Wednesday, September 30, 2020

The Wednesday Hodgepodge Coffee Hour

Welcome to another edition of the Wednesday Hodgepodge, our last in September. How do we feel about the end of summer and the start of fall? Something to ponder I guess as we roll into October. Today though it's a bit of this and that. If you've answered the questions add your link at the end of my post, then leave a comment for the blogger linking before you. Here we go-

From this Side of the Pond
1. When is the last time you experienced nostalgia? 

When I find myself feeling nostalgic music is usually involved. I think music has the ability to whisk us back to a place and time and create a sort of longing for something simpler or perhaps for a second chance to get something right that we missed along the way.  

Recently though I was driving with my window rolled down and the big mowers were cutting the grass along the highway. The smell of that freshly cut grass took me back to the Saturday mornings of my childhood and made me feel something that is hard to put into words. Nostalgia. 

 2. September 29th is National Coffee Day. Do we need this? Ha! So are you a coffee drinker? If so how many cups per day, and tell us how you like it. Is there a recipeyou enjoy that calls for coffee as one of the ingredients? 

Pretty sure coffee drinkers would say every day is National Coffee Day, but there are stranger days out there so Happy National Coffee Day. I am a coffee drinker and sometimes go to bed thinking about how much I'm going to enjoy tomorrow morning's first sip. 

I don't drink coffee all day, usually two cups in the morning with a splash of half and half. I'm not a fan of flavored coffees, fancy coffee drinks, or flavored creams with one exception. Summer afternoons call for iced coffee and I like sweet cream in iced coffee. 

As far as recipes go, we make a coffee rubbed pork tenderloin that is really delicious and I also love an affogato dessert. Affagato is basically freshly brewed espresso poured over vanilla gelato and it's yummy. Ice cream works too. 

 3. Do you find praise or criticism to be more motivating? Explain. 

This is an interesting question and I think both can be motivating. With criticism it definitely depends on how its expressed. If it's harsh I retreat and maybe want to do the opposite of what it is you're trying to get me to do. Ugh. That's not very attractive, but it is a little bit true.  I'm a people pleaser so I'm going to say praise is always more motivating to me.  

 4.  What's a television series you keep coming back to and re-watching? 

The Andy Griffith Show would be one. Hubs and I also re-watch Everybody Loves Raymond when we can't find anything else on tv. I feel like today's pc culture has killed comedy. Everything has not so subtle political overtones and to that I say yuck. Comedy has always touched on politics, but it feels mean-spirited and personal these days and it's actually not very funny. 

 5. As the month of September draws to a close give us three words to describe your mood. 

tired/disgusted (I'm lookin' at you social media and complainers everywhere), hopeful (Thanksgiving, Christmas, family time, a wedding, and knowing the government is not my Savior no matter how this election goes), and cozy (hello Autumn! You're my favorite)

 6. Insert your own random thought here.

"...and all at once, summer collapsed into fall." Oscar Wilde


  1. Good day Joyce! I love The Andy Griffith Show and Everybody Loves Raymond. I haven't watched all of the episodes though. I love that you said the government is not your Savior. No matter how important the things on Earth may seem, ultimately they are temporary. Thank you, as always, for hosting this linky.
    Laughter and Consistency

  2. The Andy Griffith Show was hub's favorite show! He watched it for hours and hours with our fire stick.
    Nights and mornings are getting chilly here.

  3. Funny how coffee drinkers can look forward to the next morning's coffee. Definitely doesn't happen with decaf, as I've recently learned. Thanks for another Hodgepodge, Joyce.

  4. We enjoy Andy Griffith too.

    I'm loving the cooler fall temperatures and the colors of all the changing leaves. It's especially pretty in our area this fall, and I'm loving it! The Oscar Wilde quote you shared seems especially true this year.


  5. Joyce,

    It's been a long, long while since I've played. I know for a time you stepped away from hosting this meme but now you're back. *applauds* Your responses match up with the way I feel. I didn't think about how mewsic often takes me back making me feel nostalgic moments. I also share your moods and I couldn't agree more with your take on today's TV programs. Comedy isn't funny. It's in your face, meanness. Every show makes a point of introducing something political correct which is tiresome. The point of TV is to entertain, not disguise the viewer. Your random picture is lovely. We're currently 49.8ยบ at 8:27am with blue skies. It's going to be a pretty fall day here in Knoxville, TN. Have a wonderful Wednesday, dear!

