Friday, April 12, 2013

K is for The Keepers

Mothers are keepers.

We keep houses


track of things-

library books, dental appointments, and whose feet have grown.

We keep secrets

daisy chains

art work painted by small hands.

Mothers keep a mental list of who had the pink cup last

whose turn to go first

who likes peas, but dislikes broccoli

who needs an extra hug, a prayer prayed, a cookie just because.

We are the keepers of time in a time out chair

how much time we need to get out the door

the times of our lives.

We keep hold of tradition 

a hand crossing the road


We keep loving 

keep forgiving

keep making it all okay.

Mothers keep the peace

the faith

their promises.

Mothers keep the ribbon tied between the past and present. In a world that values now, mothers are the memory keepers.


  1. It's a LOT of work, isn't it?
    Oh my GOSH, the pink cup!!!!!! I forgot about that!

  2. Beautiful! I love the picture of you with your girls in your matching tartan dresses. Off today to go to my darling niece's wedding. Pictures soon!

  3. What truth! I've gotten behind on my blog reading while we're traveling but had a few minutes this morning and so glad as this was wonderful! Love the picture of you and the girls.

  4. Love it - I'm going to tell my (grown-up) children that 'mothers are keepers.'

  5. This is beautiful! Great tribute to mommy's.

  6. Love the matching. (And my kids tell me now that they really kind of liked it. :))

  7. I LOVE this! Oh how it is true...Grandmothers do all of these things too, "smile". I especially love this line..

    "Mothers keep the ribbon tied between the past and present. In a world that values now, mothers are the memory keepers."

    Enjoy your week-end! Oh LOVE the picture too!

  8. What a beautiful post, Joyce! And you're just gorgeous.

  9. Funny and touching at the same time - I am loving these posts :-)
    Have a great weekend!

  10. You should repost this on Mother's Day. This was wonderful.

  11. Love this! We are definitely the keepers.

  12. This is soo true and once again you put it down using all the right words. Love it.

    Love the picture!

  13. Omg loved your K true! Have a wonderful weekend!

  14. And we keep on keepin' on.

    Thanks for a lovely post.

  15. Love this Joyce! You are so good!
    until next time...nel

  16. This was beautiful.
    Where would be without the keepers?

    A-Z participant blogging from Elise Fallson

  17. Really good Joyce. I like the concept and the product.

  18. i see and hear a book in this---just lovely!

  19. This is so lovely. Never thought of all that we do keep - the practical and the heart memories. This is a great term for moms - the keepers. You "L" post is fun too - Laughter IS the best. Oh, my, how it can revive a weary soul.

  20. I came over from lumberjackswife. I LOVE your poem!! Thank you so much for writing it! I shall probably make a copy of it with your name and blog on it because it is so great. So Real.

  21. Really nice. Happy Mother's Day Joyce.
