Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Blue Ridge Mountains + Taj Mahal + sweetness=Wordless Wednesday

I'm going for the whole Wordless Wednesday thing except without the wordless part because to be honest that is not really my area of expertise.  You may have noticed my posts are generally a little on the long side and in fact you may have never actually read any post I've written thru its entirety.   

Oops, I'm supposed to be doing wordless.  

Last weekend I was looking at this magnificent scenery-

And can I just tell you how great it was to catch up with college friends?  With women who no matter if you've seen them two years ago or twenty it feels like yesterday?  Well, if it weren't Wordless Wednesday I'd tell ya.

And while I was relaxing in the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina my husband was not without some magnificent scenery himself- trip to Shanghai and Delhi last week...had we not just moved I might be standing beside him at the Taj time...

And yesterday my children + one boyfriend arrived in the lovely Garden State to 'meet home'

No words are needed to tell you how happy their sweet selves make me feel so I'll stop talking now and just congratulate myself on this almost wordless post.  

Sometimes I amaze even myself.


  1. It's difficult for me to do a wordless post too!
    I did it this morning though. :)
    I put a video of the ocean waves and sunrise coming up over the mountains. I took the video last week on our vacation.
    Someone asked me yesterday why we go up so early while we were on vacation. For one thing it was two hours later Oklahoma time so we didn't really feel like it was 6:00 a.m. but, who would want to miss a gorgeous sunrise like that to sleep in an hour later?!!!

    Your pictures are great. I am so glad you have been able to spend time with your girls and your friends.

    How do they like their new home?

  2. I'm with you on the whole wordless thing. Glad you had a good reunion.

  3. Joyce, you and I are just alike in the talking department, I think. LOL! I am VERY wordy on my posts too and anyone who knows me, knows how much I love to talk. I am just a people person, what can I say? I always read all your posts. Your girls are so beautiful and the boyfriend is very handsome and looks like such a nice young man! I know you will enjoy having them visit this week. Enjoy all your time with them!!! The boxes can wait. I hope the girls like their new home. From the pictures you posted, it looks so pretty there and I love your yellow house! I'm glad you had a wonderful reunion with your college sorority sisters. It is so special to re-connect with old friends. Love & blessings from NC!

  4. Even though you added words, it was enough to explain the pictures you posted. Even though I could pick out the Taj Mahal, I didn't know where the pictures at the top were. Beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains!

    Love and Hugs ~ Kat

  5. Beautiful pictures...I have a feeling mine would always be a "not-quite-wordless Wednesday," too. As Kat said, they were needed to explain the pictures. I love the Blue Ridge!

  6. Glad you were able to hold it all in. Good job!
