Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Questions for the Wednesday Hodgepodge-Vol 122

Welcome to another week in the Wednesday Hodgepodge!  If you're visiting from the A-Z  today (or the universe at large) you're welcome to play along. Just answer the questions on your own blog then hop back here tomorrow (Wednesday) to share answers.

You'll find today's A-Z post featuring the letter T just after this one.

1. April showers bring May flowers...what have you been showered with this month?

2. What is the nature of compassion?  Is it learned or innate?  Can compassion be learned?  If you're a parent is this something you've purposely sought to instill in your children, and if so how?

3. Do you prefer to watch romantic comedy or romantic drama...or are you rolling your eyes saying bring on the action flicks?

4.  It's April which means baseball season is officially upon us here in the US of A. Humphrey Bogart is quoted as saying "A hot dog at the ballgame beats roast beef at the Ritz." Agree or Disagree?

5. What's something in your community or city that needs fixing or improving?

6. Share a song you enjoy that mentions flowers or a specific flower in its title.

7. April 22nd is Earth Day...do you believe there's life on other planets?  That wasn't the question you were expecting was it?

8.  Insert your own random thought here.