Monday, April 11, 2011

Eye on I

I need to talk about some other goings on around here besides where our travels have taken us these past twenty+ years. Since it goes against my nature not to carry on with the alphabet challenge I'm going to attempt a little bit of both here about a game of I Spy?

I spy...Home Improvement.

Yes we are still in the middle of multiple projects around here.
I'm not going to post pictures until things are more complete but you should know that at one point on Friday I had the tiler here, someone else arrived to measure for the new shower doors, still more people turned up to deliver the furniture we'd ordered for Daughter1's bedroom, and our lawn guys decided the yard needed tending at that precise moment too.
It was like the perfect storm only it involved trucks in our driveway.

I spy...a Tennessee Volunteer

a whole 'nest' of them in fact... Red Square

Hubs arrived home Friday after a week in Moscow with this matryoshka doll...isn't it funny to think Moscovites know the Vols?
I do believe they are working to embrace capitalism.
That's hubs on the left standing with a dear Russian gentleman who worked for my brother in law when he was living in Moscow not too many years ago.
They've stayed in touch and hubs was able to spend some time with him on his most recent trip.

I spy...the last (hopefully!) remnant of snow in our driveway.

How pathetic is that?

I cream.
Eaten at an outdoor table under sunny skies makes it taste even better.
In case you're wondering-the pup had plain vanilla.

And because I know some of you would be disappointed if I ended this post without a travel blurb here you go...

I is for The London "Eye"

Oh I love clever.

Most people visiting London take a spin on the Eye.
You can't miss it...a ginormous Ferris wheel like structure sitting beside the Thames. We have taken many a spin with many a house guest and I guess 'spin' isn't really the right word. Technically you are moving in a circular motion but it takes thirty minutes to go around.

Whew, we're high.

The pods are nice and roomy and they're not crammed full of can move around and see the city and beyond from every direction.
If you happen to be in London on a crystal clear day the views from the Eye are pretty incredible....

Even my mom joined us one year...
that's the top third of her face in the corner there.
I think the photographer was focused on the view.
Which is fabulous....

On a day like this one, not so much....

As long as you're in the neighborhood might as well give that crazy bungee thing a whirl...this would be Daughter2.

Of course it would.

Do I even need to say it?
I heart London.
Really I do.

If you'd like to read more from the blog challenge click the A-Z button on my sidebar.


  1. When I lived in the London, there was no "eye." I do hope to get back soon. (I might try that bungee thing too...)

  2. When was in London I totally missed the eye...How long has it been there? How could I have crossed the Tower Bridge and not seen it? Weird...

  3. The "eye" sounds like fun, but I don't know that I could do that. I am afraid of heights.

    That's not much snow left ... looks like it should melt soon. Fingers crossed that it's the end of it at least 7-8 months! ;-)

    Have a marvelous Monday!

  4. At least you weren't lonely on Friday, with all of the workmen coming and going :) The melting snow and the dish of ice cream tells me that spring has finally arrived for you!!!

  5. Love the Last Bit of Snow and like you, I hope it truely is the LAST of the snow. That "Eye" ride looks interesting...I wonder if I could do it. I'm thinking No since looking at the view from the photo, I got dizzy! With all those workers in your house/yard, the house sure has the lived in look that keeps bad guys away. Looking forwarded to some "After" photos.

  6. Love it all! Love the travel! Love the ice cream! Love the eye!

    I didn't love the bungee thing. That made me feel apprehensive.

  7. Thanks for taking us along again, beautiful photos and great post!

  8. I'm afraid that once I saw the coconut ice cream, the rest of the post went out of my head. Man, do I love that stuff and it's so hard to find. I do have a recipe for it though and it's delicious.

    If only I were not so lazy . . .

  9. It's such a beautiful place, London. But, I would run, not walk, from the WAY too high for me!! Really nice post!

  10. Never been to London, but would sure love to go! Don't quite know if I'd have enough nerve to ride that ferris wheel...that's REALLY high! YIKES!

  11. i have a set of nesting dolls from Russia...bought them in San Francisco on Pier 39...they're beautifully hand painted with rich purple dresses highlighted with gold and red accents.
    the shots above london were awesome

  12. I heart London too -- what fun to hear about your travels!

  13. When I was in Red Square with my daughter, they were selling just about every NFL team you could want. So I picked up a set of nesting Baltimore Ravens. The vendor spoke such good English I asked him how he learned it. "My mom works for the US Embassy." Ah, yes. She taught you well both how to speak to, and make a buck off, Americans!

    When I read "pod" I was thinking "Ipod." tee hee.

  14. coconut ice cream sounds yummy. it compliments the 'less snow'. :)

    the girls and i always enjoy the ferris wheel, but the eye looks amazing. my hubs might even enjoy a 1/2 hr spin. heights and speed don't sit well with him. ;)

    hubs is in-state, but it may as well be moscow. i must admit, your souvenirs are pretty spectacular.

  15. I would love to have a little remodeling craziness around here. sigh. Have I mentioned we have 3 in college? Haha
    Maybe next year...

    We did do the Eye while in London and I have to confess I had to sit while in/on it. Not for the faint of heart, I must say.
    Then we had an ice cream and watched those crazy kids do that bungee jump thing. :)

  16. As I said in my comment box, you gotta tell your college prank story.
