20% of the tab. 

I love leaving a big tip for a server who does a good job and is not expecting more than the minimum. 

Hubs and I used to go to a diner in NJ where there was a particular server who obviously did not enjoy his job. He waited on us quite often and one day dropped an entire very full tray of food and drinks all over the floor beside our table. We decided we were going to give him a 100% tip and see if maybe that would help him enjoy his job more, but nope. Still surly lol. 

4. Share with us one 'household tip' that works for you. 

Not sure if this is considered a household tip but it's something I've found useful recently. If you're like me you have far too many photos on your phone, and the idea of deleting such a large number is daunting. My daughter suggested this and it makes the task manageable. 

Every morning enter the current month and day in your photo search bar. All the photos you've saved on your phone, taken on that day/month (all years) will come up. Go through those, then repeat the action daily. This way you deal with just a few at a time rather than your entire photo library. 

5. Influencers on social media are people who've built a reputation for their knowledge and expertise on a particular subject. Do you follow any influencers online? Have you made a purchase or tried something new because of that 'influence'? If there's one you particularly enjoy tell us who and why. 

I follow a few. Some live lives very different than mine and that's kind of fun to see. Some have a style I admire. Some are funny. Many cook, bake or create in some way. Some share news/politics. Some share books and book news. A few favorites are @cristincooper (I've purchased from her shop and a few things she's recommended too), @lifebyleanna, @halfbakedharvest, @cleerelystated. 

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

One of my favorite follows is an account called The Leighton Show. He reads actual texts teens have sent to their parents and they are the absolute best. He's on youtube I think too, but I follow him on Insta (click here)  Happy Wednesday everyone! 

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  1. When I do purchase a coffee, I tip BUT the tipping amount for the deli sandwich...WOW! I like blueberry pie...that would be my second favorite. Love the idea for the phone photos.

  2. Your tip is fantastic; I'm definitely going to do that. I have so many pictures on my phone and I have no idea why half of them are even on there.

  3. I forgot that I tip my hairdresser, too. That is sad about the surly waiter at the diner. It was daunting when I tried to free up my phone of photos before we went on our trip to Ireland/England. I should try your method now. Have a wonderful day!

  4. At a local eating establishment, I recently noticed that they had added the 25%, 30%, and 35% to their screen when you pay. You literally walk up to the counter, place your order, get your own drink, and put a number on your table. Someone brings your plate to the table. If you want a refill, you get your own and you bus your own table (or we do). Most of the time, I go ahead with the 25%. My nail salon added several options for tipping . . .and they are actually cheating their nail techs because I was tipping more generously than any of their options. There isn't a "pick your own" option.

  5. 25%-30%-35%! Those suggestions are pretty high! What happened to 15%-18%-20%? I try to keep on top of my phone's photos weekly but I'm going to try your tip.

  6. That is a really helpful tip. I don't have a cell phone so don't have pictures on it, but I do have photos on my tablet and this would be a great way to deal with them.

  7. So enjoyed the questions this week but I did get a little wordy on my random thought but, guess I needed to get it out. :o)) Yes, love your tip as well and will add that to my list. Blessings abundant!

  8. I know I said pumpkin pie but key lime and coconut are great too. Seriously, those are high tips to ask from that deli. That's a good tip on the photos. Enjoy your day.

  9. That's a really good idea on the photos. I just recently dumped almost all of mine off the phone, because they are backed up on google photos. It was kinda scary to do that, but I think they are all on google. But that would be a good idea for me to do on google as I have a lot of duplicates. Have a great day Joyce.

  10. I've obviously been living under a rock, b/c these 'influencers' you mention sound like something worth checking out.
    Your daughter's tip is genius. I'll definitely be doing that one, starting tonight.

  11. Hi, I enjoyed your tipping story. Still surly... ha!
    Have a great rest of the week.

  12. The tip requests on the ipad have gotten out of control. I really think when you order counter service, it shouldn't be required to tip. And especially not 30%!

  13. I agree with what Tanya said and I forgot to include that frustration in my post. Love the photos tip. Those do get out of control on my phone for sure!

  14. Yes I have a word of the year it is Acceptance and it is down to my grandchild Sam that I chose this word even though I don' t understand why Sam wants this or that but I accept him for who he is.

    I like pies, apple pie with ice cream or custard and the good old Aussie meat pie with some tomato sauce.

    Tipping isn't done here so I know nothing about it

    My mum once told me when the house is a mess and you look around and wonder where to start you should stop thinking and just star doing.

    Nope influencers don't influence me

    What should one carry from one year to the next
    My most treasured things such as
    Smiles from love ones, kind words from all
    I will leave behind thoughts unjust and criticism unneeded

  15. Good idea on moderating your photos just a little at a time! I do that with my Facebook memories and see old stuff from just game updates that I don't play anymore - delete!

  16. that's crazy about the surly waiter! What a sad way to live.

    I love that tip for managing photos on my phone, just tried it and will make it a habit now, I hope, since my gallery is way too full.

    Have a great week! Always love hodgepodging with you, even though my posts are usually late now.

  17. I do the search thing too and pictures will pop up that I forgot about. It does make it easier to delete pictures. I will send my screen shot to my email to decide if I want to use them for crafting/Bible journaling. I have to be careful while looking through IG. It can really take up time!

  18. I always enjoy your answers to the Hodgepodge, Joyce. Thanks again for a fun hodgepodge of questions. I like your tip about deleting photos... that makes you an influencer (or your daughter!). I've not been asked for a 35% tip yet, thank goodness! I remember when you could go to lunch for $10.00 including the tip. Now you can't even go to McDonald's for that. Crazy. Hugs!!

  19. The Tip system is completely different in Europe the service is included in the invoice. Of course if you want you can give a tip but it's seldom done.

  20. Hmmmm......I thought I commented, but maybe just in my head? lol. Hmm...I've never heard of angel pie. I'm wondering if my comments just aren't showing because as I'm reading your answers, I'm thinking, I know I

    1. This is the only one that I've seen. You last commented on Jan 20 : )

  21. Hey, happy new year. Been long gone from blogging but trying to come back. We shall see how that goes.

    Loved today's theme. I was going great guns cleaning out photos each month from the same month in 2022, 2021 and 2020. And then LIFE happened. I need to get back to it. But appreciate your suggestion and may implement that one instead.

    Tipping has gotten waaaaay out of control in my book. And I am a former and long time waitress. We shouldn't have to tip someone for ringing up our order. That is their JOB. True waitresses generally earn far less an hour than other blue collar workers because they earn tips that are theoretically bringing them up to a decent hourly wage. I worked many hours after the restaurants closed, cleaning, preparing for the following day, and still earned $1.05 an hour then. Which was not fair at all in my book. No one tipped this librarian for checking out books, I assure you. So I don't get this expectation to be tipped for showing up and doing what you are paid to do. Okay, I will get off my soap box.

    Thanks for the tip about the Leighton Show. Will check it out. Out of the mouths of babes, right?
