Wednesday, January 17, 2024

The Hundred Acre Hodgepodge

Welcome to this week's edition of The Wednesday Hodgepodge. If you've answered today's questions, add your link at the end of my post, then leave a comment for the blogger before you. Here we go- 

From this Side of the Pond

1. On January 18th we commemorate A.A. Milne's birthday. Milne is the author of the beloved classic Winnie the Pooh. In many ways Pooh represents innocence and simplicity. His optimism and ability to see beauty in everything reminds us to appreciate the little things. What are three little things you're appreciating in mid-January? 

~precious long time friends who go out of their way to see us when they're in the US...

~this gorgeous bromeliad they brought as a gift...

~conversations with my grandchildren...

2. Piglet teaches us even the smallest of individuals can achieve big things with the proper amount of determination. How do your current responsibilities make you feel? 

I'm retired and have grown children so my current responsibilities are not overwhelming. Of course there are occasionally tasks that add stress to my life, or logistics that frustrate me at times, but for the most part life is pretty manageable in this season. 

3. Tigger is known for his enthusiasm and energy, his boundless joy and love of life. What's something you're interested in learning more about in this new year? 

naturally building my immune system, gardening, pastry dough, memory boosting tricks

4. Eeyore, while a melancholy character, teaches us the importance of resilience and perseverance. How do you stay motivated and persevere in difficult circumstances. 

To put it simply- I focus on what I can control, avoid negative people, get enough sleep, and pray. 

5. Last thing you ate that was made with honey? 

I don't know if it was the last thing I ate that was made with honey, but it was a recent thing made with honey and it was scrumptious- Crispy Baked Boursin with Hot Honey. 

6. Insert your own random thought here.  

January is wedding month in our house...

...cheers to my youngest daughter and her wonderful hubs celebrating three years married this week. 

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  1. I love friends and family times like the ones you shared. Happy Anniversary to younger daughter! Such a sweet photo of you with half of your Grands! Good answer for #4. I'm trying to remember when you are heading to England/Cambridge? Cheers!

  2. Happy Anniversary to your youngest! Love the picture with you and your grands! Hope you have a great day Joyce and thanks for the Hodgepodge questions.


  3. That's a great photo with your friends. Love the smiles with your grandchildren. I'm happy to hear that your life has been manageable. Like your answer for the Tigger question. Great answer for the Eeyore question too! Yum on the honey snack. I do buy that cheese. Happy Anniversary to your daughter and son in law.

  4. Conversation with littles are so much fun! Thanks for hosting.

  5. Love bromeliads too! You were spot on in your answer to #4. Have a great rest of the week!

  6. This was a fun theme for questions this week! Thanks!

    #4....getting enough sleep is something I'm learning I need to do and what a huge difference it makes for me.

  7. That photo of you with your grandkids is wonderful!

  8. I have heard of A A Milne but never read Winnie the Pooh

    January is just a month we have a few(8) birthdays in the family during the month with the main ones for me being Sam, Sydney-May and Tim but we don't do anything for birthdays.

    I think Piglet is cute

    My eldest daughter loved Winnie the Pooh but mostly Eeyore

    I try to stay positive in life but easier said then done at times.

    The last thing I had with honey was toast with honey something I like a lot.

    Lastly honey is sticky and hard to get out of someone's hair.

  9. Fun yet thought-provoking Hodgepodge theme this week! Funny that I picked *almost * the same title as you did. It was just what popped into my head when I read the questions. Although they were themed, they covered a whole lot of ground -- maybe not quite 100 acres, but a lot!

    The photo of you with grands -- adorable! I can't get over how big the oldest is getting.

  10. I really love your answer to #4!!

  11. What a great picture with you and the grandkids! I'm going to check out that Boursin recipe. Have a wonderful week!

  12. I used to have an amazing memory but I noticed lately, I have trouble recalling things like what I did over the weekend. Definitely interested in techniques here!

  13. I love your photo, but partial to the one with your grands! Nice that you friends can visit you and such a nice gift. I especially love your answer to #4. I love being retired. I just need to manage my time better.

  14. You always have the best photos to share with us!! Thank you for this week's great Hodgepodge, Joyce. Stay well and warm up there!!

  15. I absolutely love getting together with friends across the miles! Such a treat! Love the photos you shared - so much joy :-)

  16. We met with friends and family too earlier this year and it was a great start for the year along with news of weddings.. Joining in here after a long time but hope to join in at least once a month..
    My post is here - scroll down to #13 for the hodgepodge questions

  17. Hmmm for some reason I thought I replied, but I guess I didn't. Your grandkids are darling...I agree, conversations with them is the best. Oooh I love the things you are interested in learning. I hope you share what you learn.