  6. Joyce: I enjoyed your questions and answers today.
    The series I watch are NCIS and the Spanish Princess.
    Have a great Wednesday my friend.

  7. It really is quite striking that summer seems to disappear overnight into those cool/cold autumn mornings. I'm with you on not enjoying flavored coffee to the point that it makes me gag. Yes, we are definitely in a mean spirited season and I have to keep running to the LIGHT! Hope you have a wonderful last day of September. We are hitting the road for a couple nights in Coeur d'Alene Idaho. Cheers!

  8. Your answer for #1 is perfect. Music will always bring me back to a nostalgic time in my life along with the smell of cut grass. Your pork tenderloin and that dessert sound delicious. We must remain hopeful but that is becoming harder to do but I'm not giving up. Love your photo and the quote. Enjoy the rest of your week.

  9. I totally agree with you about comedy or TV in general these days! I find myself always watching the old sitcoms... especially I Love Lucy and Golden Girls. Tired/disgusted is a good one for a mood... I should have used that one too. I am so tired of all the complainers and politics going on right now.

  10. Music has the ability to transport you to another time and place, doesn't it?

  11. I enjoyed your answers, Joyce, when I wake, I am thinking about my first cup of coffee, which is always the best!
    Fall is my favorite season too, because it leads into my favorite holiday, Christmas.
    Thank you for hosting,

  12. Good Questions this week. I don't like flavored creamers either. Mostly, they're too sweet for me since I don' like sugar in my coffee. Too many times that is all that is offered at a meeting or gathering. Sometimes, I'll slip a small container of Half n Half in my bag. Also, I like iced coffee when its hot. I remember when I lived in PA, asking for one at a cafe. The server didn't know how to make iced coffee so I ordered a cup of coffee and a cup of ice. I poured my coffee over the ice. How hard is that!
    Mama Bear

  13. Great answer to #1!

    We own all of the seasons of the Andy Griffith Show and enjoy them so much. Every now and then we watch an episode!

  14. I sure agree with you about being disgusted with some of the social media posts we have to see and then scroll past. Music does make me nostalgic at times. Thanks for today's Hodgepodge, Joyce! We are enjoying some Fall-like temps today here in central FL!! It won't last long but I think today and tomorrow will be wonderful!

  15. I thought of that last night that I was thankful my hope wasn't in whichever person wins the election and knowing that God is my hope.

    We've watched a lot of Andy Griffith first with Caleb and now Titus likes it too. They can quote a bunch of lines from it.

    Thanks for the questions!

  16. Yes, agree with your thoughts on music. And, I also look so forward to that first cup of coffee, first thing in the morning. It's the best. Wishing you a beautiful fall!

  17. Your coffee dessert sounds delicious. We like Andy Griffith too and Everybody Loves Raymond, especially because it is set on Long Island :)
    Looks like it is cooler in the South than here today. It has been humid these past couple of days and that is my least favorite weather. Autumn is my favorite too!

  18. As I am sipping my early afternoon cuppa coffee and reading your blog post, I'm smiling at that photo of the lake.
    I agree with the horrid political stuff being posted. Sigh.
    Let's all open our car windows and let the odor of autumn refresh us!

  19. That view of yours never gets old. We went from a spell of an Indian Summer to feeling almost wintry overnight. And now it's wet! At least I've got less excuses to get on with emptying boxes! lol

  20. Amen ... music is a super trigger. I'm going to try doing a coffee rub on our next pork tenderloin -- there's 2 candidates in the freezer right now. As ever, thanks for these entertaining questions!

  21. I so miss the old days of sit coms and truly funny comedies without the mean spiritedness in there.

  22. Love your pic -- here in middle Alabama, it was 51 when I walked at 5:45 this morning and now it is 63 and the skies are blue and the sun is shining. It is going to warm up to 79!

  23. We've been entertaining this week, so I didn't participate in the Hodgepodge. But here are a couple of answers from me: Music is indeed very powerful. I can get quite depressed if I listen to certain music for very long.

    Coffee: one of my neighbors introduced me to iced coffee this past summer. Now I have to use great personal discipline to NOT buy it all the time!

    I enjoyed reading your answers, as always.
