Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Hodgpodge Questions-Volume 307

Here are the questions to this week's Wednesday Hodgepodge. I'm going to try a 5-question format this week. Several of you said you felt seven was too time consuming on a regular basis anyway so let's see how this goes. Rest assured there will always be one to make you think, because what fun is the Hodgepodge if every answer comes quickly and easily?
1. Share a favorite memory of your mother or share a favorite something from your own life as a mother. If you're a mother (or stepmom) tell us how your experience as a mom differs from your own mother's experience.

2. In May we celebrate teachers (May 9) and nurses (May 6) both. Most every family has at least one in their midst, so tell us something (or a few things) you appreciate about the teacher or nurse on your family tree.

3. Chicken salad, egg salad, tuna salad...which would you go for if all three were on the menu? On bread or a bed of lettuce? If you answered bread, what kind of bread would make it the perfect sandwich?

4. Do you have a desk? Is it organized? If so, share your secret to keeping it that way. If you don't have a desk, where in your home do you take care of family paperwork and business? Where do you normally sit to blog?

5. When I was nine years old....

6. Insert your own random thought here.


  1. My mother was amazing! She was part of the Great Depression and WW2 era. We lived on a farm and Mom grew every vegetable that was able to be canned. She also drove a tractor when Dad needed help. Mom worked as hard as any man.

    My generation benefited from her generation. She instilled a work ethic, taught me how to cook and can, how to sew, and how to be a mom.

    I miss her dearly.

  2. Like Susan above, my mom was part of the Great Depression and WW2 era. She lived and worked hard on a farm, too. I wasn't raised on a farm, but I am like Susan in appreciating the qualities we learned from our mothers.

  3. Thanks Joyce!! Happy Mother's Day week to you! See you here tomorrow!
